“Reunderstanding Saturn” unravels several almost unknown aspects of Saturn. The book comprises of 9 chapters. The first chapter presents the spectrum of various roles Saturn plays, underlining the point that the exact influence Saturn can be ascertained by taking into account the house, sign, constellation and position of the birth-chart. The second chapter deals with vocation. The third chapter delineates Saturn in the 10” house and covers the aspect of fall from power. The fourth chapter sets out to explain sickness and death as a result of Saturn’s influence.
The fifth chapter deals with what happens when Saturn is in the 7th house, while the sixth chapter elaborates the characteristics of Saturn in the 7th house and planetary positions. The seventh chapter has a focus on the transiting Saturn, which is the determiner of marriage. The eighth chapter exclusively depicts the misogamous role of the Sun and Saturn. The ninth chapter elaborates on the most enigmatic relationship of the Sun and Saturn, which causes many a havoc in individual native’s life.
Reunderstanding Saturn puts in perspective the need to understand Saturn in a systematic and holistic manner. With the support of a number of horoscopes of men and women, both ordinary and extraordinary the point is made crystal clear that if you care to know your Saturn rightly, it would amount to knowing your future prospects better.
The book builds up a case for a paradigm shift in interpreting the role of Saturn in predictive astrology. Hitherto held as a powerful malefic and an unrelenting force, we attempt to understand, its role holistically, which maybe conceded as a paradigm shift in interpreting the role of this rather misunderstood planet.
The need, therefore, exists for reunderstanding Saturn and the present book “Reunderstanding Saturn” is a move in this direction.
The book is divided in 9 chapters. The first chapter presents the spectrum of various roles Saturn plays aside from discussing its friends and foes as also the factor of its aspect’ or impact.
The second chapter is devoted to predictive astrology related to choosing a proper vocation in harmony with what the planets have in store for the individual concerned.
The third chapter deals with Saturn in the 10th house which signifies fall from power. A majority of astrologers hold that if Saturn is well placed in the 10th house it elevates the individual to the dizzy heights and thereafter causes steep downfall. In the backdrop of this, the present study attempts to marshal data to prove that if Saturn of the l0th house is well associated or aspected by benefics, the downfall does not take place.
The fourth chapter focuses on the association of Saturn with sickness. The dual aspects about Saturn that it is the giver of life (ayushyakaraka) and also the destroyer of life (mrityukaraka). While it betokens sorrows it also ushers in detachment and spiritual awareness (pravrayjakaraka). If Saturn is the destroyer of life then it is natural that it must do so by means of several fatal diseases (apart from accidents caused by nature’s fury or man made accidents. Special mention is made of Saturn’s role in heart diseases.
The fifth chapter deals with Saturn in the seventh house. In the necessary backdrop of how Saturn in the seventh house is treated, the study concludes that the placement of Saturn in the 7th house is extremely undesirable and warns that a person having Saturn in the 7th house should not marry a person with similar placement of Saturn.
The sixth chapter centres around Saturn in the 7th house and planetary positions. The position of Saturn and the Sun in the 7th house, relationship of Saturn with Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu and Ketu has been discussed threadbare with a view to explaining the results of combinations that are based on Hora Ratnam and Vridha Yavan Jataka and confirmed by the research based on our observations.
The seventh chapter is concerned with the transiting Saturn, which determines the marriage of a native since it is the transiting Saturn which brings about this transition of human bondage when it aspects the natal Saturn.
The eighth chapter sheds light on the obstructive role played by the Sun and Saturn in setting up a marriage. The fact that if the Sun and Saturn happen to be associated in the 7th house, this association will not let the marriage happen is explained in 9 different combinations of the planets in different houses, by means of actual real life examples.
The last and ninth chapter brings out the implications of the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in the backdrop of the Sun’s combination with other planets with a perspective to what such combination spells in regard to matters other than marriage.
Our sincere thanks are due to Mr. Rohit Misra who has continuously provided his invaluable support in presenting “Reunderstanding Saturn” in the present form. We are indebted to Dr. Chandrashekhar Vyas, Director Institute of Professional Studies and Research, Sohramau near Lucknow for his unfailing editorial support in suggesting matters in respect of presentation of the text in the present shape.
Words fail us in paying our gratitude to our publishers— MIs. UBS Publishers’ Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi for their excellent support in converting our intention -d writers’ itch into a final quality-product. With their generous support our other books on Saturn viz. “Saturn The King Maker”, “Saturn : Maladies and Remedies” and ‘Secrets of Saturn” have seen light to the day.
Lastly we thank our vast readership whose queries and expectations are first and foremost in our minds that have ab1ed us to pen through more than 50 books on making astrology which is a humane science a need and passion of household.
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