He has authored two books on ashta kavya rga, Dots of Destiny and Practical Ashta kava rga. Both the books have been published in Russian also. Dots of Destiny have its Hindi version too that goes by the name Bhagya Bindu.
He has been teaching Vedic Astrology in India with ICAS for about a quarter century. He has also taught at ACVA (America), BAVA (England), and EWA (Europe), the well known organizations devoted to Vedic Astrology. He has been a visiting faculty at EVVA, where he is also an examiner of their students of Vedic Astrology.
He was the Associate Editor of Vedic Astrology (VA), (edited by Dr K S Charak) in which he contributed regularly on varied astrology subjects. He wrote Lessons in Palmistry which appeared in VA, the bi- monthly magazine, in a series of 14 articles. Those articles have formed the back bone of the present book.
He has been conferred by ICAS the titles of Jyotish Kovid, Jyotish Vachaspati, Jyotish Kalamani and Jyotish Brihadacharya, and has been appointed a guide to the research students. He was nominated as a National Vice President, Academic Advisory Council headed by Justices N Kapoor.
He started learning palmistry while in college and has continued doing so for the last 50 years. He has been teaching Palmistry at ICAS Delhi Chapter-1 since the year 2000.
Only after great deliberation, a very experienced astrologer can make out the mental make-up of the native from the horoscope chart, with the same certainty. Assum- ing that the Moon gives away the temperament of the. native, after all how many astrologers look at the Nakshatra deities and other nomenclature connected with Moon in Drekkana, Dashamamsha, Dwadashamsha and Shashtyamsha to really get to the real meaning of Native's Moon.
My father was an editor with a daily newspaper. He used to get some books on palmistry for review. That job done, knowing my interest, he would pass on the books to me. All the books were in Hindi, and being a designer and printer by profession I had developed a discerning eye to immediately see how poorly those books were produced. By the looks of them, I abhorred to read those books. The diagrams were drawn so poorly that they would fail to make the point for which they were drawn. Though they pretend- end to be on Indian Samudrik shastra, yet most of them contained western palmistry as espoused by Cheiro who had studied palmistry in India. Whatever content they had on Indian palmistry was more of a mumbo-jumbo and nothing was definitive. Then I came across Benham's Laws of Scientific Hand Reading. The systematic presentation impressed me. Then I read Cheiro's Language of the Hand. The English was so delightful that I, like innumerable other readers of the book across the globe, considered it the bible of palmistry, although, like the first love, my preference was still for Benham.
Years passed. I accidentally came to know that in my city there have started some classes on Astrology. I immediately joined the (ICAS) classes. I had heard by then that Astrology is a much bigger Shastra, and it does not suffer from the shortcomings of palmistry, such as timing of events. Another love affair started and is growing stronger as I get older.
In the year 2002, I happened to go to Fairfield, the city of Maharshi Mahesh Yogi in US, with Guru Karvey ji. Guru ji has a unique siddhi of telling anyone's full horoscope without asking for any details. In fact the native does not have to be present in front of him. The American astrologer who had organized the event was undergoing divorce proceedings those days. His then wife had thrown out all his books. He 'requested' me to take any number of books that I wanted. I picked up 7-8 books on palmistry from the huge heap. Those were all books written by westerners. I was very impressed by the overall quality and clarity of the books.
In times to come these inspired me to write my own Lessons in Palmistry. By now I had started teaching palmistry with ICAS, Delhi Chapter-L With students of palmistry, I am sharing in the present book, whatever best I came across from Indian or western authors. Besides pouring my heart out in this book I have included the choicest selections from what appealed to my reason and stood the test of experience. This book contains the Sutras (the original meaning) as against the Bhashya so many books give. Gita is like a sutra, innumerable people have given their own bhashya, as per their understanding of the sutra.
