Sunset Painting by Shraddha Shirsat | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas

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Shraddha Shirsat's Acrylic on Stretched Canvas masterfully captures the breathtaking spectacle of a sunset, unveiling nature's palette in a three-layered symphony. The initial layer bathes the sky in serene blue, setting the stage for the ensuing drama. As the eye travels, the canvas transforms with the warm embrace of orange and red hues, mirroring the sun's descent.

The strategic inclusion of black in the composition, representing negotiation, adds depth and complexity, offering viewers a unique perspective on the interplay between day and night. This painting not only celebrates the beauty of a sunset but also invites contemplation on the dynamic balance inherent in nature's transitions.

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Item Code: DDG908
Artist: Shraddha Shirsat
Acrylic on stretched canvas
Dimensions 4 inch height X 4 inch width
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100% Made in India
100% Made in India
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