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Get introduced to one of the oldest languages in the world, Sanskrit, and its rich legacy

Ancient Hindu Sanskrit writing is of two main types: six orthodox heads and four secular heads. The six orthodox segments form the legitimate sacred scriptures of the Hindus. The four secular segments exemplify the later improvements in conventional Sanskrit literature. 

The six scriptures are: 

(i) Srutis

(ii) Smritis

(iii) Itihasas

(iv) Puranas

(v) Agamas

(vi) Darsanas


The four secular writings are 

(i) Subhashitas

(ii) Kavyas

(iii) Natakas

(iv) Alankaras

There is a huge corpus of writing in Sanskrit covering a wide scope of subjects. The earliest arrangements are from the Vedic texts. There are additionally significant works of drama and verse, albeit the specific dates of large numbers of these works and their makers have not been conclusively settled. The Hindu way of life finds its roots in the Sruti, its trunk in the Smritis, Itihasas, and Puranas, and the Agamas and Darshanas become its branches; and the Subhashitas, Kavyas, Natakas, and Alankaras become the beautiful blossoms on the tree that represents the Hindu way of life. 

The Smritis, the Itihasas, the Puranas, the Agamas, and the Darsanas are just developed forms of the Veda. Their definitive source is the Veda. Their common target is to empower a man to obliterate his obliviousness and accomplish flawlessness, opportunity, interminability, and timeless delight through intensive educated knowledge of God or the Eternal. The Hindu sacrosanct texts are primarily divided into Shruti ("What Is Heard") and Smriti ("What Is Remembered"). The Sruti — which incorporates the Vedas and Upanishads — are viewed as divinely roused while the Smriti — which incorporates the Mahabharata (counting the Bhagavad Gita) and Ramayana — are derived from incredible sages. A few sources incorporate a third class: Nyaya (signifying 'rationale'). Hindu Shruti-Smriti groupings depend on the beginning not on the method of transmission. In this way, shruti infers something heard straightforwardly from the Gods by the sages while smriti alludes to what was on paper and recalled. Shruti is viewed as more legitimate than smriti in light of the fact that the former is accepted to have been gotten straightforwardly from God by the otherworldly encounters of Vedic soothsayers and has no translations.


Q1. What are the primary texts of Hinduism written in Sanskrit?

There are five essential consecrated texts of Hinduism, each related to a phase of Hinduism's advancement. They are: 1) the "Vedic Verses", written in Sanskrit between 1500 to 900 B.C.; 2) the "Upanishads", composed 800 and 600 B.C.; 3) the "Laws of Manu", composed around 250 B.C.; and 4) "Ramayana" and 5) the "Mahabharata", composed at some point between 200 B.C. furthermore, A.D. 200 when Hinduism was advocated for the general population.

Q2. Is Sanskrit still used as a spoken language today?

Sanskrit is presently spoken by under 1% of Indians and is for the most part utilized by Hindu priests during strict religious functions. It's one of the main dialects in only one Indian state, Uttarakhand in the north, which is spotted with authentic Hindu temple towns. One reason for Sanskrit being restricted to a little circle of individuals was the narrow casteist mindset of pandits. They never permitted the language to reach the commoners. Thus, India doesn't have Sanskrit as its official language, similar to French in Francophone nations and Arabic in West Asia. Sanskrit's usage declined among commoners after it stopped being a vehicle of information creation in the middle age period. This was the chief justification behind its downfall. It was the development of vernaculars in the archaic ages that scratched Sanskrit's possibilities of spreading. At the point when a language isn't utilized by ordinary citizens, it becomes a dying language.

Q3. How many religious books are there?


There are many religious books that describe the knowledge of the world and its creator (God) and the different ways to approach Him. These books are not considered ordinary but are known as sacred or holy. Different religions have their respective religious or holy books. Quran is the holy book of Islam, the texts of which are considered the words of Allah (the Almighty). It contains 114 chapters or Surahs that are organized into verses or Ayat. Similarly, the holy books of Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism are Bhagwat Geeta, Bible, Torah, and Pali Canon respectively. You can easily find these books on Exotic India.

Q4. Which holy book is written in Sanskrit?


The Vedas (Sanskrit: वेदः, lit. 'Knowledge') are ancient Sanskrit texts of Hinduism. There are four Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. Each Veda has 4 subdivisions-


1.) The Samhitas (mantras and benedictions)


2.) The Aranyakas (text on rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices, and symbolic-sacrifices)


3.) The Brahmanas (commentaries on rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices)


4.) The Upanishads (texts discussing meditation, philosophy and spiritual knowledge)


Some scholars add a fifth category – the Upasana's (worship) Vedas are śruti ("what is heard"), distinguishing them from other religious texts, which are called smti ("what is remembered").


Hindus consider the Vedas to be apaurueya, which means "not of a man, superhuman" and "impersonal, authorless," revelations of sacred sounds and texts heard by ancient sages after intense meditation.