, the science of numbers, is based on the theory that each number has special characteristics that can influence the personality and destiny of an individual. In numerology; your name is an important clue to your character. You can change your name, or perhaps just the spelling of your name, and thereby change the course of your life.
Of all the sciences of prediction, numerology is the easiest to learn and the simplest to practise. An aid to the study of character and personality, it helps you to lead life more successfully, avoiding the pitfalls.
Secrets of Numerology, based on true-life cases, unfolds the Indian system of this occult science. It will enable you to make your own numerical chart and analyse your character, know your past, present and future, and your right vocation. It will help you achieve happiness and success, be it in love, marriage or business. And isn’t that what we all want?
Dr. Ravindra Kumar is a PhD in mathematics from IIT Delhi. He is also a practising numerologist and has established an Institute of Numerology for research in the subject.
Numerology, the science of numbers, delves into a world where numbers take a profound meaning. It is one of the easiest branches of occult sciences that one can learn and follow. Each number corresponds with special characteristics that can influence the personality and destiny of an individual. You can interpret your numerological pattern, select your key numbers and chalk out a roadmap that leads to happiness and prosperity.
In Secrets of Numerology, two famous numerologists team up to reveal the meaning of numbers in people's lives. Among the book's features are real-life examples; information on major and minor numbers; working numerical charts and help on personal and professional fronts. So take this journey of self-discovery of numbers and add it all up to live a better life.
Dr. Ravindra Kumar pursued numerology and spirituality and is, today, a practicing Numerologist with a huge following. He is a PhD in mathematics from IIT, Delhi, and has taught mathematics in some of the world's best universities and written books on engineering, mathematics and spirituality. He has worked as Professor of Comparative Religion at Belk Research Foundation, Charlotte, USA; and Professor and Head, Department of Yoga Philosophy and Meditation, Hindu University of Vedic Sciences, Tampa, Florida, USA. His books on Life after Death have been transtated and published in various languages of the world. He provides spiritual guidance to break the chain of repeated births and achieve oneness with God.
Dr. Manoj Kumar has studied Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vaastu-Feng Shui and Past Life Regression and is now teaching, authoring books and providing consultancy. He has trained/studied at Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan under the guidance of Shri K. N. Rao, a renowned astrologer, and is a postgraduate in history and public administration with a PhD.
Interest in discovering the hidden rules of nature and cosmos begins in a certain life time and it comes to surface in black and white at a certain stage of maturity. After a constant persuasion through several incarnations one gels the revelation in different ways and forms. When the third eye is opened one can see his/her previous incarnations in a row and understand the mystical unfoldment of the self. This is how Paul Twitchell, the leader of Eckankar and J. Krishnamurti, the world teacher prepared by Annie Besant and Lead beater could clearly see their associations with the old master Pythagoras several life times ago. Later they received initiations from other Gurus till they reached the life in which they got the realisation of the truth.
Our souls remember all past associations and that is why we love and adore some ancient personalities without explainable reasons. We appreciate their work and further their studies with our own giving them a new shape. Pythagoras was an all-round personality with a two-fold development—spiritual and numerological. On one side he realised the self as a soul, heard the ‘music of spheres’ and achieved liberation from falsehood. On the other side he saw the Universe connected with numbers and formed the ‘science of numbers’ for the analysis of character, past, present and future. However, in the state of realisation one can see his/her own ‘akashic records’ of the patterns of lives, and for that matter the records of others’ lives too, if and when interested. But the reading of akashic records is always for the purpose of spiritual development. As for the reading connected with worldly matters one has to resort to the approximate methods of calculation like astrology, palmistry, numerology, tarot cards, shadow reading and so on. By whatever method the reading is made the results are more or less congruent.
A natural question asked by several people is—’for how long have I been interested in this field.’ My answer is—since childhood, as far as this life time is concerned. I used to meditate for about fifteen minutes from the time I used to go to school. Suddenly I started meditating for several hours a day during my lonely life in Africa since the year 1981. I got experience with the ‘Kundalini’ in the year 1987 when I was at the University of Zimbabwe. Soon after that I started writing in two directions—spiritually and numerologically. Accordingly, two books were accomplished, one being named Destiny, Science and God, the other, Secrets of Numerology. The first one deals with the spiritual side while the second one is the present volume.
