Hymns of Tulsidas ((With Original Text in Devanagari, Transliteration and English Translation))

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Item Code: IDK907
Author: V. K. Subramanian
Publisher: Abhinav Publication
Language: (With Original Text in Devanagari, Transliteration and English Translation)
Edition: 2008
ISBN: 97881701749611
Pages: 193
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 8.9" X 5.8"
Weight 400 gm
Book Description
From The Jacket

Hymns Tulsidas presents, probably for the first time, the popular bhajans of Tulsidas composed in Braj Bhasha and Lok Bhasha, along wit his hymns which constitute the famouse HANUMAN CHALISA, a potent prayer, sung by millions for succour and success, all in one volume.

The speciality of this volume is that it presents the texts in Devanagari script (with suitable RAGAS), along with an English transliteration and a lucid English translation so that even those who are not familiar with the dialects of Hindi used by Sant Tulsidas or the Sanskrit language will be able to understand the devotional sentiments of Tulsidas towards his favourite Deity Sri Rama and his messenger Sri Hanuman.

The songs of Tulsidas are marked by deep mysticism, total surrender to God in the manifestation of Rama and a childlike consciousness of his own shortcoming and an offering of apologia for the same.

Famous classicalsingers like Paluskar, Anop Jalota and M.S. Subbulakshmi have popularized Tulsidas's hymns among the people of India.

The Hymns of Tulsidas will not only be a valuable repertoire for all singers and music lovers but also a precious heirloom symbolising the spiritual heritage of India.

Vadakaymadom Krishna Iyer Subramanian (b. 1930, Kerala, India) is an eminent scholar, whose life mission is to present to the world the treasures of ancient India, in the fields of art, literature, philosophy and religion.

He has already translated several ancient texts into English.

These include: Saundaryalahari, Sivanandalahari, Sacred Songs of India, Maxims of Chanakya, Sri Rudraprasna and Wondrous Whispers of Wisdom from Ancient India.

As a consultant for holistic literary output covers a variety of subject ranging from astrology to art. He has been an astropalmic counselor for over 35 years.

A retired officer of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service (which he joined in 1953), Subramanian is also a reputed painter, who has heild 22 one-man shows and whose paintings (some of them in the Chandigarth Museum) have won wide acclaim from leading art critics of Indian.

Subramanian who has traveled extensively in India, now lives in the United States of America.



Of the four ways to God, laid down by Hinduism: the way to God through knowledge (Jnana Yoga), the way to God through love (Bhakti Yoga), the way to God through work (karma Yoga(, the way to God through psycho-physical exercises (Raja Yoga), Bhakti Yoga or the way to God through love is the most popular, according to Huston Smith (Author of Word's Religions), who writes in the same book:

"One of best known advocates was a sixteenth century mystical poet named Tulsidas."

To understand the life and work of Tulsidas, it is necessary to know the fundamental features of Bhakti Yoga.

The first assumption is that he who loves or worships God rejects the sense of identity with God, which the Jnani feels. The object of love has to be different from the Love.

"He who worships God Must stand distinct from Him. Only so shall he know the Joyful love of God."

Secondly, the Bhakta strives to love God with every fibre of his or her being, not for any ulterior motive but for love's sake alone.

Third, since God is Spirit, and cannot be perceived, the Bhakta needs a perceptible image of God to love.

Hinduism offers several images to choose from: Images of God as Mother, Father, Lover, Child or Master.

The image of God, chosen by the Bhakta or devotees, will be his chosen Ideal and his or her emotional approach to the love of God will determine the choice, namely, whether he or she would like to love God as a Mother, Father, Lover, Child or Master.

Different mystics have adopted different images.

Once the choice of image is made, the Bhakta develops an abiding attachment to that image. That image of God becomes the Ishta Devta, dearest deity (deemed superior to all others).

Since the human heart is attuned to loving people, the most popular image of God chosen by many would be a human incarnation of God (like Jesus, Krishna, Rama, Buddha etc.).

Tulsidas chose the image of king Rama, the human incarnation of God as his Ishta Devta. And he chose to love him as a devoted servant would love his Master.

