From the Back of the Book:
The author of this book Ms. Rashmi Sharma is a specialist in Herbal Beauty Treatments, Naturopathy and Reiki. She also leads Herbal educational Society in Delhi.
The author in collaboration with her experienced colleagues, has tried to compile her findings in a very simple and understandable way so that even common readers could find it interesting and beneficial.
· Know how to cure specific ailments by adjusting the colour input to the body. · Understand how body gives out an unbalanced pattern of vibration. · Know how Colour Therapy works to restore the balance of the body. · Treat and cure any disorder of the body - be it mental, emotional, metabolic or physical.
The book will be useful if the readers act on the methods as recorded, practically for their own health and others - at very low cost. The ways explained in the book are so simple that even a layman can follow, and derive maximum benefits from it.
Everything you need to know to get well and stay well - and here is the Book you are searching for!
A specialist in Herbal Beauty Treatments, Naturopathy and Reiki, and the head of Herbal Educational Society in Delhi, Ms Rashmi Sharma understands the critical role that colour plays in our physical, emotional and mental well-being. In collaboration with colleagues, the author has presented her findings in a simple and eloquent manner so that even lay readers understand and benefit from them.
Colour (or the lack of it) affects our body and mind through ways in which we cannot fully comprehend presently. Colour Therapy teaches you how to cure select ailments by adjusting the body's colour absorption, since specific colours are known to affect body parts and moods in certain ways. It outlines how the body gives out an unbalanced pattern of vibration and shows you how colour therapy works to restore the proper balance of your body. Through colour therapy you can control and cure mental, emotional, psychosomatic and physical disorders.
The specific guidelines in the book will be useful for readers who use it to improve their health, at a very low cost. The techniques are simple enough for laymen to follow and fully benefit from. So if your life has been dull, drab and dreary due to physical and mental indisposition, Colour Therapy will add a big dash of colour to cure these ailments and clear away all your blues.
Surya Nivarna is the art of imparting the colour effects of sun rays to different materials. It is not a new discovery of medical science but is thousands years old. This therapy was also used by our ancestors in ancient times. It is part of Ayurvedic treatments. We all know that only with the help of sun rays plants grow, fruits ripe and flowers glow. Different colours of the fruits, flowers and leaves of trees are because of sun rays and property of plants.
Even a layman is well aware of the fact that human beings, plants, flowers, etc. can't survive without sunlight. I have tried to compile my knowledge about the role of colours in treating various diseases in a very simple and understandable way that would enable an average man to comprehend it. I have gone through many old literatures on the science of colours and came to the conclusion that in this computer age the latest costly medical facilities are beyond the reach of average human being who has a shoe-string medical budget. So it is hampering his day-to-day physical conditions and thus leading him towards the jaws of various ailments. It is observed that 95 per cent of various diseases are due to stomach problems. Very few are aware of the ways how to face and prevent them with least efforts and at a very low cost.
My efforts in explaining the methods and remedies as recorded in this book will be rewarded if the readers act on them for betterment of their own health and that of others. The ways explained are so simple that even a layman can follow them to derive maximum benefits.
I am grateful to Ms Nutan, Ms Anjali, Ms Megha for their valuable help and suggestions. I am also thankful to all my colleagues, friends and specially to my kids who inspired me in this venture. I hope my effort will bring coloured fruits for the humanity.
Sun Rays: Everyone on this earth knows about sun rays and their benefits. It is also not a hidden fact that without sun rays human beings, plants, flowers, animals can't survive. The science of colours is age-old, and it is proved by our Shastras.
The sun rays have seven colours those have already been universally accepted and proved by scientists. These are termed in short form as V I B G Y 0 R, i.e. 1. Violet 2. Indigo 3. Blue 4. Green 5. Yellow 6. Orange 7. Red
According to our Yogashastras, there are seven main chakras in human body. Most knowledgeable persons in India and abroad accept their existence, and the medical science recognises them as glands.
