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The cosmic connection between planets and astrology

It all started with curiosity, the curiosity of man to study the patterns of stars and celestial bodies. This led to the discovery of certain movements of planets and stars such as revolution, rotation and the appearance of comets. While at first, these phenomena were recorded as celestial events that happened in space, it was later seen that these events had effects on Earth as well. Furthermore, these planets and celestial events were related to features of one’s personality. This resulted in the birth of the art form - Astrology. 

It was seen that the patterns of these planets and celestial bodies had predictive elements to them. It had certain features that described a person’s characteristics and compatibility with other people. While this is a well-known fact today, there have since been many other discoveries with respect to the relationship between planets and astrology today. Today, planets are used as symbols along with zodiac signs to give us a better understanding of our lives. 

The 7 Planets and what they rule:

  • Sun - The luminary of life and self

On an individual level the sun is representative of the ego, personality and spirit while in terms of life, the sun depicts energy levels and collective focus. 

  • Moon - The luminary of emotions

In terms of the self, it represents your inner world and your soul while on a more grand scale, when it comes to life, the moon indicates humankind and their moods as a species.

  • Mercury - The planet of the mind

Within you, it depicts the way your mind works and the ways in which you communicate and in terms of life, it depicts the mental patterns, economy and media of humankind as a collective.

  • Venus - The planet of beauty 

When it comes to the self, Venus is representative of a person’s love language and their aesthetics, however, in terms of life, Venus depicts humankind’s sense of connection as a whole.

  • Mars - The planet of action

Mars represents one’s perseverance and determination and in life, depicts humankind’s general archetypes related to aggression. 

  • Jupiter - The planet of expansion 

Within the self, Jupiter represents how luck manifests in one’s life and in life, Jupiter is connotative of the general sense of optimism and growth in humankind. 

  • Saturn - The planet of structure 

Saturn represents how one learns life lessons and how they take responsibility for their actions, while in life, it represents the structures of the world.



Q1. How do the different time zones impact Sun Signs? 

The time zone you’re located in does not have any significant impact on your Sun Sign, your Sun Sign is determined by the exact location you were in when you were born only. Astrology relies on the ecliptic, meaning the circular path that the Sun appears to follow over the course of a year. 

Q2. How does Mercury Retrograde cause an effect on Earth, when it is merely an illusion?

In definition, Retrograde, is an optical illusion that causes a planet to slow down and eventually come to halt. During this phenomenon, the traits and themes related to the planet are felt in a perturbed way, thus bringing on adversity for particular zodiac signs. The answer to this question is fairly simple. In Astrology, planets are not seen as literal forces that control our feelings and emotions, it’s more of a symbolic relationship that exists between the planets and astrology, so in Retrograde, its symbolic of how the planets move backwards and stand still which causes an effect in our lives as well.

Q3. What is the easiest way to memorize the planets?


The planets, in order of their distance outward from the Sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.


An easy way to remember the order of the planets is to use a special sentence, such as:


(The first letter of each word is the first letter of each planet).


>> My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles.


>> Men Very Easily Make Jugs Serve Useful Needs, Perhaps.


>> My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.


>> My Very Elegant Mother Just Sat Upon Nine Porcupines.


>> My Very Easy Method Just Shows Us Nine Planets.


>> My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets.


Many of these mnemonics were made obsolete in 2006, with Pluto's demotion to dwarf planet.

Q4. What are questions about planets?


There are numerous questions on Planets:


>> Which is the planet nearest to the sun?


>> Which is the planet farthest from the sun?


>> Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?


>> Which is the largest planet in our solar system?


>> Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?


>> Which of these is the coldest planet in our solar system?


>> Which is called the “Red Planet” in our solar system?


>> Which planet has the highest number of moons?


>> Which planet(s) is/are with no moons?


>> Which planet is with two moons?


>> Phobos and Deimos are the natural satellites of which planet?


>> How many moons does Uranus have?


>> Which planet is called the evening/morning star?

Q5. How are planets useful to us?


>> From the atmospheres of other planets, we can learn how our atmosphere could be affected in the future by dust, carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid, etc.


>> Everything humans have needed to survive and thrive- food, water, medicine, and materials for shelter has been provided by the natural world around us.


>> These planets emit rays, just as the sun does. Just as the sun's light and movement influence life on earth by creating different seasons and climates, so does the movement of the planets organize our mind, emotions, senses, and systems of our physical body.


>> Planets and Horoscopes help identify Chakra energy, physical, mental, and emotional strength, and diseases in the human body. Every planet is connected with respective chakras in our astral body.


Q6. What are the 3 rules for the planet?


Scientists spent a lot of time arguing over what a planet is. In 2006, they came up with a definition. They said a planet must do three things.


>> It must orbit a star (in our cosmic neighborhood, the Sun).


>> It must be big enough to have enough gravity to force it into a spherical shape.


>> It must be big enough that its gravity cleared away any other objects of similar size near its orbit around the Sun.


In general, planets are the largest objects in the solar system after the Sun. Most of them orbit the Sun in a path shaped like a circle. They also have an atmosphere or a layer of gasses surrounding them.