How Dussehra is Celebrated in Different States of India

(Viewed 538 times since Nov 2023)

It was Treta Yuga when Supreme Lord Ram descended on the Earth to protect His devotees, kill the miscreants, and re-establish the Dharmic principles. Ravana was the king of Lanka but the kingdom did not seem to flourish. He was full of pride, envy, ego, anger, and greed. He looked down upon everyone and considered himself their master. Later, captivated by the beauty of Mother Sita, the wife of Lord Ram, he kidnapped Her and took Her to Lanka. Shri Ram then sent Hanuman Ji and Sugriva in all directions to search for Mother Sita.

Hanuman Ji took the mission of crossing the great Indian Ocean and finding Sita Mata. He burnt various places in Lanka and delivered Lord Ram’s message to Mother Sita. But Ravana was so engrossed in his pitiful actions that he did not care to take Hanuman’s warning seriously. In the end, Lord Ram came to Lanka and attacked Ravana with His powerful bow. As He released His Brahmastra, it sped like air and stroked the chest of the wicked Ravana taking his life air along with it.

Hanuman Gives Ramas Signet Ring to Sita | Mysore Painting by Anjali Ram

This day is celebrated as Dussehra or Ramachandra Vijayotsava. It is observed on the day of Vijaya Dashmi, the tenth day of the month of Ashwin. Dussehra is one of the most celebrated festivals in India. Culturally, socially, and traditionally, our country is diverse and people from different parts of India follow a unique way of celebrating this festival. Let us travel through the unique celebrations of different places.

Dussehra in Tamil Nadu

The celebration of the Dussehra festival in the state of Tamil Nadu is quite unique. The fusion of their traditional customs and the rituals of the festival is distinct. The people here celebrate Dussehra as Golu where they display colorful dolls and figurines in their homes. These displays typically represent gods and goddesses. The Golu display is followed by Saraswati Puja which is a significant part of the festival.

Assam Dussehra

The major attraction of Dussehra in Assam is the Vijayadashami processions in which various deities of gods and goddesses are featured that are accompanied by religious music, dance, and performances. Assamese people adorn themselves in their traditional attire and perform the folk dance “Bihu” as the parade proceeds. Women make delicious meals at their homes and invite their neighbors to share the dishes and sweets.

Credit: Pinterest

Himachal Pradesh Dussehra

Dussehra is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Himachal Pradesh and is typically known as “Kullu Dussehra”. Kullu Dussehra is a week-long celebration that features a grand procession of the deities of Lord Ram from various temples. These deities are set up on a beautifully decorated chariot and the people from various regions participate in the procession. Devotees dressed up in their traditional attire dance to the Bhajans of Lord Ram and this adds to the festive atmosphere.

Credit: Pinterest

Dussehra in Gujarat

The Gujaratis celebrate Dussehra after the lively nine-day-long Navratri festival. Garba and Raas dances are the prominent features of this festivity when people come together wearing colorful traditional outfits and dance joyfully to folk music. On the day of Dussehra, processions are witnessed in various regions of the state in which the deities of Lord Ram are displayed and His glorification is done. The devotees perform dance performances to music and kettledrums. In the evening, huge figures of the demon Ravana, his brother Kumbhakarna, and his son Meghnad are burnt. This symbolizes the victory of good over evil.

Credit: Flupedia

Vijayadashami in Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is a state which has many places where Lord Ram performed His glorious pastimes and are mentioned in the epic Ramayana. Ayodhya, a holy city in the state, is the birthplace of the Lord and this is where Dussehra is celebrated with great zeal and devotion. A massive ground is arranged where grand figures of the evil Ravana, Kumbhakarna, and Meghnad are established. 

Thousands and lakhs of people come and witness the burning of these effigies. Temples are beautifully decorated with lights and traditional ghee lamps. Processions are organized that feature Lord Ram, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman. Devotees worship these deities and sing the glories of Lord Ram. In this way, they are infused with the thoughts of the Lord and experience the greatest joy.


While the focus of the Dussehra festival is the same which is to celebrate the victory of Lord Ram over the demon Ravana, different regions or states of India observe the festival in a unique way reflecting the traditional and cultural diversity of people.

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