"Shiva created sixty four Tantras to hide the real 'Sri Vidya' accomplishment, from the people of this world. Oh Devi! It is your virtue which made this penance again available for this world" (Shri Saundarya Lahiri-Verse 31)
Being written by Shiva himself along with 63 other Tantras, this Tantra in itself is capable of fulfilling, all worldly desires of human being. Being preached to Lankesh Ravan by Lord Shiva, this tantra consists of worship rituals of; Sri Kali Ji and Sri Ardrapati Devi. It has various exorcisms, Yakshini accomplishments and Bhootini and Indrajaal accomplishments along with various Ayurveda treatments. Those who use it in right manner, without hurting human civilization; would become eligible for next stages of tantric penances, which takes seeker to the supreme abode.
Giri Ratna Mishra, is an Electronics and Communications engineer by qualification and an ex-IT Executive of an MNC. Being initiated by the great social reformer and Saint of India, Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram Ji, he has given up his professional career and is now involved in serving his Deity under the guidance of his able Guru. Being born in Varanasi as a son of Smt. Padma Mishra and Sri Raghvendra Mishra, he has taken up a responsibility to spread the pragmatic message of Tantra to society: so that Tantric diaspora may convert into mass.
Indian society has always been intellectual. It has always been keen to know about reasons behind their existence, life beyond life, creation of universe and about the nature of one who rules this world.
There were various schools of philosophy which propounded various theories to define the principles which can answer above questions. Amongst them six principal schools are:
• "Nyaya" • "Samkhya" • "Vaisesika" • "Yoga" • "Purva Mimamsa" • "Uttara Mimamsa" Apart from it there were a few more thoughts which took shape of philosophy.
Schools propounded thoughts however they were originated from the source called "Veda". These are thoughts and visions of our great sages which emerged to them in course of deep meditation. As "Vedas" were not authored by them but came into mind after great penance hence they were called "Apauruseya" or "Nigama" .
As the" Kaliyuga" started getting stronger, people started losing their patience to do the penance. They became lethargic in performing "Vedic" rituals and became more oriented towards worldly pleasures. Due to loss of abilities of the seeker "Vedic" knowledge started losing its power and its mantra grew weaker. However God had to ensure that human being still gets the real knowledge the "Brahmajnana" and get rid of the cycle of life and death. For this purpose God brought fath one more way to attain salvation from Vedas it was given the name "Agama" which is a record of discussion between Goddess" Siva" and "Bhupati Siva",
"Rudrayamalam" says:
krte srutyuktamargah syat tretam smrtibhasitah I dvapare vai puranokta kalavagamsambhavah II Meaning "Vedas" are epic of "Satyuga", "Smrtis" are of "Tretayuga", "Puranas" are epic of "Dwaparayuga" and "Agama" are books of "Kaliyuga".
Siva himself preached the new format and "jnana" known as "Agama".
As per "Rudrayamalam":
agatah sivavaktrebhyo gatasca girijamukhe I This "Agama" is known as "Tantra" also. As per "Kalikagama Tanta" : tanoti vipularthanastatvamantrasamamvitan I tranam ca kurute yasmattantramityabhidhiyate II It means the one which relieves from the worldly and celestial troubles and gives "moksa" is "Tantra".
It is said that "Tantra" is not rooted to the "Vedas" and ancient Hindu religion, which is not true. "Taniras" are well in accordance with the "Vedas" and- the above mentioned philosophical schools also. "Atharva Veda" is the foundation of "Tantra" it is mentioned in "Kularnava Tantra"
athata atharvavedasamhitayamdvyuvaca II
Which means "it is what goddess said in "Atharva Veda".
Apart from it "Rg Veda" itself has description of "Sri Yantra" which in itself is the form Goddess and is most praised in "tantra".
It is the only way in which even "Yamana" or "Sudra" also can perform the worship to the God for their salvation.
Guru in "Tantra"
Guru is most important element of "tantra". It is said that Guru is no other than, "Mantra and Devata", A seeker only becomes tantrika if he is blessed by Guru. If someone reads the book and practices "tantra" he would never succeed rather he would become a dog in the next birth. This provision is done by "Siva" and "Siva" to control the misuse of "Tantra". They bless an able seeker and make him or her enlightened. Once enlightened the seeker becomes tantrika. A tantrika being capable and with various qualities which are mentioned in "Rudrayamala" and other tantrika books becomes Guru. Once the tantrika becomes Guru he or she also becomes custodian of "Tantra". Now it lies on them to select the right seeker to learn "tantra". Once a seeker is initiated by a Guru, all acts of seeker would affect the Guru. In that case it is must for a seeker to follow the instructions of Guru. If God becomes angry Guru can save, if Guru becomes angry even God cannot save.
