Srimad Bhagavata: The Holy Book of God - Volume Two (Skandhas V-IX)

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Item Code: IDE889
Author: Translated By Swami Tapasyananda
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math
Language: Sanskrit Text with English Translation
Edition: 2021
ISBN: 9788178838335
Pages: 507
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 10.0" X 7.5"
Weight 870 gm
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Book Description
Prologue   1
Chapter 1 The Story of Priyavrata 5-11
  Combination of worldly and spiritual Pursuits: Example of Priyavrata-Brahma's Advice on the above Theme-Priyavrata assumes Rulership-Emergence of the Dweepas-Priyavrata's Renuniation  
Chapter 2 The Story of Agnidhra 11-14
  Agnidhra meeting Apsaras-Love Prattle of Agnidhra-Agnidhra's Story concluded.  
Chapter 3 The Story of Nabhi 14-17
  Lord's Revelation at Nabhi's Yajna-Hymn of sacrificial Priests-Announcement of Incarnation  
Chapter 4 The Story of Rishabha 18-20
  Rishabha's Sermon: Aim of Life-Spiritual Degradation-The Means of Upliftment-Greatness of holy Men-Rishabha as an Avadhuta.  
Chapter 5 Rishabha's Sermon and After 20-26
  Rishabha's Sermon: Aim of Life-Spiritual Degradation-The Means of Upliftment-Greatness of holy Men-Rishabha as an Avadhuta.  
Chapter 6 Rishabha's End 26-29
  Wanderings at Kutakadri-Significance of his Life  
Chapter 7 The Story of Bharata 29-31
  Bharata's Rule-Bharata's Life at Pulahashrama.  
Chapter 8 Story of Bharata: The Deer Episode 31-35
  Bharata getting a Fawn-Bharata's Attachment to Fawn-Dire Consequence of Attachment-His Redemption  
Chapter 9 Story of Bharata: Sacrifice to Bhadrakali 36-39
  Bharata's New Birth-His strange Conduct-Sacrifice to Bhadra-kali  
Chapter 10 Story of Bharata: Meeting with Rahugana 40-44
  Bharata as Palanquin Bearer-Bharata's Reply as a wise Man-Rahugana discovers Bharata.  
Chapter 11 Story of Bharata: Instruction to Rahugana 44-47
  Phenomenal Nature of the World-Mind as Cause of Samsara-The Modes of the Mind-The Kshetrajna.  
Chapter 12 Story of Bharata: Instructions to Rahugana (Cont.) 47-49
  Analysis of objective World-How Enlightenment comes.  
Chapter 13 Story of Bharata: The Forest of Samsara 50-53
  The Forest of Samsara-Caravan of merry Travellers-Rahugana's Redemption.  
Chapter 14 Story of Bharata: Forest of Samsara Explained 54-60
  Explanation of Allegory-Greatness of Bharata  
Chapter 15 The Line of Bharata 60-62
  Successors of Bharata-Greatness of King Gaya  
Chapter 16 Geographical Reflections 63-66
  Query about Dimensions-Jambudweepa and its Divisions-Ilavrita: Its four Regions-Its Mountains and Rivers-Mountains surrounding Meru.  
Chapter 17 Devotional Life in Ilavrita 67-70
  Ganga's Descent-Ganga branching into four-Uniqueness of Bharatavarsha-Sankarshana Worship in Ilavrita  
Chapter 18 Worship of the Lord in the Various Varshas 71-77
  Hayagriva in Bhadraswa-Narasimha in Harivarsha-Kamadeva in Ketumala-Cosmic Fish in Ramyaka-Cosmic Tortoise in Hiranmaya-Cosmic Boar in Uttarakuru.  
Chapter 19 Worship in Kimpurusha and Bharatavarshas 77-82
  Worship in Kimpurushavarsha-Worship in Bharatavarsha-Physical Features of Bharata-Glory of Bharatavarsha.  
Chapter 20 The Six Dweepas and the Lokaloka 82-88
  Plaksha and its Features-Salmala and its Features-Kusa-dweepa and its Feature-Krauncha and its Features-Saka and its Feature-Pushkara and its Features-Lokaloka Mountain.  
