“When there are many books on Astrology available in this world, where is the necessity for this book?” May be asked by any. This question is taken and the answer is the introduction for this book. In India. There are many Siddhartha’s and more of them agree with each other. Therefore the position of the planes calculated and obtained differ one from the other. Astrologers have to depend open only these almanacs in India each prepare the horoscope and ultimately on two horoscopes agree. Eventhough the time of give to the astrologer by the native remains the same. Then the native is confused and he or she does not know which of them is correct. Each person has a dozen different horoscopes for the same time of birth given by him to the astrologers all over India. A few of the astrologers do not know how to erect a correct chart when the birth remains the same and the erection of the horoscope is nothing but a mathematical calculation the native must be give one and the same horoscope even though it is worked out by many. A few do not know the need of the place of birth that to take the latitude longitude of the place of birth.
Seriatim Pathetic give a good knowledge about various calculations, when we go through the records, there is nothing to prove Sripathi had studied the Western system also and then came to a decision to his treatise. It is to be presumed that he known only the traditional Indian System and accordingly he has published his book.
During their days, there was no ocular Instrument; but in these days we have only the ocular instrument but also various other once to formulate and bring out the Ephemeris which is very correct. Therefore when correct once are available, it is not wise to use the almanac for casting for horoscope. What we want is a correct chart.
In India, the Indian authors are following the original system. Their works suggest that they do not want to improve it, but to simply and blindly follow as is advised in the traditional system. There was no method to offer prediction, if the rising in the east moves degree by degree. Such minute division can be made but they save not dealt with elaborately giving the principles which can be used by astrologers. No doubt there are Alones, but the author has not hand down his theory, the rules and dicts so that the readers can offer prediction after going through the book. Minute Amsa division are useful to do postmortem and satisfy one self and for scientific prediction by one and all. People will be happy to know whether there is one astrologer in the world who can predict using same Nadirs in his or her life time after on any one horoscope.
When Krishnamurti Padhdhati has been discovered. It is found, absolutely necessary to cost a horoscope correct to degrees and minute. If any one were to crest a horoscope, using the available pinching and such horoscope will misled and prediction also must fail. But if one following my method. One must only my Ayananisa. Krishnamurti Padhdhati offers both the nature of event and the time of event correctly. Readers should take only Krishnamurti Pardhati. It need not be said that other Aryanisms especially, widely varying once, will be useless if you want to follow K.P.
I have decided to bring out the method to cast a horoscope and I have it as the ‘First Reader’. This is brought out according to the suggestion offered by the shelve by the scholars in Banja-Kulu valley- Himachal Pradesh a few years ago when I visited that place.
No doubt it will not be pleasant to change over from the incorrect to a correct one, only by such a few people who respect the scents without thing for a minute; but they follow with blind faith alone. To read any book and to follow is entirely left to any individual. But to think, correct and apply or use the correct one is lift to the wiser students and scholars. I am sure my book will ever the above purposed and I am happy that in a cecads in Indian there will be arise lakes of astrologers where call event the horoscope of the consultancy most accurately. Even if hundreds cast the same chart, all will be the same.
The purpose of living is to discover the purpose of living. Our ancestors taught us that Astrology was one of the keys to the solution of this enigma. The importance of Astrology was well stressed by Vaidyanatha Dikshita when he said in his treatise 'Jatakaparijata' that there, is nothing in the world like a horoscope to help a man in the acquisition of wealth, to save him like a boat In a sea or' troubles and to serve him as a guide In his journey. The science of Astrology was held in such esteem in ancient India as' to be recognized as one of the Angus of the Veda, though the term ‘Jyothisha Sastra' as it was then known included both Astronomy and Astrology, As Dr. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Astrology is Astronomy brought to earth and to the affairs of men." Of what use is Astronomy to mankind unless it is interpreted in terms of our daily life and thought. Even well-known Astronomical authorities have a demitted that the manner in which the eastern nations had set forth to make elaborate and costly arrangements for continual observation of celestial phenomena was not Intended to advance the cause of astronomy but to gain results of great astrological value. They built observatories in order that, in the logo run, a trustworthy system of astrology could be deduced by them from the study of the motions of the heavenly bodies. In our own country, the subject was studied as part of the curriculum in the 'guru kulas' though in recent times its study has been neglected.
Time is of the essence in Astrology as much as in any other aspect of life. Man cannot fulfill his obligations in society with- out devising ways of recording the flow of time correctly. Physics are aware of the importance of time measurement to them. An agriculturist should know the correct time of sowing and harvesting. Religious festivals have to be observed in time. And so the need for correct astronomical ephemeris or pouching is obvious.
They have also advised us to observe religious functions as time arrived at according to 'Drik' calculation alone "Mirtaham Samarikramya Chandalah Kati Janmasu". He who misses the day of anniversary of departed soul is sure to be penalised by births a core of times. That they do not want us to commit any error in this respect is thus amply clear. "Drik" means 'to see'. There is no such distinction in astronomical calculations as visible calculations like the eclipses and invisible calculations like the thither for which Inaccurate vakya. Calculators could be followed as advocated by the followers of the Vlikya system. Thithis are also visible as they au 12 degree. Distances between the Sun and the Moon and can be measured by astrorromlcal instruments, and the same Sun and Moon which cause eclipses -cause tithes also. The simplest method to verify the accuracy or Otherwise. Of any system is to observe the moment when an eclipse occurs or the moment when it is 'New Moon or Full Moon and see whether it coincides with the moment arrived at according to that system. The Dark system passes the test, while the Yakya system utterly 'falls. If the time of eclipse according to the vakya calculation is wrong, on the same analogy the beginning and ending moments of the calculated according to that system should also be wrong. Are we still right in observing anniversaries of departed souls and performing other religious functions according to the inaccurate vakya thithis .
There is difference between the calculations, old and new; for, the elements of the planets and the data employed in the old methods have not been subjected to any change, while in the new method these have been rectified from time to time. While converting the mean position of the planet (madhy graha) to the true position (sputa grana), the old method employed only a small number of inequalities while the new system takes several inequalities into account. In respect of the Moon, the maximum difference between the Vakya and Drik systems may work out to 17 gracias of time (6 hours. 48 minutes) in thither and nakshatra which is two important angus of the almanac. So also the position of Mars and Mercury give vast disparity in the new system from those obtained according' to the old method.
The Hindus fix the dates of festivals, anniversary, birth day and other ceremonies only on an astronomical basis. They do not observe the rule "Thirty days have September. April. June and November." The birth days or theannivenaries arc celebrated not on fixed dates of fixed months. But based upon thithis and nakshatras. As already said before. No religious practices should be observed at wrong moments. Even for Astrology, the calculations must be accurate. In Uttar 'Kalamrlta, Kalians makes it very clear in Slake 4 of Kanda I that the exact positions of the planets are to be calculated according to the Drik method. Mantreswara echoes the same sentient when he says in Phyla Deepika "Ghathir Drik Thulyathvarn Genital Karanaithi", that is the position of the planets coincident with observation should be used. We will do well to follow the Drik system for then we shall be wise,, others otherwise.
When Westerners publish Ephemeris worked out by great astronomers of today who calculate correctly to land in moon at a specified point at the schedule moment, I do not find why we should separately work and bring out almanacs to erect dozen horoscopes to the same person. Simply use that Ephemeris where daily position of planets is given; this' book is a self-instructor. Let it serve all and let us see that one person has only one horoscope.
**Sample Pages**
Horoscopes (184)
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