Look Inside

I Can Heal Myself in 7 Days (Your Invisible Doctor Within is on Call 24X7)

Item Code: NAN807
Author: Dr. B. K. Chandra Shekhar
Language: English
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 9788192773773
Pages: 330
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 370 gm
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Shipped to 153 countries
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Book Description
About the Author

DR. B. K. CHANDRA SHEKHAR is a Rajyogi; psycho-neurobics specialist; propounder of SIGFA, a new science of healing; an international mind and memory trainer; Guinness World Record holder in the Speech category; Programme Director (Memory Development and Psycho-Neurobics) of Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai; Founder Director of Invisible Doctors Solutions; and author of more than

15 books on mind, memory, and healing power. He has conducted more than 4000 workshops and seminars in India and abroad on memory techniques, mind power, stress management, and psycho-neurobics exercises for mind-body-spirit fitness and holistic health. He is a living example of self-healing, having survived two major life-threatening diseases - cancer and Hepatitis C - through the practical application of psycho-neurobics and Rajyoga.


Invisible Doctor turned my sadness into happiness forever.

It was the saddest day of my life. Lying on the operation table, in a semi-conscious state, I heard the team of doctors talking amongst themselves about the seriousness of my case. One of them suggested calling the classified surgeon, who was on leave but locally available. After the doctors administered general anaesthesia, I went into an unconscious state. The classified surgeon arrived and advised that I be maintained on the DIL (Dangerously III List), and quickly referred my case to the oncologist for management and further treatment. My wife was called and briefed about my condition. She gave her consent for further referral. When I regained consciousness, I was not told about the seriousness of my case but was simply informed that I would be transferred to the Army Hospital (Research and Referral) for better treatment and management.

I was transferred to the Research and Referral Hospital where several pathological and histo-pathological tests were carried out. After the results of the reports came in, I was operated upon again. After two weeks, I was transferred to the Malignant Diseases Treatment Centre (MDTC) of the Command Hospital, Pune. After prolonged discussion, the medical oncologist decided to give me a course of four cycles of chemotherapy, each cycle lasting five days.

Chemotherapy was a nightmare, and I sank into depression and fear. My appearance changed completely, and I started to look prematurely old. A series of deaths in the MDTC made me think about my own mortality and the end of my life seemed imminent.

My kith and kin visited me, but none of them could instil courage in my heart to face the painful treatment. I did have strong faith in God, but when one of my close friends asked me one day, 'Where is your God?', I started crying. I was full of fear and apprehension about my very survival. Sleep evaded me because of the extreme stress I was under. My mind was full of negative thoughts which were inducing a state of trauma in me. Despite being a strong believer in God, I lost faith in God. When I was on the verge of collapse due to extreme depression, a luminous white star appeared in front of me. It grew brighter and brighter, and I found myself in a pool of powerful red rays from the light piercing my body.

I experienced enlightenment with flashes of these most empowering words coming from the Divine: 'Your life is the most valuable treasure for me. You will survive to carry out divine services to enlighten the world.'

With these words, the light disappeared. The state of my agitated mind changed and I was rejuvenated, my mind filled with confidence, and my shaky faith in God turning into unshakable love for Him. I discovered newfound patience to bear the trauma of treatment. The purpose of my life was defined by God and my consciousness moved to the higher self I felt the existence of my immortal self in a mortal body and realized the eternity of my own soul. I believe now that every adversity contains the seeds of an equivalent or greater benefit. Everything happens for a reason and serves a purpose. The winter of sorrow will yield to the spring of joy, just as the brilliant rays of the morning always follow the darkest part of the night. The circumstances or situations that cause us sorrow are the same as those that reveal the strength, power, and wisdom within us.

I stopped feeling sorry for myself Divine power returned to me that day and I discovered fortune on the other side of the fear I had of malignant diseases.

