Devi Ushnishavijaya is an ashtabhujadharini, one possessed of (‘dharini’) eight (‘ashta’) arms (‘bhuja’). In one of them She cradles a seated Buddha figurine, the bright red tones of which contrast sharply with the delicate complexion of Her inner hands. This is an integral part of the Ushnishavijaya iconography. She is seated in padmasana, and Her composure of countenance is a blend of wisdom and wrath. Together with Amitayus and Sitatara, She is the presiding deity over immortality.
All that surrounds the central figure are characteristic of the traditional thangka. A lotus pedestal featuring petals of multiple colours, a large halo, and a bejewelled aureole of gold. Stream and verdure and cloud, over which prevails an unusual dusk; and edges on which teem a multitude of mythical creatures.
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