His plump belly, ocean like waist and long upper cloth make him look cozy and comfortable. The necklaces he dons are extremely beautiful and vary in sizes. His armlets and bangles are classy and his winsome attitude is adding an ease to his posture. On the right a wide-neck pot is brimming with laddoos while on the left his disciple rat is busy eating one of them. Colorful and fresh flowers lying on the carpet add a soothing fragrance to the environment. According to legend Veda Vyasa dictated Mahabharata to Ganesha and he actually wrote it down on paper.
His jumbo big ears and elegant long trunk easily grab our attention and tells us about his witty and humorous nature. The golden crown on his head with circular domes beaded with stones and diamonds is surrounded by his luminous aura. The painting is vividly colorful and reflects the pleasure and ease of Lord Ganesha and his surroundings. Also the orange background creates cheerful atmosphere. Everything in the painting is full of relish and disperses optimism and creativity of an era. This splendid painting also tells us that Lord Ganesha is a very calm writer. The soothing pleasure sprinkling from his face is definitely miles away from fake pleasures of our modern luxurious world.
The artist of this painting is Shri Manohar Saini of Kishangarh.
This description by Abhishek Bhatanagar.
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