Chapter 21 The Course of the Sun 88-91
  Uttarayana and Dakshinayana-Sun's Course on Manasottara-The Chariot of the Sun  
Chapter 22 The Movement of the Sun and the Planets 91-93
  Reverse Movement of the Sun-Surya-Narayana-The Moon and its Movements-Constellations  
Chapter 23 Dhruva the Pole Star 94-96
  Dhruva the Pivot of the Universe-Sisumara From of the Lord  
Chapter 24 The Nether Regions 96-101
  Rahu-Region of Siddhas etc.-Six subterranean Regions-Atala and its Specialities-Sutala and Mahabali-Talatala and Mahatala-Rasatala-Patala  
Chapter 25 The Lord as Ananta or Sankarshana 101-103
  Sphere of Ananta-Meditation on Sankarshana-Narada Praises Sankarshana.  
Chapter 26 Description of Purgatories 104-110
  Question on Purgatories-The Twenty-one Purgatories-The Purpose of these Descriptions.  
Prologue   111-112
Chapter 1 Ajamila Episode: Ajamila's Sinful Life 113-119
  Sin and how to overcome it-Sinner Ajamila on his Death-bed-Sin, Expiation and Purgatory-Ajamila's previous History.  
Chapter 2 Ajamila Episode: His Redemption 119-124
  The Power of the Lord's Name-Ajamila's Repentance-Liberation of Ajamila.  
Chapter 3 Ajamila Episode: Sanctity of Divine Name 125-129
  Attendants' Report to Yama-The Supremacy of Sri Hari-The Glory of the divine Name-Exhortation to take the Divine Name.  
Chapter 4 Blessing Bestowed on Daksha 129-135
  The Prachetasas and the War on Trees-Daksha, Son of Prachetasas-Hamsaguhya-stotra-Lord's Appearance and Blessing.  
Chapter 5 Narada and the Sons o Daksha 135-139
  Riddle posed by Narada-The Riddle explained-Daksha's second Set of Progeny-Daksha's Curse on Narada.  
Chapter 6 The Line of Daksha's Daughters 140-143
  Daksha's Insults to Brihaspati-Indra's belated Regret-Brahma's Advice-Indra's Mission to Viswarupa  
Chapter 7 Indra's Downfall 144-147
  Indra's Insults to Brihaspati-Indra's belated Regret-Brahma's Advice-Indra's Mission to Viswarupa  
Chapter 8 Imparting of Narayana-Kavacha to Indra 148-152
  Meditation on Narayana-kavacha-Narayana-kavacha Mantra -Narayana-kavacha and a Yogi.  
Chapter 9 The Appearance of Vrita 152-159
  Viswarupa's Slaughter-Vritra's Appearance-The Dev as in Praise of Mahavishnu-Hymn of the Devas-Thunderbolt Weapon of Indra.  
Chapter 10 Devas in Confrontation with Vritra 159-162
  Devas approaching Dadhichi-Making of the Thunderbolt Weapon-Confrontation of Indra with Vritra  
Chapter 11 Excellence of Vritra 162-165
  Vritra's Charge-Vritra's Challenge-Vritra's Devotion to the Lord  
Chapter 12 Destruction of Vritra 166-169
  Further Fight with Vritra-A Sermon on Time by Vritra-Vritra's final Charge and Death.  
Chapter 13 Purification of Indra 169-172
  Indra's Apprehension-Indra under Brahmahatya-Indra's Purification  
Chapter 14 The Story of Chitraketu 172-177
  Further Question about Vritra-Chitraketu meeting Angiras-Birth of a Son to Chitraketu-Poisoning of the Child.  
Chapter 15 Consolation of Chitraketu by the Sages 178-180
  Transitoriness of Life-Response of Chitraketu-Life bedevilled with Sorrow.  
Chapter 16 Enlightenment of Chitraketu 180-188
  Chitraketu meeting his Son's Jiva-Chitraketu's Transformation-Meditation on Sankarshana-Chitraketu's Vision-Chitraketu's Hymn-Instructions to Chitraketu.  
Chapter 17 How Chitraketu Became Vritra 188-192
  Parvati's Curse on Chitraketu-His unperturbed Reaction-Siva's Advice to Parvati-Chitraketu becomes Vritra  
Chapter 18 The Birth of the Maruts 192-199
  Other Progeny of Aditi-Issue of Diti, Mother of Asuras-Diti's Resolve to destroy Indra-The Prajapati's Regret-Instruction on Pumsavana-Birth of the Maruts.  