My interest was initially in palmistry until I came across some books on Numerology in an old book shop around British Museums in London during 1973. And suddenly I was so deeply engrossed in the study as if a lost treasure was found by me. Eventually, I started making Numerical Charts for friends and relatives and continued to get the feedback from them. However, for the last fifteen years I have been working almost as a professional wherever I lived in Europe, Middle East, Africa or India.
My special attention was focused on the ‘Event Number’ which described precisely what is happening to you at present. With the same precision you can know about the past few years and the coming few years. I had a very absorbing life in this direction in Zimbabwe where I was on the air and in the press too. A particular incarnation is a finite projection of the infinite life of the soul in the higher realms of Cosmos. The soul adopts various lives on earth to learn various lessons till perfection is achieved and then it lives on the higher non-physical planes of existence for higher purposes. On those planes there is no dependence on physical factors like food, cloth or sex for happiness. However, this is a subject of separate exploration.
The whole book has been divided into seven chapters. The first two chapters are concerned with the understanding of ‘Numbers and their Meanings.’ Chapter 3 is given to the analysis of character and finding the degree of fame or infamy in a person. Chapter 4 teaches how to make the Numerical Chart and how to read the past, present and future. Chapter 5 gives the meanings of Event Numbers, and the Letters behind them. It contains an exclusive table of month by month happenings which gives the direction to the reader if consulted in the beginning of every month.
Chapter 6 and 7 are result-oriented chapters with particular fields of interest Two persons planning to marry or to go into a business partnership can know about their mutual compatibility and decide whether they should or should not form the relationship. One can know about the vocation, lucky numbers, health etc. Colours are directly related to the numbers and one can know about his/her lucky colours and stones for success in a particular field. One can find out which number of the house, car etc., is going to meet his/her interests successfully and which number can prove disastrous.
By a suitable change of the name the events can be considerably affected. The Major Frames of Events are fixed according to Destiny. However, with a proper choice of time and number in a particular venture the positive aspects can be enhanced and the negative aspects can be reduced. I have seen this happen in many cases. Moreover, if the Event Number is incompatible you can avoid heavy investments while ii it is harmonious you can increase the investments. So you know in advance how to live with the Number with minimum resistance. Certainly Numerology is the easiest of the sciences of us kind.
During the past fifteen years I must have done thousands of cases. Out of those eighty cases have been picked up for illustration of the fact that the destiny is fixed in its major frame and things happen without our control over them. This forms Chapter II of the book Destiny, Science and God. However, necessary though fewer illustrations with far greater details have been chosen for this book. Permission has been taken from the individuals who have been quoted here.
The name Ravindra Kumar totals to 7 Destiny Number showing that it is natural for me to be involved in this kind of works. We have ventured to procure an Institute of Numerology in Delhi for the benefit of those who are interested in learning the subject seriously. Individual cases are attended and council provided by the associates at the Institute to further research and consolidates the Science of Numbers for the benefit of mankind.
It is suggested that the readers should verify the fact presented by their own calculations and write to us for the improvement of this science. All kinds of suggestions are very much welcome with thanks. We will also be grateful for any mistakes pointed out herein.
Our thanks are due to the late Dr. Juno Jordan of California whose work has been the source of inspiration for us. I went to see her during one of my visits to USA only to know that she expired recently at the ripe old age of eithty-four. I am greatly indebted to the loving Master Pythagoras and my parents for my internal growth. Thanks are also due to my brothers, especially Raghvendra Singh and my son Atul Singh for carrying out my duties and responsibilities whenever I was out of the country. Last but not least I wish to thank my wife for her help in the venture. The members of the Institute of Numerology in Delhi wish all readers success in understanding the Science of Numbers and in acquiring the expertise by themselves.
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