This book is the basic book intended as a course supplements to students, researchers, medical officers, and practitioners of Ayurveda. The text covers principles of treatment including management of jwara. This textbook describes all vital topics related to Kayacikitsa paper I as per CCIM syllabus. It is the unique book written in English by a Vikrti Vijnana and Roga Vijnana specialist and Kayachikitsa specialist. Treatment principles and their elaborate description were described in this book.
Dr. P.S. Byadgi is working as a teacher in the area of Roga Nidan (Ayurvedic diagnostics) since 11 years. Dr. Byadgi began his teaching since 2000 and has been writing books and publishing many articles. Dr. Byadgi earned BAMS degree in the year 1995 and completed internship in the year 1997, post graduate degree in the year 2000 and post doctor degree in the year 2003. Reviewer for articles published in European journal of clinical nutrition JAIM, AYU and STM journals. Dr. Byadgi published 50 papers and 13 full papers in seminar proceedings and serving as an editorial board member and Advisory board member of repute journals. He also published 5 books and wrote 4 chapters in a book and contributed significantly for MD scholars research work as a supervisor as well as co-supervisor and guided them to publish their work in reputed journals. Presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Vikriti Vigyan, Faculty of Ayurveda, Instituted of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi since 2005.
Dr. A. K. Pandey is working as a teacher, researcher and practioner in the area of Kayachikitsa (Medicine) since 10 years. Dr. Pandey achieved B.Sc. degree in the year 1991, BAMS degree in the year 2000, MD (Ay) degree in the year 2003, CCYP and Dip. Yoga in the year 2002-2003 and completed post doctor degree in the year 2012. He published more than 54 papers in national and international journals and 10 full papers in seminar proceedings and serving as an editorial board member and Advisory board member of reputed journals. He also published one book and contributed 4 chapters in Geriatric manual (Pub. By Dept of Ayush, Govt of India), 9 chapters in the manual for Ayurvedic therapy (Pub. By NIOS, Ghaziabad functioning under MHRD) and 6 chapters in books related to Ayurveda. Presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kayachikitsa, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi since 2007.
Now with the change in concepts of health and disease, attention has been drawn to Ayurveda once again, and new waves of research have begun. The awareness and curiosity of Ayurveda and its different branches are increasing gradually not only in India but also throughout the world. However, a review of there search outcomes during last few decades reveals that there has not been any major breakthrough. Further, the methodology adopted for such research has been efited more the conventional system of medicine than Ayurveda itself. There has been a long felt need to have a textbook on Kayachikitsa (Internal medicine) in English as per CCIM norms, which is relevant to the students, teachers and practitioners of Ayurveda. Kayachikitsa is most fertile and viable branch of Sodasanga Ayurved which attracted more attention than any other branches.
No doubt, modern medicine has found a way to solve the problems of various ailment upto some extent through its target or organ oriented approach. At the same time conventional medicine may also leads to various unwanted, toxic effect or even drug failure during the course of treatment of disorders. By virtue of this the ailing one is enjoying the fruits of modernization but at the same time he is paying more and more money for the same. This warrants many scientists and researchers to inclined towards others systems of medicine specially Ayurveda for providing better health care and cure. Ayurveda dis-agrees the target or organ oriented approach of biomedical science. It adopts function-oriented approach and practiced through its alternative theories of Loka-purusasamya, Pancamahabhuta, Tridosa, Samanya-visesa, Dhatuposana, Agnivyapara, Ama, Ojas, Srotasas.
Ayurveda have its own comprehensive methodology of research and development and it is valited time to times through rigorous fourfold testing methods, viz- 1. Pratyakshapramana- direct observations, 2.Anumnapramana- inferential evidences, 3. Aptopadesapramana- scriptural evidences and 4. Yuktipramana- planned rational experimental evidences. At the time of management, clinical examination by descent manner, suitable conversation, selection of suitable therapeutic measures including diets & drugs are required to win the confidence and treat him successfully and safely. The first and foremost thing the physician has to do is to win the confidence of his patent otherwise; he failed to treat his patient because at many times patient may not reveal many his ailments and personal problems which may be directly related with the process of disease. In this regard, Caraka has emphasized that if a physician by virtue of his knowledge is not able to enter in the mind of his patients, he cannot treat him successfully (C.Vi. 4/12).
With these background authors have felt that there is an emergent need of a book on Kayachikitsa which should fulfill the all basic necessary information in comprehensive, clear and concise way. Keeping this thought in mind, this book is written jointly with Dr. P.S. Byadgi, Assistant Professor, Department of RogaVigyana &Vikriti Vigyana, IMS, BHU, Varanasi; primarily at graduate level students as per prescribed syllabi of CCIM. The book Kayachikitsa part-II is divided into 65 chapters and covered principles and management of common diseases.
We the authors therefore feel that this book explaining all the detail accounts pertaining to Kayachikitsa-II and every effort has however been made to avoid needless repetition. The common format of each chapter is brief description of the same followed by details of the chapters with an attempt to evaluate the relevance and validity of the same in modern time. It is our hope and believes that this tiny effort will find favourable response from medical students of Ayurveda and offer significant help to all healing professionals of Ayurveda.
It has been my endeavor to keep the book error free; how- ever, there may be some typographical errors. If the reader comes across any such error, or wants to send any comment/suggestion, please do write or send an e-mail at the address given below. It will be dully acknowledged-in the' subsequent edition.
I offer our sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to Prof. R.H.Singh, Distinguished Professor, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and Dr. S.K. Joshi, Reader inShalya Tantra, Govt. Ayurvedic College, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar, UK for their inspirational thoughts, scientific encouragement and motivation to be I am in the field of Ayurveda specially in Kayachikitsa.
