An invaluable piece of work on remedy pictures portrayed from author's own experience and well supported by generous quotes from Hahnemann, T.F. Allen, Hering, Burnett, Farrington, Kent and Clarke. Useful background to each drug picture has been provided with respect to its history, source, preparation. use and comparative aspect. Tyler's liberal inclusion of cases, articles and letters from multiple sources enriches each remedy picture and widens the scope of this work as a handy reference. A captivating writing style and sublime description of various particulars make this literature simply fascinating to read. 125 classical drug pictures collected together in one complete volume. Also included in these descriptions are quotes from the masters and real life clinical cases.
Dr Margaret Lucy Tyler was a graduate of both Edinburgh and Brussels Universities. She worked at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital for forty years. Her speciality was in treating the mentally challenged children. Tyler was a close associate of J.H. Clarke. She was author of ‘The Correspondence Course on Homoeopathy’. It was designed for those who could not attend the lectures at the Faculty of Homeopathy in person. She died on the 21st of June, 1943 at the age of 86 years.
The second edition of "Homoeopathic Drug Pictures" JS from the pen of the late Dr. Tyler is probably the most valuable contribution to the homoeopathic Materia Medica that has been written in our day.
The early compilations of drug provings were an unorganised collection of symptoms produced by drugs on the healthy together with clinical observations gathered from the experiences of physicians using the drugs.
In recent years many Materia Medicas have been composed to assist the practitioner to sort out this indiscriminate mass of drug symptoms and to bring to his help an apprehension of the nuances of each drug.
To this task, Dr. Tyler has brought a lifetime of experience and has put on record a Materia Medica which fulfils this need to a high degree. Her drug studies are terse and exact.
This magnum opus was written in under ten years; a remark- able tribute to her industry and to her gift of presenting the in- sight she had acquired into the essence of each drug’s activity on the sick.
It is not surprising that such an intrepid homoeopathic physician as Dr. Tyler should have interpolated into her book various theories which were in vogue in her time in support of the homoeopathic principle, for instance the applicability of the Arndt- Schulz law to the doctrine Similia Similibus Curentur. But the real and en- during value of her work lies in that her genius enabled her to give a pattern to each drug which can be readily equated with the pattern of the patient’s symptoms; his reactions, environmental, physical and emotional. The similarity between the configuration of the sick patient’s symptoms and that of the drug is an approach especially congenial to the British School of Homoeopathy of to day.
We are fortunate to have Dr. Tyler’s vast knowledge set down in this book which will remain of abiding value to every practitioner of our art.
Once again, we salute the memory of a great lady and a great homoeopathic physician.
On Adam, we are told, was laid the task of naming all things living: a tremendous opportunity and responsibility: since things nameless are lost to any wide use, while things misnamed are hurtfully mislaid.
The choice of a name for his epoch-making discovery in Medicine devolved on Hahnemann, who, being a man of erudition, was able to express, for all time and for all the world, in happy Greek phrase, at once its powers and its possibilities. It was the Medicine of LIKES, the Medicine of the cure of LIKES BY LIKES— HOMOEOPATHY. Perfect name! Perfect description!
That was the first stage—incontrovertible, yet incomplete, as he was to discover; when remedies, in certain individual cases, after first apparently curing, presently failed. Why? . . . Success spells FINIS: partial failure goads to fresh effort. So it was here. And eleven years of intense work and verifications enabled him to further reveal The Origin and Nature of Chronic Diseases, and the Manner of their Cure.
But the times were not ripe for such teachings, and his followers have, more or less, failed to follow. Essentials have been whittled down. Even the Law of Healing is, for some, a mere Rule. And the power he envisaged for the healing of the nations has been, to some extent, neglected—even called in question.
As to the initial part of his revelation, which concerns the Medicine of Likes, that goes without saying.
The merest tyro must grasp the fact that you cannot, for instance, cure chronic constipation with purgatives: this the centuries have demonstrated, and—the chemists still flourish.
In the same way that you cannot cure constipation by purgatives, you cannot cure sleeplessness by hypnotics,—except, perhaps, where it is merely the question of breaking a habit; nor pain by analgesics. To cure, you must not merely deaden sensation, but cut at the root, at the cause of the pain. This is self-evident when we reflect that a thing CURED, is cured, and does not demand ever-readjusted dosage to keep up the fiction.
On the other hand you can cure simple constipation by the agent capable of causing just that kind of constipation; sleeplessness by the very same subversive agent that can cause that kind of inability to sleep, and so on. One recalls the story of the miserable insomniac, huddled away behind closed shutters and heavy curtains, lest his remorseless enemy, note- even the slightest noise, should penetrate to re-awake consciousness, irritability—despair. To whom came a wise man o not only medicine but psychology, who ordered him away to spend his nights in a dockyard; where heavy HAMMERINGS never ceased, and where his terrors, perforce, had to give it up when he was cured. And again, recently, a treatment for shell shock is to employ gramophone records reproducing all the horrific noises associated with modem warfare, in order to restore, by the familiarity which breeds contempt, the shattered nerves of war victims. If this is not pure Homoeopathy, what is?
Great satisfaction lies in the knowledge that it is possible to discover curative agents for each curable case, by means of the testing ("proving") of drugs, as we have been taught to test them. But not on animals, which cannot supply the symptom-picture we need; and not on the sick of diverse diseases, who can, at best, yield only a medley of drug-plus-disease symptoms, impossible to disentangle and inscribe for the permanent use of humanity. But Homoeopathy investigates and records the effect of drugs on healthy, sensitive humans, who can supply the exact information desired.
One feels regret for the enthusiastic expectatica that seeks otherwise to discover the effects of medicines, with no law as to their application, in order that it may, some day, somehow, be able to employ them with a reasonable prospect of success... . for is it not thus that Medicine has painfully evolved itself?—now dogmatizing; now doubting; now discarding in favour of a new hope; till Hahnemann came on the scene to upset every preconceived opinion, tradition or teaching contrary to FACTS. Till his day it seems never to have occurred to "science" to test remedies on healthy persons, and thus discover their precise effects on human organs, tissues and mentalities, before prescribing them for the sick. Is it not self-evident that knowledge of diseases and knowledge of drug-action are of little value, lacking the essential fore- knowledge, how to apply the one for the relief of the other.
But, while considering the cure of curable sickness by the Therapy of Likes, there are incurable cases of disease, or results of disease. You cannot put back lung tissue that has ulcerated out, any more than you can readjust an amputated limb, so that it shall survive and functionate normally. But, for the most incurable conditions, the Medicine of Likes still holds good. It may, and does, palliate, and indefinitely prolong life. What is left of the ulcerated lung may heal and suffice to carry on with—even for years. Besides which, who shall dogmatize as to what is incurable? Homoeopathy in the hands of courageous, enthusiastic and imaginative physicians, can narrow down the range of incurability: can even work seeming miracles of healing.
Homoeopathy has been described under different names, some of them the reverse of complimentary, since Hahnemann fitted it with that name of perfect expression, in order that no one should ever mistake its nature, or pervert its purpose.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Acupuncture & Acupressure (204)
Gem Therapy (23)
Homeopathy (503)
Massage (22)
Naturopathy (431)
Original Texts (223)
Reiki (60)
Therapy & Treatment (165)
Tibetan Healing (133)
Yoga (41)
हिन्दी (1129)
Ayurveda (3046)
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