Chapter 19 Observance of Pumsavana 199-202
  Question on Pumsavana-Mantra, Stotra for Pumsavana-Other Details of Worship-Results of Worship  
Prologue   203-206
Chapter 1 The Lord as Free from Partiality 207-212
  The Lord favours none-The Salvation of Enemies of God-Turning of Passions Godward-Antecedents of Hiranya  
Chapter 2 Consolation of Diti 212-218
  Hiranyakasipu's Ire-Consolation of Diti-Story of Suyajna of Usinara-Yama advises the sorrowing Women-Story of the Kulinga Birds.  
Chapter 3 Fierce Tapas of Hiranyakasipu 218-222
  Representation to Brahma-Brahma's Revelation-Hiranya's Hymn to Brahma.  
Chapter 4 Hiranyakasipu and His Son Prahlada 222-226
  Oppressive Rule of Hiranya-Devas in Quest of Relief-Character of Prahlada.  
Chapter 5 Persecution of Prahlada 227-233
  Hiranya examines his Son-Efforts to reform Prahlada-Hiranya's second Examination-Persecution of Prahlada-Further Efforts to reform him.  
Chapter 6 Prahlada's Sermon 233-236
  Vanity of worldly Values-Exhortation to renounce-God, our dearest and nearest-Excellence of Bhagavata Dharma.  
Chapter 7 Prahlada's Lesson on Self-knowledge 237-242
  Prahlada's previous History-Separateness of Atman and Body-Devotion as the easiest Path-Fleeting worldly Values-Universality of Bhakti.  
Chapter 8 Destruction of Hiranyakasipu 243-251
  Hiranya's angry Reaction-Prahlada's Advice to Hiranya-Incarnation of Narasimha-Destruction of Hiranya-Hymns to Narasimha.  
Chapter 9 The Hymn of Prahlada 251-260
  Prahlada assuaging the Lord's Wrath-Birth no Inhibition to Lord's Grace-I fear not this fearful form-Involvement in Samsara-The Lord's Maya-Vanity of worldly Pleasures-The Lord as Kalpataru-Divine Immanence and Transcendence-Emergence of Universe from Lord-Incarnations-Prayer for Divine Grace-Prayer for universal Salvation-Mastery of Senses and Salvation-The Supremacy of Devotion-Prahlada tempted by Boons.  
Chapter 10 Sequel to the Story of Prahlada 260-267
  Prahlada and Boons-Prahlada enthroned-The Secret of Divine Love-Destruction of the Tripuras.  
Chapter 11 Varnas and Their Dharmas 267-271
  The general Dharma of all Men-Duties and Livelihood of Varnas-Duties of devoted Wives-Livelihood of Others-Swadharma and Man's Evolution  
Chapter 12 Duties of Brahmacharins and Vanaprasthas 271-274
  Brahmacharin's Duties-Vanaprastha's Duties-How Vanaprastha should face Death.  
Chapter 13 The Ascetic's Way of Life 275-279
  Mode of Sannyasin's Life-Prahlada with an Avadhuta-Avadhuta's Mode of Life-Withdrawal as a Way of Life-Ways of the Bee and the Python-Taking Life as it comes-Establishment in the Self  
Chapter 14 The Ideal of a Householder 280-284
  Life of Non-attachment-Attitude to Wealth and Sex-Attitude to Yajnas-Sraddha and auspicious Rites-Value of Holy Places-True Worship  
Chapter 15 Liberation as the Ideal of all Ashramas 284-294
  Food Offering to Devas and Pitris-Perversions of Dharma-Contentment and Happiness-Faith in the Guru-Control o Mind-Self-control, Ideal of Ashramas-Pravritti, Nivritti and Yanas-Knowledge of Non-duality-Salvation through Surrender-Narada's Past-Devotion to Krishna.  
Prologue   295-296
Chapter 1 The First Four Manvantaras 297-300
  Swayambhuva, the first Manu-Svarochisha, the second Manu-Uttama and Tamasa.  