You need to understand that each chakra is related with a particular colour. Each colour vibrates with one or more of the chakra centres. Your body will begin to respond to the colour of the chakra you are developing. If you are attentive to your body's language, you will be able to detect this response.
The first chakra starts from mooladhara which signifies red colour and the seventh chakra, beginning at head, signifies violet/ blue colour.
It is the duty as well as dharma of every human being to keep his body in sound healthy condition. An unhealthy person can't perform his/her day-to-day duties towards his/her family, religion as well as nation. It is must for all of us to be in sound health. For sound health, it is essential to take pure food (satvic aahar), pure water and breathe in pollution-free air. Also fill your mind with noble thoughts. Daily meditation is an important means, to keep our mind and physical body in good condition. While taking our routine foods, it should be kept in mind: what is to be taken, when it is to be taken, and how much is to be taken.
Good and pure foods, if not taken properly, can't be digested by our body's digestive mechanism. Food should be masticated very well before swallowing. Never be in hurry while taking food. Take ample time to chew the food properly. In other words, foods are to be drunk and juices are to be eaten. God has gifted us brain which indicates the fullness of stomach.
One must make it a habit to do Yoga Asanas in daily. One should also perform Pranayam (deep breathing) with which body remains active and strong. Our goal should be to have a healthy mind in our healthy body. Bowels should be cleaned at regular intervals with the help of Nauli and Kunjal Kirya. Otherwise, the excreta, if left inside our body, slowly piles up and makes the inside dirty. The accumulated filth causes disease, and illness, and we keep running to doctors and hospitals. Then we have to spend a lot of money and time on our physical ailments.
The medicines are so costly that everybody can't afford to purchase them. In certain diseases some medicines even have to be procured from abroad. Mostly, while taking allopathic medicines to cure our diseases, we have to cope with their adverse side-effects. Isn't there any cost-effective way of treating diseases through simple medicines? A person who has spent 10 per cent of money on medicines often asks this question.
All those we are tired of taking allopathic medicines, the colour therapy provides a better cost-effective alternative. The science of colour therapy is the science of sun rays and is very simple and most beneficial therapy. The sun rays have an abundance of elements favourable for health. To be cured with this therapy you need not spend a lot of money on medicines. You can simply treat your neighbours, friends as well as yourself at a very economical cost.
Since ages, people are worshipping the sun as they know that their very existence is dependable on the sun. The sun is known as a life giver, so it is worshipped like God. And, only because of this reason shlokas about the greatness of the sun exist in Upanishads and Shastras. Sun rays have properties and strength to cure many acute/ chronic diseases. People from Western countries have learnt about the sun rays therapy from the East and practising it for the benefit of mankind.
The primary colours of sun rays are: 1. Green 2. Red 3. Blue
They are available in most of the herbs. However, to practise the colour therapy science you need not trace them or make ash out of them to prepare the Ayurvedic medicine. This simple therapy spares you of all this labour.
It has been observed that this type of treatment is very simple and effective. Even an average person can understand it. The main advantage of this treatment is that you become your own doctor without having any side effects, which most of the patients also realise.
Hospitals are full of patients and the Government is making plans for opening more, but it is beyond their capacity to accommodate each patient and give him suitable treatment. If the organisations working for the welfare of humanity, propagate the colour therapy, they would do a great service to the ordinary people. In fact, colour therapists can treat any disorder, be it mental, emotional, metabolic or physical at a very economical cost. They offer an effective means of promoting well- being which requires no extra money but demands only sustained effort from patients.
This book is based on my experiences as well as information collected by other naturopaths on the positive results of the colour therapy.
According to Ayurveda, a disease is caused by disbalancing i.e. excess/deficiency of the following three elementary substances in the human body. These are the microcosmic representatives of the three universal forces: 2. VAYU- Air/Wind 3. PITTA - Bile 4. KAPHA- Phlegm
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