The methodology of loving the Ishta Devata comprises: singing His praises, eulogising His majesty and glory, praying with wholehearted devotion, regarding the entire cosmos his handiwork etc.

The Bhakta lays a lot of importance on japa, or repeated changing of God's name as a means to infuse his entire being with the spirit of devotion and love for God.

The Hymns of Tulsidas can be appreciated better if one keeps in mind what has been stated in the preceding paragraphs.

Biographical details about Tulsidas are scanty.

He was probably born in 1523 A.D. at Rajapur in Uttar Pradesh. There are some accounts of his being abandoned by his parents because he was born under unlucky stars and his being adopted by a forest mendicant, who taught him the scriptures and the story of Rama.

He seems to have married and was very devoted to his wife. Because of his excessive fondness for his wife, he could not bear her absence even for a day. His wife's remark: "How passionately attached you are to me. If only you love Ram half as much you love my perishable body, you will be freed from the fears and sorrows of life" made him renounce worldly life and become a staunch devotee of Lord Rama>

He went to live his of renunciation and creativity at Varanasi, where he lived till his death in 1623.

It is good to remember that Tulsidas was a contemporary not only of Emperor Akbar and Rama Pratap Singh of Udaipur, but also of William Shakespeare.

Tulsidas wrote his magnum opus Ramachritra-manasa between 1574 and 1577.

Mahatma Gandhi remarked: "I regard the Ramayana of Tulsidas the greatest book in all devotional literature." Tulsidas's other works include: Krishna Gitavali, Vinay Patrika, Gitavali, Kavitavali, Dohavali etc. In all these, Tulsidas's devotion to Lord Rama is explicit.

Tulsidas wrote his works in Lok Bhasha and Braj Bhasha, dialects of Hindi, easily understandable by common people, through he was a scholar in Sanskrit with considerable mastery over it, as the hymns in Sanskrit presented in this volume would bear out.

Since the hymns of Tulsidas make repeated reference to the various episodes in the life of Rama, it would be useful to remember in outline the main threads of the Rama story.

Sri Rama, an incarnation of God, was born as the son of King Dasaratha of Ayodhya (also known as Kosala) of the Raghu lineage. He head three brothers: Bhrata, Lakshman and Satrughna. Dasaratha had three had three wives: Kaushalya, the mother of Lakshmana and Satrughna.

Sage Viswamitra visited King Dasaratha and requested him to send Rama and Lakshmana with him to fight the demons. Viswamitra's request was acceded to.

Walking through the forests, Rama stepped on a stone and released Ahalya from a curse.

Reaching Mithila, the kingdom of Janaka, Rama broke the great bow of Siva and married Sita, daughter of Janaka, returning to Ayodhya with his bride.

Due to manoeuvring by Kaikeyi, Rama lost his coronation and went to forest to keep his father's world, accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana. They, on his behalf.

Rama wadered in the Dandakaraya forest and killed the demon Viradha. He got the inimitable Vaishnava arrow from Sage Agastya. He was worshipped by Jatayu, the great eagle (whom he later cremated) and stayed for a while in Panchavati.

He slew the evil Mareech, who assumed the from of the golden beer and searching for Sita, stolen by the ten-headed Ravana the evil demon King of Lanka, met the tribal woman Sabari, on whose advice came to the bank of the Pampa river and with the help of Hanuman, son of Anjani, made friends with Sugriva, the son of Sun and slit the body of Vali, who had stolen Sugriva's wife.

Staying with Sugriva, Rama gave his ring to Hanuman, son of Wind, who went in search of Sita, met her Lanka and after showing it to Sita, brought it back to Rama.

Vibhishana, brother of Ravana, sought refuge in Rama on the seashore.

Rama built the Sethu bridge on the ocean with the help of the monkeys, reached Lanka and killed Ravana, the ten-headed demon King.

He returned to Ayodhya, accompanied by Sita, who was purified by fire and had the coronation at Ayodhya with pomp and splendour.