I am grateful to our dynamic Director Prof. R.G. Singh and Prof. M. Sahu, Dean Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi, for their constant encouragement and support. I offer my sincere regards to the Departmental colleagues, Prof. N.P Rai (Head), Prof. B.N. Upadhyay, Prof. S.K. Tiwari, Dr. J.S. Tripathi, Dr. O.P. Singh, Dr. K.N. Murthy, Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Dr. V, K. Srivastava, for their continuous encouragement and support.
I am sincerely thankful to the learned and versatile faculty members specially Prof. M. Dwivedi, Prof. V.K. Joshi, Prof. C.B. Jha, Prof. P.K. Bhardwaj, Prof. K. N. Dwivedi, Prof. A. C. Kar, Prof. B. K. Dwivedi, Prof. P. K. Goswami, and many more colleagues, for their goodwill and support.
During compiling this book, I have received generous assistance and good help from my graduate 'students, PG scholars, researchers, practitioners, many friends, well-wishers and family members including my wife Dr. Madhu Pandey and son Mr. Mridul Pandey. They are too numerous to be mentioned individually, but we offer them all our sincere thanks.
Professor R. H. Singh, Distinguished Professor, Banaras Hindu University, the noted scholar Ayurveda specially Kayachikitsa has written the foreword which added attraction to this book for which the author is extremely grateful.
This book is dedicated to the unfading memory of revered and visionary Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviyaji, Founder of Banaras Hindu University.
We thank the Publishers Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan for their help in various ways. Our thanks also go to Mr. Jitendra (typist), for their constant help in preparing this book in final shape.
I had the opportunity to review the format of the book Kayacikitsa Vol. II authored by Dr. PS Byadgi and Dr. AK Pandey. I find this book a good reading material written as per the syllabi of the undergraduate courses of the subject of Kayacikitsa. The book covers a wide range of diseases described in Ayurveda, their etiopathogenesis, clinical features and treatment. The book also simultaneously describes the comparable modern diseases in continuation for easy reading although for comprehension of the subject readers are advised to study the subject with the help of independent books also.
The trends of education, teaching and learning have changed tremendously in recent years which have become inevitable because of continued explosion of information in all fields of knowledge and the pressing demand of real empowerment of the learners. The traditional teacher-centered teaching is being replaced by student-centered teaching. Till recently the teacher used to be the central figure in the teaching process playing the role of a designed performer in the class room, almost dictating the student clients and conducting the teaching sessions in an unidirectional manner, keeping the learner students in the periphery and the only motivation for the student used to be the completion of the rigid curriculum and passing the examination as a passive receiver of information. Gaining real knowledge, wisdom and skill is left behind. In such a educational set up the inherent natural urge of learning and the talent of the student is suppressed. In new trends the leadership of teaching and learning remains with the student who is the active participant in the process of teaching. The teacher plays the role of a positive and innovative helping hand. The goal is not merely gathering information rather is learning how to learn and how to convert the information into knowledge and wisdom as the real strength to get success in divergent field of activity in life,
In conventional traditional teaching often the teacher limits his class room instructions to a package of information related to the concerned subject. A teacher has to realize that mere information is not the real knowledge-base. A learner has to grasp the delivered information and has to convert the same into knowledge. Knowledge is the real intellectual capital of an individual. Information is largely a borrowed commodity and is liable to change frequently as the knowledge base grows. It is this capital of knowledge which makes education and in turn generates culture and human value in a seeker which is necessary to transform the man and the society generation after generation. We teachers are not merely meant to transact information trading, rather we are expected to generate and transmit innovative knowledge. Further in the age of fast growing information technology it has not remained any more difficult to handle information. Information can be accessed by self study if the learner has learned how to learn.
In this globally accepted new pattern of education the traditional class rooms are being transformed into seminar rooms and the teaching sessions are being run more as learning sessions in bilateral interactive sessions. The role of strereotyped syllabus bound books is largely reduced. The days of syllabus bound books are now gone and time is emerging for knowledge-based books. It may be pointed out that syllabus bound books and question-answer based writings and examination aids pouring in the book market limit the comprehension of the knowledge of a particular subject in its natural unfolding and evolution of the knowledge base in totality. This kind of aid also hampes the intellectual growth of a student and his instinct of learning and innovative skill. Further one has to note that no syllabus and course curriculum is ever complete, it is a dynamic rolling document warranting frequent periodical change. All good students should be encouraged to study the subject beyond the syllabi.
In view of such trends a teacher has to evolve new methodology of teaching, the purpose of which should be to promote learning skill in the student rather than mere repetitive teaching to push a package of information in the mind of a student. The teaching sessions should be interactive and practice oriented. The following is the eye opening remark of a brilliant student like Albert Einstein addressing his teacher “Tell me I will forget, show me I may remember, involve me I shall understand.” This innocent utterance of a learner should guide our action today.
It is hoped that the two young emerging authors will think of producing many more books also beyond the artificial boundaries of a syllabus and will promote modern learner-friendly style of teaching in their class rooms. I have known doctors PS Byadgi and AK Pandey for several years. They are competent professionals in the respective fields. They are good teachers and researchers in the field of Vikriti Vijnana and Kayachiktsa reskpectively. I congratulate them for their collaborative effort to produce new literature in the area of their specialization. I wish this publication a good success.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Acupuncture & Acupressure (204)
Gem Therapy (23)
Homeopathy (503)
Massage (22)
Naturopathy (431)
Original Texts (223)
Reiki (60)
Therapy & Treatment (166)
Tibetan Healing (133)
Yoga (41)
हिन्दी (1129)
Ayurveda (3047)
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