31 inch Height x 16.2 inch Width x 10.5 inch Depth
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32 inch Height x 21.5 inch Width x 11 inch Depth
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Durga in Ferocious Form Subduing Apasmara
2.8 ft X 1.4 ft X 0.5 ft
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Protector Deity of South India
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Goddess Kali
2.9 ft x 1.8 ft x 0.6 ft
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Experience the incredible power and ferocity of the wrathful Hindu deities that fill you up with strength and power

A very early myth speaks about Kali's creation including Durga/Devi, who made Parvati, a delightful goddess, to help fight and stifle fiendish spirits. Parvati unhesitatingly walked into battle, yet when she came face to face with the devils, her wrathful avatar, Ma Kali took the center stage.

The wrathful warrior Kali not just executed the evil spirits, she also gulped some in her huge mouth. Kali is in this manner frequently portrayed with blood-soaked lips, holding or decorated with a laurel of skulls, and grasping weapons.

In different portrayals, Kali is portrayed with four, eight, or ten arms; a wild appearance — wrathful energy in her frenzied look and disheveled hair. Kali is frequently depicted standing over her husband, Shiva, the Hindu lord of annihilation, with one foot on his leg and the other on his chest. This position proposes the story of Shiva throwing himself under her feet to stop her wrathful obliteration.

Kali is accepted to be the nebulous energy of Shiva's crushing powers; the couple is frequently portrayed in sexual association or dancing, which proposes Kali is the female partner to Shiva; together they symbolize the dynamic idea of the world.

She fills in as a representation of death's certainty, which empowers acknowledgment and eliminates the fear surrounding it. She is likewise a goddess of time and is the guardian frequently called upon during catastrophes and scourges.

As a representation of productivity, she symbolizes the patterns of nature, and can likewise be deciphered as a consistent creator, taking life to give new life. As an annihilator, Kali kills what stands as an obstruction in the path of a human being's pure soul and harmony in both life and demise, like fiendishness, obliviousness, and selfishness.

Kali and the wrathful deities of the Hindu culture are a constant reminder that when appropriately channeled using tantric practices, the misdirected wrathful mystic energy of negative feelings can be changed into an all the more profoundly useful form and used against hatred itself so as to eliminate it completely. 

In the wrathful Nataraja avatar, Lord Shiva is displayed as the wellspring of all movement inside the universe and as the god whose Judgment day dance, symbolized by the flames, complements the disintegration of the universe toward the end of an era.

His dance of creation is said to have been staged in Chidambaram (a significant Shaiva spot in South India), a spot that is related to both the focal point of the universe and the human heart.

The dance symbolizes Shiva's five exercises (panchakritya): creation (represented by the drum), assurance (by the "fear not" posture of the hand), obliteration (by the fire), epitome (by the foot planted on the ground), and delivery (by the foot held high).

The strands of Lord Shiva's hair are mixed with blossoms, a skull, a bow moon, and the figure of Ganga (the Ganges River embodied as a goddess). In exemplary Sanskrit compositions on dance, this form, the most well-known portrayal of Nataraja, is known as the bhujungatrasa ("shaking of the snakes").


Q1. Where should the statues of wrathful deities be kept at home?

Nataraja Statue can be put in the Northeast direction of a true devotee's home, appropriately named the Ishanya. The statue of Goddess Kali and other wrathful deities can also be safely placed in a devotee's home, given the fact that they are properly worshipped and taken utmost care of. 

Q2. What do wrathful deities symbolize?

Wrathful gods in the Hindu culture can be alarming, gigantic, and devilish— yet they are the "heroes." People who may be nonchalantly keen on Hinduism are many times perplexed, even astonished, by Tantric Deities portrayed as savage personas. They could appear to be practically satanic, wearing human heads, various alarming countenances, frequently stepping on human beings.

According to a psychological perspective, "underneath the outer display lies significant importance. It's challenging to appreciate from the beginning, yet as we continue looking for a method to understand, Tantra and these wrathful deities can be of incredible importance.