When I was asked to edit a book on Mundane Astrology, I was hesitant as it has been some years since I worked on it. Nevertheless, I took it up and am so happy that I didn't pass the opportunity else I would have had great regrets for the rest of my life. It was a blessing in disguise since I got answers to several questions that have been nagging me.
Prabodhji has beautifully woven the effects and timing of events from eclipses. I had always heard that when you have 3 or more eclipses in quick succession, it portends evil for the country or the king or rulers in that year. Prabodhji has very immaculately deciphered the nature of the event, the location of the event and the timing of the event almost accurately to the day. His use of the various Chakras like SBC, Sanghatta, Kota brings out the nuances in understanding the various effects of an eclipse. Prabodhji has clearly depicted that the eclipse acts a seed to blossom into various events which can be calculated precisely to the day. I was astonished to find that the seeds sown matures into full blown events -both favourable and unfavourable over several years and not just in immediate future. Prabhodhji has used the Outer planets extensively in his analysis and illustrated that the outer planets play a very major and crucial role. It is evident that the combinations present at the time of an eclipse portend a series of events which one can predict and verify for oneself. Prabodhji has taken the main combinations to elucidate the main events.
I had wanted to make a few changes in the order of cases exhibited for better reading but agreed to go with the flow of the author as he felt that it was written the way it occurred to him. The book uses only North Indian style chart which can prove difficult for Astrologers who use the South Indian chart style.
He has virtually explained all the major events in Indian History & some major global phenomena. I strongly recommend this book to all lovers of Astrology who want to decipher effects of eclipses in particular. This book can act as a ready reckoner for what the Future holds for us if one foIIows his method sincerely.
I urge Prabodhji to unravel more pearls of wisdom from his quiver. The author owes that much to the world Last but not the least to his friend who took great pains to translate the entire work into English from the musings and scribblings of Prabodhji. My work was made so much simpler because of his translation.
I am sure, Prabodhji will disappoint us and I am ready to edit is next book.
Prabodh Purohit Was born 1942 in a small town of south Gujarat in Vaishnav priest family, with interest in bhakti, classical music and ayurveda as per family tradition. He knows gujarati, Hindi English Sanskrit, and Marathi languages. Was Initiated and blessed by gurus of Bhakti gyan and Yoga systems. He did self study of various systems like traditional KP and western astrology. He has already published a book in gujarati on “Horary Astrology” in 1984. He did research under late Shri Chandrakant r. Bhatt of Ahmedabad on “Sayan sub system in which zodiac is in 30 star zone and dasa of 10 planets” a book written & published in Gujarati by the legendary Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatt in 19921.
The hypothesis for the present work took place in my mind after 40 years of experience with astrology. Accordingly, I have presented in this book, the knowledge that I gained by my study experience and observation and with examples.
I had originally planned to write a book with detailed information of Mundane Astrology and discussion of my hypothesis which would have resulted into a massive book but due to my age and weakness, I have decided to write briefly. My notes (diary) contained about 80 illustrations but while writing and preparing the manuscript when I had reached halfway then some inner voice sounded "ENOUGH" i.e. not to proceed further 'STOP'.
I sincerely declare, this work was impossible for me. Something from inner was coming forward guiding me to select the event, then conjunction and eclipse to interpret events. Topics discussed and presented here are in the same sequence as they are projected and written without any much effort. In the beginning, simple and easy examples then some hard cases and gradually complicated cases and techniques were written.
I had also worked on topics like natural calamities, and events of national pride etc. but it may come out only with god's grace and inspiration.
This is not a final word. I know and accept that there are many things to improve and much finer technique will develop in future.
Research in Mundane Astrology is a vast field and I sincerely hope that my few foot-prints on the path of mundane research will prove as a guide (as a sign board) line for future researchers of Mundane Astrology. OM.
Mundane astrology is a branch of astrology related to nation, state, society, cities, or parts of the world. From very ancient time, astrology has fascinated the people as well as rulers in all parts of the world. Mundane astrology is different from natal astrology with the fact that for preparing a horoscope of an individual, time and place of birth is necessary but for a nation state or city, it may not be available or not possible.