Apart from the episodes in the Ramayana, in which Rama displays his divinity, nobility, compassion and protects those who seek refuge in him, irrespective of their social status or genre of being, all of which Tulsidas extols with zeal and fervour, he also makes several reference in his hymns to the various episodes of the Krishna incarnation like protecting the Pandavas and saving Draupati from disgrace by the disrobing attempted by the evil Dussasana.

There is also reference, in Tulsi's hymns, to episodes connected to Vishnu, whose incarnations Rama and Krishna are. Examples are the Prahlada episode, the Gajendransoksha episode, the story of Ajamila etc.

Tulsidas's deep and extensive knowledge of the scriptures and the Puranas is evident in these references.

In the hymns of Tulsidas we find mention of certain terms like Kalpataru, the wish-fulfiling tree, Kamadhenu, the wish-granting holy cow, and the Chantamani stone which fulfils all desires.

People in India are familiar with these terms but some explanation of the mythological background of these terms might be necessary for foreign readers.

According to Agni Purana, Kalpataru or Kalpakarishna, the celestial tree which has the power of grating all wishes, was one of the wonderful things which came out milky ocean was churned by the angles and the demons.

Similarly, Kamadhenu, the celestial cow, is considered to have divine power to fulfil any wish. She is deemed the mother of all cows in the world.

Chintamani is a diamond which came out, like Kalpakavriksha, at the time of churning of the milky ocean by angels and demons.

The Puranas of India are replete with myriad stories related to various deities. It is difficult to elaborate on them in this brief introduction. But one running theme in India's myths and legends may be mentioned: God manifests in many ways to destroy evil and uphold righteousness.

Tulsidas's beloved Rama is one such incarnation of God who destroys evil demons, protects the righteous and saved all those who seek refuge in Him from the sorrows of the phenomenal world.

I am proud to present the Hymns of Tulsidas, dripping with devotion to God, to my readers scattered all over the globe.