After that, I experienced massive and wonderful changes. Physically, I recreated myself (you can compare my photographs below), exuding vitality. Intellectually, I accessed the most universal truths, as revealed by God, upon which I rebuilt a spiritually enriched and meaningful life, and integrated these into the way I viewed the world, finding inner peace. Emotionally, I became aware of the wounds and afflictions I had suffered. I realized that these wounds were merely blockages which prevented one from experiencing the joy that all human beings deserve to experience daily. I was empowered to clear the blockages affecting me physically and psychologically. Spiritually, I accessed deep core values and reconnected with my highest sel£ I identified and learned the art of happy and healthy living, making my life energetic and full of vitality. I discovered my destiny by discovering the most valuable treasure hidden within mysel£

I understood that diseases in the body originate from the mind. This is where the Invisible Doctor, the doctor within, resides.

Unfortunately, my suffering did not end here. I endured the other cycles of chemotherapy with great patience, because of which I recovered well. But after three months of completion of the chemotherapy, I was diagnosed with another disease, hepatitis-C. causing fibrosis of the liver with a rise in my blood sugar levels. But I realized that I could get rid of these diseases with the amazing patience of my built-in Invisible Doctor. A sick person is called a patient because he has patience. Patient does not mean sick. I quickly learned the most ancient techniques of neurobics and Rajyoga at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization.• I understood that to remain healthy, I had to heal the mind first by removing all blockages completely.

Another ordeal of treatment started. I received 300 injections of interferon of 4.5 mu each in 10 months and responded well due to the positive support of the Invisible Doctor and regular Rajyoga and neurobics exercises. My blood reports became normal. Now all my diseases are in remission.

I realized that my life was a gift from God for service to mankind. After spiritual awakening by regular Rajyoga practice, I wrote four books relating to the mind, memory, neurobics, and Rajyoga. Despite my busy working schedule in the armed forces, I started sharing my wisdom and experience with my colleagues, friends, and relatives and soon became a folk hero of sorts, creating an enormous buzz wherever I went. With great patience, confidence, and authority, I motivated others and instilled confidence in the weakest. I started showing seekers the right path.

I now realize that cancer and hepatitis-C were the best things that ever happened to me. These diseases led to an increase in wisdom and understanding, and held lessons that paradoxically made my life better. The illness was something that was a central part of a hidden divine plan.


My journey to the Guinness Book of World Records with my Invisible Doctor. When I was 5 years old, an atrial septal defect (a hole in my heart) was detected. I underwent a teflon patch repair in 1978. I was advised to avoid work that involved exertion. Therefore, I did not pay much attention to physical exercises and a mental block was created. My body remained underdeveloped and I was very lean and thin. I had an inferiority complex that was heightened when I got admission in an engineering college at Chandigarh.

I was allotted a room in Kurukshetra hostel. On that floor, other than me, there were four other students, all from affluent families. They enjoyed luxuries befitting their status: one had a bike, another had a car, the third had a cooler, and so on. They went on regular shopping sprees, day in and day out, and continually updated their wardrobes. This was enough to influence my mind and thoughts. I was impressed by their lavish lifestyle and longed for a similar life where I too could have many girlfriends, a bike, new clothes, and other things. Soon, I realized that my pocket money was not enough to afford those luxuries and I started getting frustrated. I started dwelling on my miseries and pining for those luxuries. Depression set in and I could not appear for my exam in Fuel Mechanics.

With this, I touched the lowest ebb in my life. Seeing my sad condition, my best friend Gaurav came to me and advised me to be careful. He gave me a book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. I accepted his gift gratefully but decided not to read it, as I thought that it would heighten my depressed state. However, one day in my free time, when I was casually flipping through the pages of that book, I came across a few lines, which I refer to as the magic lines of my life: 'I had the blues as I had no shoes, until upon a street 1 met a man who had no feet.'

The moment I read those lines, I was connected to my Invisible Doctor, my doctor within. My life underwent a complete transformation and I was a changed man. I realized that my paltry pocket money, which had until then been a cause of frustration and depression for me, was actually an asset. Under my changed frame of mind, I felt lucky to have such a small amount of money because my friends with huge sums of money would accordingly have to work very hard in order to spend it. They would have to keep track of new movies, drive a lot in order to spend money on petrol, and buy new clothes every now and then. I, on the other hand, had no such worries, as my funds were limited. So I decided to enrol myself at the State Library at Sector 17, Chandigarh. This was one of the most important decisions of my life. The membership gave me access to a lot of self-help books through which I discovered the power of the Invisible Doctor and developed my personality and interest towards memory techniques. Today, when I look back at this period in my life, I realize that it was the turning point which transformed not only my career, but also the entire course of my life.