From ancient times, super intelligent seers of astrology have made efforts in this direction, one of them was PTOLEMY. He decided the ruling signs of nations of the world and his classification is useful and sustainable even today. In India many faculties were established by different seers. One of them is Brihat Samhita of Varahmihir and another is Narpati jayacharya of Narpati Kavi (Yamal sage). There are various methods of interpretation through different Chakras and Yantras. A correlated system of these can give us better results in interpretation and prediction.
I have, in my study of astrology, always tried to find out simple and easy ways of thinking through a comparative, compound and correlative study of various systems, and hence I have chosen my pseudonym as "Madhukar"indicating honey-bee gathering nectar from every available flower.
Practically in all the books dealing with Mundane Astrology, importance is given to four Sun ingress (tropical) as well as horoscopes at the time of new moon, full moon and eclipses. However these books rarely indicate relation and time between astronomical events and historical events. I have tried to solve the riddle.
In Mundane Astrology, the slow moving planets and their conjunctions are very important. A conjunction of the slow moving planets occur after years or decades and may indicate a process of change in an era.
The ruling sign of a place or nation is important. We all know and accept that ruling sign of India is Capricorn, but why Capricorn? The question nudged me. Meanwhile from collection of astrological books of my friend Shri Kaushik Pancholi of Bilimora, I came across a small Gujarati book titled "Rashtra Jyotish Siddhi"by Shri Manubhai Shah of Nargol Gujarat). He has shown the zodiac sign division for the world and further twelve subdivision of each sign (different from Parashari Dwadashansh). It was like an ignition and thrust me into further research.
Whenever date and time of formation of a state are available, then the rising sign (ascendant) and Dwadashansh rashi (Parashari) also should be considered with ruling sign and sub sign for better prediction. Though there are so many charts of USA are available I use only the Day chart of 4th July 1774.
Here I am presenting my own observations of conjunctions of major planets and eclipses, how they affect nations, and give us clue for the timing of major events. This innovative book can lead us to find out finer techniques of prediction in Mundane Astrology. My system is unique and calculations are very simple. I found results obtained through this system are very close to the actual date of historical event.
I have discussed all the horoscopes as per Hindu Nirayan (sidereal) system using Chitra Paksha Ayanansha and mean Rahu, with arc distance and progress according to 1d degree = 1 year or 1d = 1 month as time scale. In this book we have used western astrology symbols for identifying different aspects. % for opposition # for square aspect. We have used dd/mm/yyyy format for dates in this book.
Before going to the main text of this book, let me elaborate a little on my study. When Capricorn is the ruling sign of India, then Saturn becomes the ruling planet of India. Whenever there is a conjunction of Saturn with major as well as slow moving planets, it results into a new wave in India. According to planetary movements, Saturn Uranus conjunction occurs after every 45 years. Uranus signifies opposition to the state rule, revolts, changes, new thought in society, modern science and technology. Whenever there is a conjunction of Saturn with Uranus, then there is a period of changing mood of the people and waves of nationalist movement arise in India.
Incidentally, my attention was drawn towards such, Saturn Uranus conjunction and the events that followed. For example:
(1) Saturn Uranus conjunction occurred in 1852 then after 5 years, first freedom movement of India (so called a mutiny; occurred in 1857
(2) After a lapse of 45x2=90 years, the conjunction occurred in 1942 and after 5 years in 1947 India became free and independent nation.
This shows the relationship of astronomical event with a historical event and this similarity amazed me greatly.
It is a universal as well as mystical question how the planets, constellations and zodiac affect individuals, society, nation and even nature. We will not discuss this point here but through the reading of this small research work, an unbiased reader will surely accept that there is some correlation between astronomical event and historical events.
In Mundane Astrology, eclipse is very important for predicting the course of events for a nation. This book discusses, and gives examples of such events. My hypothesis is "whenever an eclipse occurs on any sensitive points like the Sun, Moon, ascendant, 10th cusp or in angle of major conjunction, then the eclipse becomes very important and a probable date for a coming event can be forecasted"
The method is quite simple. Angular difference (for exact aspect like conjunction, opposition, or square) between two heavenly occurrences is calculated and obtained difference is converted in to time i.e. years/ months/days, the time thus arrived at are added to the date of eclipse then a probable date for the historical event can obtained. Thus the date arrived through calculation is a probable date (very close to actual date) of the event that may occur in future.
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