The book explains the technical aspects of palmistry. How a practitioner would deliver the palm reading to his client is a very different ball game. The student will do well to read the last chapter-My Experiments with Palmistry in a Foreign Land. It illustrates how the desh, kaal and paatra influence the reading that is actually useful to the client. An incident comes to my mind in this connection. We, a bunch of 5-6 boys and 5-6 girls in the age group of 22-25 years were going to Goa from Bombay (it was still called Bombay in 70s) for a week of holidays. I personally had not known anyone from the group except the organizer. Coming to know that I dabbled in palmistry, one very beautiful girl from the group who had just started modeling came for a reading. I told her that she should marry a boy selected by her parents and not herself£ Please recall that about 45-50 years back, it used to be a big issue among the young crowd whether they would have a love marriage or an arranged one. She narrated my reading to her friend who dropped in next for the reading. To her I told that you can marry whoever you choose. As you have rightly understood they were all in the marriageable age group. If you read this book carefully you would know what technical aspects I found in the palms of the two girls to warrant two opposite readings.
Once I was given a book on palmistry for writing a review in an astrological magazine. I found the book to be so atrociously written by the teacher of that course that it was beneath my integrity and honesty to recommend it to any reader. The idea of writing a standardized book on palmistry germinated in my mind at that moment If errors or advice for improvement in this book are brought to my notice, I would be willing to mend it the soonest.
We cannot find better words than the ones given above by William G. Benham, to introduce the subject of Palmistry technically. Those who do not want to make use of this 'information' in the name of pseudo-scientism are nothing but a blinkered lot. The vidya of palmistry is ancient and was a part of Samudrik Shastra that dealt with signs and marks on the human body and palm. We refrain from calling it a 'science', lest the heckles of the so-called scientists are raised, till the time they evolve to the level of understanding and appreciating it. However, the common man can continue to derive benefits from this vidya.
One of the best names known to the lovers of palmistry is that of 'Cheiro' who has most reverentially referred to seeing an old manuscript in India that contained the meanings of markings on the palm. Cheiro, the most prolific writer on the subject, was also a very successful practitioner of this vidya, but his success could not have been so stupendous if he restricted himself to the use of knowledge that he revealed in his own books. He certainly used in his practice the secret knowledge on palmistry that he acquired in India.
Acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology are subjects much better accepted today than a decade ago. They make use of meridians in the body that the modern science does not understand, yet it acknowledges its efficacy. Accepting validity of principles of hand reading is but one step further. The fact that markings on the palm have specific meanings is analogous to having meridians or chakras (as per Patanjali Yoga Sutra) in the body. One hopes and would like to encourage the modern scientists to take up the study of these subjects and 'prove' them the way they would want to prove to their sat- is faction that these things are scientific. Till then we can continue to study these things for the benefit of mankind.
It was a medical man who first wrote, "Hand and brain are physiologically con- nected". In fact, as compared to any other part of the body, it is the palm that receives maximum number of nerves from the brain. Lines on the palm are formed by brain cells acting through the blood vessels and nerves. According to Benham, "Never was there a hand that did not exactly reflect the brain that directs it." Just as no two brains are alike, so are no two hands alike. The ridges on the thumb are so unique that they are considered a better reference for identification of a person than his signatures. While the criminologists have developed the science of 'finger-prints' to a great art, they have ignored the rest of the palm - though, as a logical extension, the whole will give more information than the part.
Chirognomy and Chiromancy
The palm is a highly evolved organ of the body and is capable of expressing feelings and thoughts by gestures and writing. The markings on the palm. however, are a different ball game? Our growing understanding of the genetics is now opening new vistas in hand- analysis. The palmists have always known that the hands in a family have remarkable similarities more often than not.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages
Horoscopes (184)
Medical Astrology (49)
Nadi (40)
Numerology (53)
Original Texts (274)
Palmistry (50)
Planets (233)
Romance (36)
Vastu (116)
Vedic Astrology (86)
हिन्दी (287)
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