  Acknowledgements 15
  Introduction 17
Hymns In Lok Bhasha And Braj Bhasha
(Dialects of Hindi)
1. Gaayiye ganapati jagabandana 24
  Raga: Yaman  
2. Jaake priy na raam vaidehi 26
  Raga: Hamsadhwani  
3. Raghuvar tum ki meree laaj 28
  Raga: Maru Behag  
4. Nainam men siyaraam bsojee mere 30
  Raga: Lalat  
5. Mamtaa tu na gai mere man te 32
  Raga: Kalavati  
6. Bhaj man raamcharan sukhadaayee 34
  Raga: Bhairavi  
7. Tu dayalu, deen haum, tu daani, haum bhikhaari 36
  Raga: Desh  
8. Bhaj raghuveer syaam jugal charan 38
  Raga: Bahar  
9. Thumak chalat raamachandra baajat paijaniyaan 40
  Raga: Jenjoti  
10. Jaanakeenaath sahaay kare jab 42
  Raga: Kalyan Jenjoti  
11. Ko no krodh nirdahyo, kaam bas kehi nahim keenho 44
  Raga: Bilawal  
12. Aasram baran kali bibas bikal bhaye 46
  Raga: Todi  
13. Ko oo kahen karat kusaaj dagaabaaj bado 48
  Raga: Kedara  
14. Raam haim matu pitaa guru bandhu 50
  Raga: Baagesree  
15. Taulom lobh, laalup lallaat laalachee labaar 52
  Raga: Vibhas  
16. So janani so pitaa soi bhaai so bhagini 54
  Raga: Desh  
17. Main hari, patit-paavan sune 56
  Raga: Peelu  
18. Eesan ke ees, mahaaraajan ke mahaaraaj 58
  Raga: Khamaaz  
19. Meet baali-bandhu, Poot, daskndh-bhadhu 60
  Raga: Saurashtra  
20. Silaa-saap, guh geedh ko milaap 62
  Raga: Lalat  
21. Raam maatu bandhu sujan guru poojy param hit 64
  Raga: Poorvi  
22. Kaahe ko phirat moodh man dhaayo 66
  Raga: Behag  
23. Siyaraam-saroop agaadh anoop bilochan- meenan ko jalu hai 68
  Raga: Malkauns  
24. Yah binati raghuveer gusaai 70
  Raga: Dhanaasree  
25. Naam mahaaraaj ke nibaah neeko keejai ur 72
  Raga: Soohi  
26. Kabhunk haum yahi rahaungo 74
  Raga: Asaveri  
27. Dev! Doosaro kaun deen do dayaalu 76
  Raga: Gauda-Sarang  
28. Kahukehi kahiye kripaanidhe! Bhavajanit vipti ati 78
  Raga: Nata  
29. Kahaan jaaoon kaaso kahaun aur thaur na mere 80
  Raga: Bahar  
30. Raam japu raam japu raam japu baavre 82
  Raga: Bhairav  
31. Kripaasindhu! Jan deen duvaare daadi na paavat kaahe 84
  Raga: Desh  
32. Kabhoon tau kar-saroj ragunaayak! 86
  Raga: Durga  
33. Raam raam, ratu raam raam ratu, raam raam, japu jeehaa 88
  Raga: Kanhara  
34. Kaajukaha nar tanu dhari khaariyo 90
  Raga: Dhanaasree  
35. Kaahe ko phirat man karat bahu jatan 92
  Raga: Kalyaani  
36. Mere raavariye jati raghupati hai bali jaaoon 94
  Raga: Lalat  
37. Kaahe rasanaa, raam na gaavahi? 96
  Raga: Durga  
38. Paavan prem raamcharan kamal janam laahu param 98
  Raga: Bhairavi  
39. Jaisaa haun taiso raam raavarau jan jani parihariye 100
  Raga: Kedara  
40. Hari naam base hari naam base jinke hirday hari naam base 102
  Raga: Yaman  
41. Kabhu man visraam na maanyo 104
  Raga: Brindavana Sarang  
42. Manorath man ko ekai bhaanti 106
  Raga: Poorvee  
43. Kabhoon kripaa kari raghuveer! Mohu chitaiho 108
  Raga: Kanada  
44. Bharoso jaahi doosro so karo 110
  Raga: Kalyaan  
45. Jaaoon kahaan taji charan tumhaare 112
  Raga: Dhanaasree  
46. Asi kacchu samujhi parat raghuraayaa 114
  Raga: Hamsadhwani  
47. Jaag jogee jagam jati jammaatee dhyaan dharai 116
  Raga: Desh  
48. Ab laum nasaanee ab na nasaihaum 118
  Raga: Bilawal  
49. Kisabee kisaan kul banik bhikhaaree bhaat 120
  Raga: Soohi  
50. Bhali bhaarat bhoomi, bhale kul janmu 122
  Raga: Khamaaz  
51. He hari, kavan janatbhram bhaagai 124
  Raga: Vilas  
52. Jag jaanchiye kou na, jaanchiye jau jiyjaanchiye 126
  Raga: Gauri  
53. Bishayaa paranaari nisaa-tarunaai 128
  Raga: Bikas  
54. Jaake bilokat lokap hot bisok 130
  Raga: Peelu  
55. Sunu kaan diye nit nem liye 132
