As we know Cancer is a health hazard of present era, the whole world is worried about it and researches are being carried out intensively globally for tackling this disease.
This chronic and critical disease finds a brief mention in the ancient Ayurvedic literature in the 'Arbud' chapter because this wasn't a very well known disease then. But decades after, some authors have mentioned it as 'Karkatarbud'. The present day Ayurvedic physicians are treating this disease based on the 'Dosh-Dushya theory' by using various herbal, herbo-mineral and animal origin products.
I remember my first critical case of cancer that of Liver in the year 1978 which was brought to me after rejection of further treatment. I accepted the challenge and started treating him. I succeeded in this case which boosted my self confidence.
Thereafter I have treated more than 1000 cases of cancer, where I have succeeded fully or partly through the Ayurvedic treatment that is mentioned here in the book.
I have attended various conferences and seminars, presented papers, also many of my articles have been published in various souvenirs, journals and magazines in this regard. Later on I realized that there is need to have a book on cancer with Ayurvedic concept to impart the knowledge I have gained to today's world.
With this background in my mind I started working on this book along with my Assistant Doctors and have tried to incorporate as many subjects possible related to Ayurvedic science and cancer. I know that this is not the first or the last book on cancer but I have tried to impart my practical knowledge to the greatest extent I can.
I hope this book will be an eye opener for students, teachers and researchers of Ayurveda and Modern science as well.
It's no secret that cancer has become one of the highest threats to human health. Around the globe, the incidence of cancer is increasing leaps and bounds. It isn't uncommon to find a cancer patient in every family. No one seems to understand the reason for the rapid increase in prevalence of this deadly disease. Modern science has made great strides in treating the condition. However, cure for cancer remains far-fetched. The treatments have become more specific with lesser side effects for handful of cancers. However, for most others the class of drugs has remained the same for the last 40+ years. Having spent number of years researching the molecular mechanisms that putatively play a role in cancer metastasis, I have come to accept that modern science is down a path that is a bit too narrow minded. The pursuit of finding specific molecular targets for each and every cancer type is probably unrealistic since most mechanisms overlap. They are not functioning in isolation.
The need is to understand the disease holistic ally. To be open minded, and embrace what our age old sciences have long unraveled about the mysteries of human pathology, specifically cancer. The need is to understand and be able to interpret the knowledge as presented in ancient literature like the Vedas. In this book, Vaidya Suresh Chaturvedi, a world renowned scholar of Ayurved, has presented strong evidence from his own clinical practice of 60+ years, that cancer can certainly be controlled and overcome. He has presented a strong case that Ayurved is indeed one of the most thorough sciences of life and medicine. In the present time, his knowledge of Ayurveda is second to none. He has made an excellent attempt to share his knowledge, enlighten us with information that exists in ancient literature of Charak and others. Without his excellent interpretation, and providing the reference to the context, it would be very difficult to unravel the immense information summarized in few lines of a Sanskrit shloka.
He has described everything from basics to details that one must know, to be able to treat cancer successfully. This is perhaps a rare publication where a medical practitioner, has presented unedited clinical data, described every aspect of the treatment including the name and dose of the drugs, the regimen, the prescribed diet and deeds that have been key and secret to his clinical success. He has shared insights from his clinical practice to enlighten budding clinicians, researchers and students; and takeaway practical knowledge of Ayurved that they perhaps can't find elsewhere. His objective is clear, with the medium of this book, he wants to share as much knowledge as he possibly can, to help young Ayurvedic practitioners and students succeed, and be able to treat patients in need. This book is also meant for many curious minds who would like to learn the healthy ways of life, learn how some simple changes in daily diet and lifestyle can help them overcome disease and live healthier.
To all the readers of this book who endeavor to understand and apply the knowledge, I wish you every success on your journey. I would like to congratulate and applaud Vaidya Chaturvedi for giving hope to many cancer patients and medical practitioner alike. For cancer patients, willing to overcome the disease both physically and mentally, this is a must read.
I have great pleasure in writing this Foreword to Vaidya Suresh Chaturvedis monograph : Cancer - The Ayurvedic Mode of Care & Fitness (with case histories).
In My Golden Jubilee Oration of National Academy of Medical Sciences India (2013), I have elaborated the theme that 21st Century Molecular Biology provides a new interface between Ayurved and Modern Medicine. The concepts of Vata, Pitta, Kapha are concepts of molecular biology. The concept of Vayu has been vindicated in the 1980's by the discovery of Nitric Oxide which along with Carbon monoxide (Co) and Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) are 3 modern versions of Vayu playing a crucial role in human physiology. Similarly the Ayurvedic concepts of Atiyoga (excessive interaction). Heena Yoga (poor interaction), Ayoga (absent interaction) and Mithya Yoga (erroneous interaction) explain all the 21st Century knowledge about the ways cancer cells differ from normal cells.
I must stress that Ayurveda has clearly stated cancer as incurable Asadhya but that does not mean it cannot be managed by supportive measures including diet, exercise, and stimulation of the immune system. Ayurved lays great stress on prevention and the strength of Ayurved is on promotion of positive health. Table I lists 12 dietary phytochemicals which can prevent cancer at various steps. Since cancer is a multistep process extending over 20-30 years before it becomes manifest, the future emphasis should be on chemoprevention of cancer by dietary phytochemicals by the "Satvik Ahar" of Ayurveda. (consisting of kanda, moola, phala) which content the following 12 ingredients:
Turmeric (curcumin), chilli pepper (capsaicin Ginger (6gingerol), green tea (epigallocatechin-3 gallate), soyabeans (genistein), tomatos (lycopene), grapes (resveratrol), honey (caffeic acid phenethyl ester) Garlic (diallyl sulphane).
A unique contribution of Ayurved is to add the dimension of Ethical and moral Conduct (Sad-vrutta) for the prevention of disease & maintenance of positive health.
The aim of medicine is to "Cure sometimes, relieve often and comfort always”: Vaidya Chaturvedi has followed the same humane approach to cancer.
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