2" Small Ganesha mask - Wall Hanging in Brass | Handmade | Made In India

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Usually shown in dynamic posture, Lord Ganesh in this brass wall hanging appears meditative, with his eyelids almost drooping. His head is grandly adorned with a mukut (crown) which is minutely decorated in beautiful patterns. 

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Item Code: ZEN204
Brass Statue
Height: 2 inch
Width: 2 inch
Depth: 1.8 inch
Weight: 180 gm
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Shipped to 153 countries
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100% Made in India
100% Made in India

The elephant head of our beloved Ganesh holds several deep meanings in itself. It is a peek into the character of Lord Ganesh and meditating upon it has been considered beneficial for those looking to learn from his life. The big head of the elephant is seen as symbolizing the vast amount of wisdom stored in it. The large, fan-like ears remind us that we should be good listeners, always paying attention to whatever is happening around us. The trunk signifies the ability to act upon wise decisions. One broken tusk of Lord Ganesh is a reminder of his contribution to the writing of the great epic- the Mahabharata with the sage Veda Vyasa. The ‘Om’ inscribed on the trunk highlights the omnipresent and all-powerful entity that lord Ganesh is. Like the sound of Om, everything began from him and will ultimately merge with him.  

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