Here, I would like you to take a moment to think about your own beliefs. Do you generally expect things to work out well or to work out poorly? Do you expect your best efforts to be successful or do you expect them to be wasted? Many people tend to focus more on the negative than on the positive. The first step towards a change is to recognize how to reverse this.

Another important occurrence in my life was in the year 2001, when I was in the initial days of conducting memory workshops. A workshop was organized at Ghaziabad, UP. Everything went as per plan, but only three participants turned up for the workshop. It was really a heartbreaking moment, and my organizers advised me to cancel the workshop and refund the fees to those three people. However, I decided that the show must go on. I worked according to the plan, and by the end of the workshop, Dr B K Chandra Shekhar, one of the participants, became my close and intimate friend. At that point, he was suffering from cancer, diabetes, and hepatitis-C, but by using various mind- and body- related techniques (Neurobics and Rajyoga), he was able to win the most crucial battle for survival against these fatal diseases. In conclusion, I consider that event to be one of the greatest in my life, because if the workshop had been crowded, it would not have been possible for me to give individual attention to him, and thus I would have remained bereft of such a relationship. Here, I would like you to analyse all such moments and imagine what you would have missed had you declined to go along at those trying times. The point here is that everything happens for a reason and purpose.

The whole phenomenon of treating failures as stepping-stones for success can be learnt from Thomas Alva Edison. When he had failed for the 999th time to invent an electric bulb, he was asked by a reporter, 'How do you feel about this failure?' He replied that he was happy to have found 999 ways of not inventing a bulb. This shows that in every failure there is an insight for success. It is always hidden there. We just have to work hard and discover that success.

These examples show conclusively that if you believe you have limits, you will stay limited. The key is to let go of those limitations and operate from a higher set of resources. The higher set of resources is within us. It is the conscience of every human being. This conscience is the Invisible Doctor, the doctor within us, upon which I relied.

I realized that sound health and a dynamic personality are achieved if one operates with the positive values of the Invisible Doctor. Thereafter, I never looked back. After retaining my place in the Limca Book of Records for seven consecutive years, not only did I establish a Guinness world record in the field of memory by memorizing names and birth dates of 14 persons in two minutes, but also proved the fitness of the body through


Foreword 11

1Introduction: Invisible Doctor and Killer Doctor 21
2Say Bye-Bye to the Killer Doctor 30
3Learn the Holistic Health Concept of the Invisible Doctor 36
4Invisible Doctor's Prescriptions- I 40

5Meet the Invisible Doctor 55
6Meet the TEAM of the Invisible Doctor 70
7Invisible Doctor's Prescriptions-II76

8Learn about the Head Top Computer (HTC) of the Invisible Doctor 85
Learn about the Healing Software of the Invisible Doctor 101
Invisible Doctor's Prescriptions-III 115
11Learn the Healing Therapy of the Invisible Doctor 133
12Learn to Heal Yourself with Light Neurobics 142
13Invisible Doctor's Prescriptions-IV(Non- Vegetarian Diets are Not Recommended) 151
Learn to Heal Yourself with Sound Neurobics 161
Remain Healthy with Seven Neurobics 169
Invisible Doctor's Prescriptions- V (Drinking Alcohol is Strictly Prohibited) 187

Improve Your Memory with Dynamic Neurobics 193
Learn to Improve Your Concentration Power with Rajyoga 206
Learn Sleep Management with Rajyoga 221
Learn How to Cure Various Diseases with the Invisible Doctor 231
Invisible Doctor's Advice 260
Make a New Beginning with the Invisible Doctor301
A Few Experiences of Patients Cured by the Invisible Doctor 309
Doctors' Comments about the Invisible Doctor's Therapy 326

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