Nasta-Jatakam (Lost Horoscopy)

Item Code: IDL087
Publisher: Ranjan Publications
Author: Mukunda Daivajna
Edition: 1995
Pages: 152
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5" X 5.5"
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Book Description
From The Jacket

The present work of Mukundacharya, a well-know Sanskrit scholar and traditional astrologer of lore is supposed to assist the reader in reconstructing a horoscope in the absence of birth details.

A large number of aphorisms are explained herein based on the works of Varaha Mihira, Kalyana Verma, Amirchanbra & Keralite scholars. Basides, an astrology who is well versed with horary branch only is not unlikely to derive advantages of the rules Infra.

At A Glance

• Important rules to trace the missing birth data culled from the teaching of Varaha Mihira. A reincarnation of the sun god and Kalyana Verma, a true follower of the former alongwith those from other schools of thought.

• Amirchandra’s line thinking akin to Varaha Mihira and other ancestors to work out a horoscope without having any data.

• Twelve different methods to network details like data, month year, Ritu (season) etc. of birth including Lagna, Navamsa, planetary positions etc based on the word uttered by the querist.

• Suggestions to rectify a known horoscope through moles, scars etc. on the person concerned.


One of the most difficult part of astrology is to construct the horoscopes of those whose birth details are not known.

Here again, Hindu astrology merits the pride of place for the manner in which it has tackled this subject.

There is fair unanimity amongst classical writes regarding the methods to be employed to identify the birth data.

NASTA JATAKAM, an English translation of which regarding in presented by Mr. R. Santhanam, is authored by Mukunda Daivajna. The guidelines given in the work are reliable, easy and fascinating enabling one to cast the horoscope of one who does not know his birth date and time. The methods presented can be of great practical importance especially to non-Hindus, who may not know when they were born.

Mr. R.Santhanam who has rendered the book into English is a Youngman, full of enthusiasm to tackle the intricate problems of astrology. He has been a regular contributor to the ASTROLOGY MAGAZINE. He has a good grasp of the subject and the capacity for presenting the ancient principles in a clear and convincing manner. Mr Santhanam’s translation is clear and close to the original and the guidelines and suggestions given by him can be of much practical value to all astrological students and savants.

This appears to be first attempt to present in English language methods based on classical astrology dealing with the intricate subject of unknown horoscopes.

While commending the book to all those interested in astrology, I wish the author success in his laudable attempts to make available valuable ancient astrological texts to English-knowing public.


More often then not, it happens that one has no record of his birth data or has doubtful data. Cases are many where even the year of birth is not recorded and the exact age remains unknown and thus a mystery to the native himself. We have horary method to prognosticate but it has its own boundaries and thus is only in many respects second to the map of Firmament cast for birth for the recorded time. To the aid of the astrologer in such a circumstance comes lost horoscopy. The ancient pundits like Varaha Mihira, Prthu Yasas, Kalyanavarman dealt with this aspect in their adorable classics to a limited extent while dealing with the unfathomable ocean of astrology. And Prthu Yasas, Kalyana Varman etc. had followed the footsteps of Varaha Mihira in many respect. The extant literature in propagation may not be complete and replete in itself particularly in regard to lost horoscopy.

Keeping this prima facie reason in mind and to help the students and the savants in their own way Sri Mukundacarya, a priestly personage of Garhwal in Uttar Pradesh wrote the present work in four chapters in miniature containing a total of 212 meaningful verses. Author gives detailed explanations and annotations in simple and lucid Sanscrit for most Slokas.

The first chapter present inter the views of Varaha Mihira. The charming verses lay down various principles to calculate the age of the queried year season month thithi ascendant moon sign etc. relating to birth. Several methods are taught so that one can check and recheck calculations and alleviate errors.

The second chapter, based on Amirchandra’s school of thought also leads us to the same goal. A speciality of this chapter is that method to know of the longevity years passed from birth years yet to pass in life through prasna are also brought to our notice.

In the penultimate chapter entitled ‘Kerala Sastriya Yukti Prakarana’ the principles which are presented to us are rather on first hand basic and this Prakarana functions as axis for the wheels of lost horoscopy and hence unique by itself. There are 12 method explained here to locate birth date from. Navamsa to year followed by planetary positions in some cases. Each sloka conveys an easy and different way of working. These are bound to be of immense help in the task of reconstructing a lost horoscope. It is noteworthy that the author who lived on the Gangetic region could lay his hands on the principles originated from the southernmost part of the country i.e. Kerala.

The concluding chapter deals with rectification of horoscopes with the help pf moles and other marks on the body head etc. of the person. These principles can also be used to further case the task of tracing a lost horoscope apart from correcting a known horoscope.

Now a few words about the author himself. Sri Mukunda was born in an orthodox Brahmin family in Badthwal of Garhwal region in 1877 A.D. His further prevented him from taking to alien studies and got him groomed as a Paurohit (one who performs marriages death rites etc. as per Vedic discipline) and an astrologer by giving him suitable education in Rishikesh and Varanasi. Sri Mukunda took up these profession as means of livelihood. He as ill-luck would have it lost his wife at his very young age. And was reduced to inconsolable and indefinable grief.

Just at the age of 18, Sri Mukunda authored Jataka Sagaram. Thereafter he brought out Mukunda Sarani Magaranda Tati Mukunda Paddhati Pancanga Manjusa Dasa Manjari on Ganita aspect of astrology. On its predictive side he complied works like Bhava Manjari, Astaka Varga , Ayurnirnaya, Prasna Cintamani etc. a yardstick to fathom his knowledge in the ocean of astrology is Jyotistattva, a voluminous work, nidificated by him after continual and indefatigable toil, having nearly 9000 slokas all of which were composed by him in Sanscrit, and published in 1950’s, Sri Mukunda was an institution unto himself and made astrology a purpose and aim of his life. The Government at the centre in 1967 granted him financial aid for his longue haleine, Jyotisa Sabda Kosa and this work is perhaps his most prestigious achievement in life. He passed away in 1979, after entering his ninetys.

The present work is also widely consulted among the Sanskrit knowing pandits. (it was written in 1917A.D.) and the English rendering it is hoped will be welcomed by the public.

Last but not the least the deep interest and enthusiasm of the publishers need a special mention. But for their co-operation and strenuous efforts, bringing out this work in English to fill a longfelt void would have been mire difficult. They have plans to publish the various works of Sri Mukunda apart from many original Sanscrit work with English translation. The co-operation and wholehearted encouragement of the readers may make this uphill task easier and successful.

Before going to the text we crave the indulgence of the readers to forgive us for any inadvertent pitfalls that may have crept in this work (rendered in a very short spell of six weeks). Such sympathy will be acknowledge as reward to our humble efforts as we tried to keep this work rid of longueurs.


1Restoring Lost Horoscopy according to Varaha Mihira9-34
Birth –data through Horary Chart ascertaining year, season, day/night, month, sign, natal ascendant, birth-star; other ways of ascertaining year etc.
2Construction of lost Horoscopy according to Amir Chand 35-64
Ascertainment of Solstice season year, month, fortnight, day, hour, minute, second etc. results obtained by effecting Rasi Multiplication and planetary multiplication; period of longevity of various living beings with the help of Horary ascendant, the sun and the strong planet in the horary chart.
3Restoring lost Horoscopy according to Kerala school of thought 126
Ascertainment of lost Horoscopy through Vargankas Varnankas, or basic product-Pindas Twelve methods of restoring lost horoscopy detailed
4Ways of rectifying or constructing a Lost Horoscope127-150
Appendix-A detailed analysis of the fundamentals for restoring the lost Horoscope by translator
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