Chapter 2 The Lordly Elephant Endangered 300-303
  Beauty of Trikuta Mountain-Lordly Elephant in Danger  
Chapter 3 The Hymn of the Lordly Elephant 304-308
  A Hymn on the Impersonal-Release of the lordly Elephant  
Chapter 4 Antecedents of the Lordly Elephant 308-311
  Transformation of Crocodile-Antecedents of the lordly Elephant-Greatness of the Episode.  
Chapter 5 Prelude to Churning of the Milk Ocean 311-317
  Fifth and sixth Manvantaras-Curse of Durvasas and after-Hymn of Brahma.  
Chapter 6 The Churning of the Ocean 317-321
  Brahma's subsequent Hymn-The Lord's Instructions-Lifting the Mandara Mountain  
Chapter 7 Emergence of the Poison Kalakuta 321-326
  Incarnation as Tortoise - Appearance of Kolakuta-Hymn to Siva-Siva drinking Kalakuta  
Chapter 8 Emergence of Rama, Amrita and Mohini 327-331
  Gifts of the Ocean-Emergence of Rama-Rama chooses Mahavishnu-Emergence of Varuni and Amrita-The Lord incarnates as Mohini  
Chapter 9 Asuras Deprived of Amrita 232-235
  Mohini accepted as Distributor-Asuras befooled.  
Chapter 10 War between the Devas and the Asuras 335-340
  Battle Scene described-Combats and Duels-Bali's magical Warfare-The Lord's Appearance.  
Chapter 11 Triumph of the Devas 340-344
  Contest of Indra and Bali-Attack and Fall of Jambha-Attack of Namuchi, Bala, Paka-Victory of Indra.  
Chapter 12 Incarnation as the Mohini 344-349
  Siva's Curiosity about Mohini-The Hymn by Siva-Siva's Vision of Mohini-Siva under Infatuation-Reflections on the Incident  
Chapter 13 The Last Seven Mavantaras 350-352
  Vaivaswata Manvantara-Savarni the eighth Manu-9th to the 14th Manvantaras.  
Chapter 14 What is a Manvantara 353-354
  Functions of Manus.  
Chapter 15 Mahabali's Ascent 354-357
  Bali invades Indra's Heaven-Description of Heaven-Siege of Heaven: Indra's Retreat.  
Chapter 16 Kasyapa's Instructions on Payovrata 358-363
  Aditi's Petition to Kasyapa-Description of Payovrata-Preliminary Worship-The Principles of Worship  
Chapter 17 Aditi's Vision of Mahavishnu 363-366
  Mahavishnu appears to Aditi-Aditi's Hymn-Bestowal of Boon on Aditi-Brahma's Hymn.  
Chapter 18 Vamana at Bali's Sacrificial Hall 367-370
  Incarnation of Vamana-Vamana at sacrificial Hall-Bali's Reception of Vamana.  
Chapter 19 Vamana's Supplication 370-374
  Vamana's Eulogy of Mahabali-The three Feet of Earth-Sukra's Remonstrance-Falsehood in worldly Life  
Chapter 20 The Revelation of Vamana 375-379
  Sukra's Advice rejected-Revelation of Cosmic Form-Worlds measured in two paces.  
Chapter 21 Bali in Bondage 379-382
  Brahma's Worship of Vamana-Discomfiture of Asura Army-Binding of Bali  
Chapter 22 Bestowal of Grace on Bali 382-386
  Bali stands Tests unmoved-Prahlada's Arrival and Plea-Brahma's Plea-On Bali's Greatness.  
Chapter 23 Bali's Exit and After 387-390
  Hymns of Bali and Prahalada-Vamana crowned as Upendra-The Lord's Greatness  
Chapter 24 The Incarnation as Fish 390-396
  Brahma loses the Veda-Satyavrata and the mysterious Fish-The Fish reveals its Identity-Announcement of the Deluge-Satyavrata's Hymn-Satyavrata made Manu.  
Prologue   397-399
Chapter 1 The Story of Sudyumna 400-403
  Manu Sraddha Deva and his Issue-Daughter Ila becoming Son Sudyumna-Sudyumna's Reconversion into a Woman-Birth of Pururavas and his Ascension  
Chapter 2 The Lines of the Other Sons of the Manu 404-407
  Story of Prishadhra and Kavi-Lines of Karusha and Dhrishta-Line of Narishyanta-Line of Dishta.  
