This book deals with the inner teachings of the Philosophy and Religion of India. It talks about the contribution of India to the world in terms of language, philosophy through Vedas and Upanishads, spirituality, the theory of the One Supreme Soul, etc. The Sankhya system. The meaning of the term 'Sankhya', the basic proposition of the Sankhya System, which is known as Prakriti and Purusha have been discussed in detail. Advaita school of Vedanta, founded by Sankaracharya, Vishishtadvaita School of Ramanuja, Maya, Brahman, Avidya or ignorance, the Rupa, Prana, Linga Sharira, Buddhi, Atman and the theory of Reincarnation and Karma have been discussed in detail. It throws light upon the Patanjali's Yoga System, commonly known as Yoga system. It talks about other miner systems such as the Vaisheshika System, the Purva Mimansa System, the Nyaya System and Agnostic and Materialistic Systems, Charvakas. It throws light upon Sufism, which the philosophical and religious system of a large body of Mystics sheltered beneath the wing of the Mohamenedan religion. What is Sanatana, Avatar, Law of Karma, Rebirth, Maya, Samsara have been touched. And Shiva, Vishnu, Lingum, Shakta worship Vaishnavas, Shaivas are the discussed ones as well. Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj and Prarthana Samaj have been touched under the Theistic Sects. It discusses the Vedas such as Rig-Veda, Yajurveda, Sarna-Veda, and Atharva- Veda, the Brahmanas, the Upanishads such as Brihadaranyaka, Chhandogya, Aitareya, Kaushitaki, Taittiriya, Katha and Mandukya, etc. This chapters also talks about the pronunciation of Sanskrit.
This book is composed of the inner teachings of the Philosophy and Religion of India.
Chapter-I talks about the contribution of India to the world in terms of language, philosophy through Vedas and Upanishads, spirituality, the theory of the One Supreme Soul, etc. How western philosophies got influenced by the Hindu Philosophy, what is Atma (soul) are discussed in this chapter in detail.
Chapter-II is about the inner teachings by the great sages. How the sages gathered around them the most intelligent young men to forumulate and expound philosophy of pure reason. Aspect of ultimate reality, attributes of Reality Laws of Nature are talked about in a very lucid manner. Theory of Reincarnation, Rebirth of Soul and Meempsychosis is also explained in the chapter.
Chapter-III deals with the great system of Hindu philosophy knows as. The Sankhya system. The meaning of the term 'Sankhya', the basic proposition of the Sankhya System, which is known as Prakriti and Purusha have been discussed in detail. The charge of atheism against the Sankhyas also discussed. Similarity of the Buddhist teachings with those of the Sankhyas. Doctrine of love and hate of atoms which explained the mutual attraction and repulsion of the particles which are evident through the universe, and which action and reaction account for the greater part of the physical phenomena. Three Gunas-Satva, Rajas, Tamas-with their effects have been thrown sufficient light upon. Besides, twenty-four Tattvas or principles, five Tanamatras, the Manas or Mental Substance have also been discussed.
Chapter-IV talks about the leading school of Hindu philosophy in India, the Vedanta System, which also bears the name of Uttara Mimamsa. It is discussed how the Vedanta prostulates the existence of THAT or Brahman, as the only Reality and only Existence. Advaita school of Vedanta, founded by Sankaracharya, Vishishtadvaita school of Ramanuja, Maya, Brahman, Avidya or ignorance, the Rupa, Prana, Linga Sharira, Buddhi, Atman and the theory of Reincarnation and Karma have been discussed in detail.
Chapter- V throws light upon the Patanjali's Yoga System, commonly known as Yoga system. It discusses the existence of a world Purusha, Universal Soul, Personal God or Ishwara. It also discusses the subject of Chitta or Mind-Stuff, Mind of Thought (Manas), the determinative faculty (buddhi), the Self- consciousness (ahamkara), etc. In addition are discussed Eight Steps leading to Attainment-Self-control (yama), Religious Duty (niyama), postures (asana), Control of the Prana (pranayama), Control of the Mind (dharana), Meditation (dhyana), Transcendental Contemplation (samadhi), etc. Ida, Pingala, Kumdalini, Raja Yoga, and Hatha Yoga have also been discussed.
Chapter- VI talks about other miner systems such as the Vaisheshika System, the Purva Mimansa System, the Nyaya System and Agnostic and Materialistic Systems, Charvakas. Drava or Substance, Guna or Qualities, Karma or action, Samanya or Generality, Vishesha or Atomic Individuality, etc.are discussed under Vaisheshika System. The Freedom of the Soul by means of the Observance of the orthodox rites, ceremonies, worship, prayer, etc. are discussed under the I Purva Mimansa System. And, Materialism is discussed under the Charvakas.
Chapter- VII Source of Pain and way of Escape, Renunciation of Life by the killing out of Desire, Karmic Cause and Effect etc. It also talks about the four truths of Salvation such as the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of Suffering, the truth of the Cessation of Suffering and the Truth of the path that leads to the cessation of suffering.
Chapter- VIII throws light upon Sufism, which the philosophical and religious system of a large body of Mystics sheltered beneath the wing of the Mahomenedan religion. This chapter contains the teachings of Suficism, union with God, Consciousness Ecstasy, or Illumination, absorbtion in the Divine (Fanah Fillah), Mystic Teachings (shariat), the following of the Mystic Path (tariqat) etc. Besides, some incidents of the famous sufis have also been spoken about.
Chapter-IX is composed of the philosophical idiology of the Religions of India. What is Sanatana, Avatar, Law of Karma, Rebirth, Maya, Samsara have been touched. And Shiva, Vishnu, Lingum, Shakta worship Vaishnavas, Shaivas are the discussed ones as well.
Chapter-X speaks about the Religions in India with their branches such as the Shaivas, the Vaishnavas, the Shaktas, the Sikhs, the jains, the Theistic Sect, ramakrishna, Hindu Religions images and the Ram Avatar and the Krishna Avatar with short stories of their life. Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj and Prarthana Samaj have been touched under the Theistic Sects.
Chapter-XI talks about the wonder-working exploits of the ascended masters or yogis or fakins. How they are possessed of high spiritued powers, the telepathic powers etc. Their ability to defy the gravitation power and the way of chanting can change the movement of some thing. Also discussed are Prana, Rhythemic Breathing and Concentrated will.
Chapter XII discusses the Vedas such as Rig-Veda, Yajurveda, Sarna-Veda, and Atharva-Veda, the Brahmanas, the Upanishads such as Brihadaranyaka, Chandogya, Aitareya, Kaushitaki, Taittiriya, Katha and Mandukya, etc. This chapter also talks about the pronunciation of Sanskrit.
Chapter XIII explains the glossary of Sanskrit terms.
Vedas (1289)
Upanishads (480)
Puranas (609)
Ramayana (832)
Mahabharata (330)
Dharmasastras (163)
Goddess (472)
Bhakti (241)
Saints (1285)
Gods (1274)
Shiva (341)
Journal (143)
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