TWO REVOLUTIONARY ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS CAN DO IT FOR YOU ... One to diagnose and monitor progress, the other to zap parasites and bacteria.
As new research findings show that there is a single cause for all cancers. This book provides exact instruction for their cure.
EVEN YOU CAN TEST YOURSELF and discover what helps you most. Read how over 100 others recovered from all kind of cancers. Independent scientist to find the answer.
About the Author
Hulda Regehr Clark begin her studies in Biology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, where she was awarded the Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laudeand Master of Arts, with high honours. After spending two years at McGill University she attended University of Minnesota, studying biophysics and cell physiology in 1958. Later she left government funded research and started research and consultancy privately when she discovered an electronic technique to scan human body. Today she puts her methods, results and conclusions before you. Read and recover.
From Time Immemorial Healthy People Have Held Sick People Hostage.
The Witch Doctor, Medicine Man and Woman, Herbalist and Clinician are all alike in this respect. They wish to keep in- formation surrounding illness and wellness to themselves and away from the common person so that a profession of medicine can grow and become lucrative. The Herbalist did not tell which herbs could relieve colds or bring on a woman's menstrual period (birth control) for fear that the people in need would get them for themselves and not need (nor pay) the Herbalist. The modem medical profession overlooks information on prevention; it tries to make self-help and simple treatments illegal. All for the same purpose: to build and aggrandize their profession. This seems inappropriate, especially where communicable or wide-spread illness is involved. This example is taken from a text on herbology:
This [bath] is a safe and sane procedure and will prove most beneficial to those who are obese and desire to reduce safely. In combination with the internal treatment with decoction of Fucus, this course is worth considerable to very stout people, and should not be sold too cheaply. It is a grave mistake to put this scientific treatment in the same class as the many advertised nostrums on the market. It is also a mistake to let your patient know what you are using. If any do make this mistake, he will lose his client who will straight away go to a drugstore for supplies.
I believe hostage-holding of the sick is immoral, fundamentally unethical, and needs to be stopped. Besides the moral issue, there is a practical issue. It would benefit society much more if the sick person were quickly res- cued and helped back to productivity. A healthy society benefits each of us immensely. Likewise, an ill society injures us immensely, even when it is half a planet away. With this book, I hope to give away as many secrets as I can about the cause and the cure of all cancers, letting the truth come first and "professional concerns" come last.
The human species can no longer afford to make a business out of illness. Global travel reduces our planet to the size of our backyards. In order to keep our own backyards clean, the neighbours must keep theirs clean. So it is with keeping our bodies free of viruses, bacteria and parasites. We all must be free of them. The concept of health as a narrow professional concern is obsolete.
This book is intended as a gift to humanity. I make a plea to the public and private sector of the medical community not to suppress this information but to disperse it regardless of embarrassment or liability from the simplicity and newness of the cure, provided only that it meets your standard of truth.
The human species is now heavily infested with parasites, particularly the intestinal fluke Fasciolopsis buskii, the sheep liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, the pancreatic fluke of cattle Eurytrema pancreatica, the human liver fluke Clonorchis sinensis and the common roundworm, Ascaris. The increase in fluke parasitism is due to the establishment of a new "biological reservoir" in cattle, fowl and household pets. The increase in Ascaris parasitism is probably due to harboring of household pets.
At the same time, micro contamination of the human food supply with derivatives of the petroleum industry has occurred; these include solvents, antiseptics and numerous products used directly in the food industry. In the presence of isopropyl alcohol, F. buskii can complete its entire life cycle in the human body, not requiring a snail as an intermediate host, as it usually does. Other solvents contributing to parasitism include benzene, methanol, xylene, and toluene which now occur as residues in our foods and pollute our body products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, lotions and cosmetics. These solvents are also contaminants of animal feed, and thus are responsible for establishing the new biological reservoir or source of infection of flukes.
Different solvents accumulate preferentially in different organs. Isopropyl alcohol accumulates in the liver, resulting in completion of the life cycle of Fasciolopsis in the liver. This establishes the malignant process, namely the production of the mitotic stimulant, ortho-phospho-tyrosine. Ortho-phosphotyrosine and a variety of growth factors are produced in the human host organs, possibly for the parasites' own use, inadvertently including the human tissue in its sphere of influence. The presence of an adult fluke in the liver signals the production of ortho-phospho-tyrosine in a distant organ. This organ appears to be chosen on the basis of DNA producing bacteria present there, as well as specific carcinogens.
The difference between persons who accumulate isopropyl alcohol and those who metabolize it promptly is the presence of aflatoxin B in the former. The coincidence of aflatoxin B and isopropyl alcohol in the liver results in the formation of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). HCG becomes widespread throughout the body and is followed by ortho-phospho-tyrosine formation. Aflatoxins are contaminants of our foods and may also be produced in situ by the growing mycelia of Aspergillus varieties. Such mycelial growths are only seen in the presence of copper!
Vitamin C is oxidized and rendered useless in the presence of the parasite, Ascaris.
The killing of all parasites and their larval stages together with removal of isopropyl alcohol and carcinogens from the patients' lifestyle results in remarkable recovery, generally noticeable in less than one week. Cancer could be eradicated in a very short time by clearing our food animals and household pets of fluke parasites and by monitoring all food and feed for sol- vents. Stopping consumption of mycotoxins and ceasing expo- sure to copper, cobalt and vanadium is essential for tumor regression.
Since developmental stages of the intestinal fluke are found in blood, breast milk, the saliva, semen, and urine and can be seen directly in these body fluids using a low power microscope, it follows that this parasite can be sexually transmitted and also transmitted by kissing on the mouth and breast feeding. However, the recipient would develop cancer only if isopropyl alcohol were accumulated in his or her body.
A common bacterium species, Clostridium, manufactures isopropyl alcohol in the digestive tract and under dental restorations. The use of betaine as a food supplement and removal of dental fillings clear these up.
All the technical information presented here can be obtained with a device called a Syncrorneter. The methods used are discussed in How To Test Yourself. A simple circuit is also described which can be built by a novice and allows anyone to reproduce my results.
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