  Raga: Kedar  
56. Reeti mahaaraaj kee nevaajiye 134
  Raga: Bahar  
57. Naahin bhajiye jog biyo 136
  Raga: Naatak  
58. Naam kyon basaum jam-nagar tere 138
  Raga: Jenjoti  
59. Jad panch milai deh karee 140
  Raga: Bagesree  
60. Janamyo jehi joni anek kriyaasukh laagi karee 142
  Raga: Durga  
61. Ruchir rasanaa tu raam raam kyon na ratat 144
  Raga: Bhairavi  
62. Jaati ke sujaatike, kujaati ke petaagi bas 146
  Raga: Poorvee  
63. Sut, daar, agaar, sakhaa, parivaarbiloku 148
  Raga: Peelu  
  Hymns In Sanskrit  
64. Sri raamchandra kripaalu bhaja man harana bhavaya daarunam 150
  Raga: Yaman  
65. Yanmaayaavasavarti visvamakhilam 152
  Raga: Bhoopaal  
66. Prasannataam yaa nagataabhishekastathaa 154
  Raga: Kapi  
67. Neelaambujasyaamala komalaangam 156
  Raga: Suddhasaveri  
68. Saandraanandappayoda saubhagatanum 156
  Raga: Sree  
69. Brahmaabhdhi samubhavam 160
  Raga: Malkauns  
70. Saantam saavatamaprameyamanagham 162
  Raga: Yaman-Kalyan  
71. Naanya sprihaa raghupat hridaye asmadeeye 164
  Raga: Neelambari  
72. Raamam kamaarisevyam bhavabhaya haranam 166
  Raga: Hamir Kalyan  
73. Kekee kanthaabha neelam 168
  Raga: Madhyamavati  
  Sri Hanuman Chalisa  
74. Sree guru charan saroj raj 170
  Raga: Lalat  
75. Buddhiheen tanujaanike 170
  Raga: Lalat  
76. Jai hanuman jnaan gun saagar 172
  Raga: Desh  
77. Ram doot atulitbal dhaamaa 172
  Rama: Desh  
78. Mahaaveer bikram bajrangee 172
  Raga: Desh  
79. Kanchan baran biraaj subesaa 172
  Raga: Desh  
80. Haath bajr au dhwajaa biraaje 172
  Raga: Desh  
81. Sankar Suvam Kesari nandan 174
  Raga: Desh  
82. Vidyaavaan gunee atichaatur 174
  Raga: Desh  
83. Prabhu chritr sunibe ko rasiyaa 174
  Raga: Desh  
84. Sooksham roop dhari asur samhaare 176
  Raga: Desh  
85. Bheem roop dhari asur samhaare 176
  Raga: Desh  
86. Laay sajeevan lakhan jiyaaye 176
  Raga: Desh  
87. Raghupati keenhee bahut badhaari 176
  Raga: Desh  
88. Sahas badan tumharo jas gaavaim 176
  Raga: Desh  
89. Sanakadik brahmaadi nuneesaa 176
  Raga: Desh  
90. Jam kuber digpaal jahaan te 178
  Raga: Desh  
91. Tum upkaar sugreevahim keenhaa 178
  Raga: Desh  
92. Tumharo mantr bibheeshan maanaa 178
  Raga: Desh  
93. Jug sahasrajojan par bhaanu 178
  Raga: Desh  
94. Prabhu mudrikaameli much maahi 178
  Raga: Desh  
95. Durgam kaaj jagat ke jete 180
  Raga: Desh  
96. Rama duwaare tum rakhavaare 180
  Raga: Desh  
97. Sab such lahai tumhaaree sarnaa 180
  Raga: Desh  
98. Aapan tej samhaaro aapai 180.
  Raga: Desh  
99. Boot pisaach nikat nahim aavai 180.
  Raga: Desh  
100. Naasai rog haraisab peeraa 182
  Raga: Desh  
101. Samkat tem hanuman cchudaavai 182.
  Raga: Desh  
102. Sab par raam tapasvee raajaa 182
  Raga: Desh  
103. Aur manorath jo koi laavai 182
  Raga: Desh  
104. Chaaron jug partaap tumhaaraa 182
  Raga: Desh  
105. Saadhu sant ke tum rakhvaare 184
  Raga: Desh  
106. Asta siddhi nau nidhi ke daataa 184
  Raga: Desh  
107. Raam rasayan tumhare paasaa 184
  Raga: Desh  
108. Tumhare bhajan raam ko paavai 184
  Raga: Desh  
109. Ant kaal raghubar pur jaayee 184
  Raga: Desh  
110. Aur devataa chit na dharai 186
  Raga: Desh  
111. Sankat katai mitai sab peeraa 186
  Raga: Desh  
112 Jai jai jai hanuman gosaai 186
  Raga: Desh  
113. Jo sat baar path kar koi 186
  Raga: Desh  
114. Jo yah padhai hanuman chaleesaa 186
  Raga: Desh  
115. Tulseedaas sadaahari cheraa 188
  Raga: Desh  
116. Pavan tanay samkat haran mangal moorti roop 188
  Raga: Lalat  
  Alphabetical Index of Hymns 191

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