Chapter 3 The Line of Saryati 407-410
  Saryati at Chyavana's Ashrama-Chyavana's Rejuvenation-A Surprise for King Saryati-Kakudmi Grandson of Saryati  
Chapter 4 Story of Ambarisha 410-417
  Nabhaga claiming Patrimony-Ambarisha's Devotion-Ambarisha's Vow of Dwadasi-The Threat of Durvasas-The Flight of Durvasas  
Chapter 5 Durvasas Submits to Ambarisha 417-420
  Ambarisha's Prayer for Durvasas-Durvasas praises Ambarisha  
Chapter 6 From Ambarisha to Mandhata 420-425
  Ambarisha's Sons-Ikshvaku and his Sons-Indravaha-From Puranjaya-to Yuvanasva-Mandhata-The Story of Saubhari  
Chapter 7 The Line of Mandhata 426-428
  Purukutsa to Trisanku-Harischandra and Rohita  
Chapter 8 The Story of Sagara 428-431
  Sagara and his Exploits-Sagara's Aswamedha-Search for Horse by Amsuman-Hymn to Kapila.  
Chapter 9 From Amsuman to Khatvanga 432-436
  Bhagiratha bringing Ganga-Bhagiratha to Mitrasaha-Mitrasaha as Rakshasa-Mitrasaha to Khatvanga-Story of devoted Khatvanga.  
Chapter 10 The Incarnation of Rama 437-443
  Rama's Greatness-Early Life-Abduction of Sita-Crossing the Sea-Attack on Lanka-Death of Ravana and After-Reception by Bharata-Coronation of Rama.  
Chapter 11 Subsequent Life of Sri Rama at Ayodhya 443-446
  Rama's Sacrifice-Last Phase of Rama's Life-The Greatness of Rama-Rama at Ayodhya.  
Chapter 12 Kusa and His Successors 447-448
  From Kusa to Brihadbala-End of the Solar Dynasty  
Chapter 13 Line of Nimi the Son of Ikshvaku 448-450
  Nimi and Vasishtha-Nimi's son Janaka, the Videha.  
Chapter 14 Pururavas of the Lunar Dynasty 450-455
  Soma the First of the Dynasty-Buddha the Son of Soma-Pururavas unites with Urvasi-Pururavas separated from Urvasi-Subsequent History of Pururavas.  
Chapter 15 Advent of Parasurama 455-459
  Birth of Parasurama-High-handedness of Karthavirya Arjuna-Parasurama destroying Arjuna.  
Chapter 16 Parasurama's Extirpation of Kshatriyas 459-462
  Renuka's Mishap-Avenging Jamadagni's Murder-The Line of Kausikas  
Chapter 17 Other Successors of Pururavas 462-464
  Decendants of Kshatravriddha-Rambha and Anenas-Raji and Kshatradharma  
Chapter 18 Story of Yayati and Devayani 464-468
  Yayati as King-Quarrel between Devayani and Sarmishtha-Yayati marries Devayani-Sarmishtha's Humiliation-Sukra's Curse and After  
Chapter 19 Yayati's Renunciation 469-471
  The Parable of the Goats-Yayati's Sermon on Renunciation-The End of Yayati's Story  
Chapter 20 Dushyanta and Bharata 472-475
  From Puru to Dushyanta-Dushyanta and Sakuntala-From Bharata to Bharadwaja  
Chapter 21 Ranti Deva the Compassionate 475-478
  Bharadwaja to Ranti Deva-Ranti Deva's Sermon-Lines of Garga and Others-Lines of Dvimidha and Others.  
Chapter 22 Bhishma, Kuru, Pandavas and Others 479-483
  Drupada, Kuru etc.-Jarasandha-Santanu-Bhishma and Pandavas-Parikshit and Successors-Kings of Magadha  
Chapter 23 Descendants of Yayati's Sons 483-486
  Descendants of Anu and Druhya-The Line of Yadus-Arjuna-The Yadus.  
Chapter 24 The Genealogical Background of Sri Krishna 486-492
  Other Yadavas-Vasudeva, Krishna's and Pritha-Dantavaktra, Sisupala etc.-Vasudeva and his Issue-Sri Krishna.  

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