Yantra: "Yantra" means machine. It is the tool using which a tantrika performs his prayer. It is the tool which connects the Tantrika to the deity. All deities of this world have their own "Yantra". Amazingly Christians have a cross and Muslims have the Kaba in Makka which are examples of "Yantra" and fulfill definition of "Yantra". They are symbolic representations of powers, structural details and the roles of deity towards the world. The most auspicious "Yantra" of "tantra" is "Sri Yantra". It is called "Yantraraia" which means the king of "Yantras". The details of it along with worship and teaching linage can be found in all "Srikula tantras" like "Nityotsavah" etc.
Mantra: As mentioned above they are nowhere other than deity and Guru. They are fuel of "Yantra" the "Yantra" would only be useful if it is worshipped using the awakened mantra. Mantras in "Tantra" are divided into two sections.
Male mnemonic formula is known as Mantra. Female mnemonic formula is "Vidya". Mantra can only be enlightened if it is given to seeker by an able Guru through proper" diksa",
"Diksa" is of various types and the mantra has to be checked on astrological charts before they are given to seeker. The date and time along with place also is dependent on the kind of mantra, Guru would give to seeker. The best mantra "diksa" is considered as "svapna diksa" which means" diksa" in dreams, once seeker gets it he / she must not ignore it. This "Diksa" does not require any testimonials. Detailed" diksa" process can be seen in any of major "tantras".
Bhava: Bhava means feelings "tantra" can only be helpful if seeker has correct feelings. It would never work if you pray without any feelings. It is ingredient of the system which the seeker has to put in to be an ardent seeker. "Bhiioas" are three as per tantra. It is said in "Sri Rudrauamala" :
bhavena labhyate sarvam bhavena devadarasanam I bhavena paramam jnanam tasmadbhavavalambanam II
Pasu Bhava: "Pasu" means animal. It is called the lowest "bhava" where the seeker considers the deity different from himself. In this feeling the seeker prays the deity using worldly materials. As per "Rudrayamala Tantra" worship in this "bhava" is done in morning time.
Bhoot means, ‘Past’ and Damar means ‘fierce. Hence this is a Tantra, which liberates the seeker from the fierce sins of past and make his/her present and future better. Being, seem to be a broken link of Kashmir Shaivism, it is chatushpeeth Tantra of Sri Krodha Bahirave, who is expansion of supreme Lord Sri Swacchanda Bhairava. He is seer sage of the Mantra of Mata Cchinnamasta Ji. He is Lord of South and Once worshiped as per given rituals, he would certainly eradicate fears of his worshipers.
This translation is done to brake a jinx, which tells that ‘Bhoot’ means ghost!!! or this Tantra, deals with exorcisms of ghost enchanting etc!! This is an approach to establish the glory of it; which it had during its epoch. This would certainly be a great readout for worshipers of Sri Bhairava.
Giri Ratna Mishra is an Electronics and Communications engineer by qualitification and an ex-IT Executive of an MNC. Being initiated by the great social reformer and Saint of India, Aghoreshwar bhagwan Ramji, he has given up his professional career and is now involved in serving his Deity under the guidance of his able guru, Being born in Varanasi as a son of Smt. Padma Mishra and Sri Raghvendra Mishra, he has taken up a responsibility to spread the pragmatic message of Tantra in society via discourses on Sri Durga Saptashati and writing books; so that Tantric diaspora may convert into mass.
Key to Transliteration
Sri Kali Tantra: Being The traction force of Kaal, Sri Dakshina Kali is the Supreme power of this world. Her worship, gives worldly pleasures and liberation both to her devotees. This Tantra , talks about detailed worship rituals and other practices of Goddess Sri Dakshina Kali; which once practiced under the guidance of an able Guru; would definitely fulfill the wishes of her devotees and then would liberate them.
Sri Rudra Candi: Sri Durga Saptashati, is the most venerable worship epic of shakts; its variegated forms are available in this world though most of them are hidden from the common worshipers. This Sri rudrachandi, is one such epic which tells us how, Sri rudrachandi only killed; Madhu-Kaitabh, Mahishasur and shumbha- Nishumbha to liberate this world from their fear. If this is recited as per fiven rituals, under the guidance of an able Guru; it would fulfill all wishes of a seeker and would finally take him to the feet of Goddess.
The present translation of both epics together, is an effort, to look at the very basic aspects of them; by the eyes of a modern day seeker. It is done, so that their cosmopolitan approach and concept of Sri Kali, may further help to find the solutions of the anticipations of present day seeker’s life.
Giri Ratna Mishra, is an Electronics and Communications engineer by qualification and an ex-IT, Executive of an MNC. Being initiated by the Great social reformer and Saint of India, Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram Ji he has given up his professional career and is now involved in serving his Deity under the guidance of his able Guru. Being born in Varanasi as a son of Smt. Padma Mishra and Sri Raghvendra Mishra, he has taken up a responsibility to spread the pragmatic message of Tantra in society via discourses on Sri Durga Saptashati and writing books; so that Tantric diaspora may convert into mass.
Abhinavagupta (33)
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