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Medical Astrology

Edition: 2008
Pages: 498
Cover: Hardcover
8.8" X 5.8"
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Book Description
Astrology has many uses but its use in the medical field is perhaps the most important one. It is a know fact that even during these days of many advanced techniques and medicines, the exact cause of many a serious disease remain unknown. Since the planetary position in a horoscope can direct the root cause of a disease the verdict of the astrology stands supreme.

Medical Science has thrown a challenge to astrologers by providing cure to many disease and by developing menace to protect from epidemic disease. It is upto astrologers to prove that Astrology can go a step further than this and that they will be able to diagnose disease merely looking at the natal charts. Astrology is therefore more useful than any other system of knowing about disease. A medical practitioner has different methods of examining his case. So also an astrologer. If the doctor use his clinic methods the astrologer makes use of his Transit (Gochar) of planets. If the doctor uses his stethoscope then the astrologer uses his horoscope. Thus you will see that an astrologer is equally a better person than a doctor in diagnosing the disease.

An apparently hale and healthy individual dies suddenly of heart failures and a person who is declared as a hopeless case by doctors, survives. Why? What answer the doctors have to this question. They may say it is their fate. That is exactly what we subject, helps us to know one's fate.

It has been endeavoured to introduce a few specialties in this book. Firstly to discuss the benefit of the Readers of astrology a maximum number of disease under astrological laws. Secondly to supply in support of the discussion as many illustrations from actual life as is possible, with a view to make the subject readily understandable. Thirdly it is tries to place the astrological material in a rational and logical manner, so that the question of health and disease can be tackled in an independent way without being too much subservient. All the subject discussed in this book are based strictly on the fundamental and basic cannons of the science of Indian and western Astrology.

Disease are generally caused by the influence of malefic planets. There are some disease which result from "Displacement". This "displacement" or "separation" is caused by Sun, Saturn, Rahu and the lord of the 12th house as we witness it in such disease as "loss of pregnancy", Hernia, Sterlization etc. There are some in which this influence results in "operation" or severance of a limb. I have tried to explain elaborately important disease in chapter Case Studies of Disease Through Medical Astrology.

The very idea of writing this book is to bring the human society out of the darkness of oblivion. By implementing the suggested remedial measures the society at large can make rapid progress in the of Medical Astrology.

It does not suffice to apprehend what kind of adversity one is going to face in life. Remedial astrology can even solve the problems in one's life by prescribing Mantras and Stotra and other remedial measures. An experienced astrologer after factoring in Rashi, nakshtra and other features of a horoscope can advise suitable measures for Health, have been exhaustively discussed in the Chapter of 'Astrological Remedy (Upaye)', which are largely divided into many parts.

I have tried to cover a very wide area of astrology in this book. But the subject is still much more extensive delineation and thorough analysis and so may be safely classed as an authentic work on Nirayana or Indian system of Astrology. Indian, Eastern and Western readers would be highly benefited by the author's scholarship and research as recording in this monumental work.

Last but not the least, this work does not pretend to be complete in any sense of the term. It is none but an attempt to serve the interest of the common man. We are more than anybody else conscious of many defects and blemishes – which would have inadvertently crept in this book. For this, I shall be extremely grateful to accept any suggestion from the valued readers.

The book is a collection of material composed by various authors who have worked in this field and I have tried to built it up gradually so that the compilation can be understood of this complexed subject. I acknowledge the efforts of Col. DEE Baswani (Retd.) for carrying out the corrections and editing of this book.

My sincere thanks to other Reviewers who contributed the volumes of feedback that made my writing and examples more readable and correct.

I wish to express my thanks to my friends Pinku and Tinku for being a source of motivation as well as Shri Narender Sagar who stimulates me for writing.

My special thanks to my mother Dr. Krishna as without her blessings it would have not possible to write on this topic.

Me gratitude to my wife Renu and daughter Gudiya Vrinda for providing me with the aim and purpose.

I would also like to thank Mr. Bhupender Singh Negi for typing, editing and numerious other acitivities associated with the publication of this Book.

This Eighth Book, like the previous Seven, is also dedicated to my father Late Shri Kailash Chander who taught me this Science as a child and was himself a great devotee of this subject in the days when there were no computers.

I would like to end this with the thought of Vrindavan and Banke Bihari whose blessings have been with me and I always look upon him in all my endeavours.

This book is devoted to the area of astrology which defines the medical problems associated with each sing. Believing we can tell what kinds of medical problems will plague a person creates some interesting questions. If we can foretell someones health problems, then taken one step further, could we not also predict death? After all, the 8th house is suppose to tell of a person's death. The 4th house can describe the affairs at the end of life and all endings in general. Personally, I think there are some things we are not supposed to know, and quite frankly who really wants to know? There are several astrologers out there who claim to be able to tell for certain the timing of death, and I would ask them "What kind of a freak are you?" I don't delieve anyone knows with any certainty the time of death but our "Maker". If you don't believe in a Maker, then so be it, but life is easier to take if you do my friend. Without a belief in a higher power life may seem a random loop of unfathomable unfairness and cruelty.

Regardless of my opinions, in my studies and research I have found astrology can point to chronic health problems. usually indicated by the Sun. Ascendant, 6th house and the signs associated with them. Aspects made to the Sun and the Ascendant are very important. For example, Jupiter in good aspect to the Sun gives an automatic "leg up" in the vitality department, and if Mars is in good aspect to the Sun, it gives speedy recuperation. Saturn to the Sun, in difficult aspect, will show a chronic health problem which is further described by the signs in which these two planets fall, also note the house. In my work as a Medical Social Worker, I became interested in preventative medicine. One of the best ways to stay health is not get sick in the first place? If you have Venus in poor aspect and poorly placed, as well as on the cups of the 6th house, well then, watch the sweets or you will end up a diabetic, especially if the Moon is added to the mix. Venus rules sweets and the kidneys. The Moon rules fluids, including to some extent the blood. If you have a Leo Ascendant with the Sun in the 6th, look out for heart and back problems. Got a bunch of Pisces and Neptune in these areas? Drugs and alcohol, maybe? Or, even more scary, Neptune rules things that are hidden. I find Neptune/Pisces prevalent with cancer diagnoses or other hard to diagnose illnesses until which time they are found. Jupiter can also be a cancer indicator when there is a tumour involved due to its association with excess growth. However, Pluto and Scorpio also are key players in the cancer arena. I had Pluto trining my Venus when I had cancer. Trines are traditionally seen as an opportune, or good aspects, and in this case I had an opportunity to remove something that was dangerous.

Mars and Neptune, or Aries and Pisces are often times found in charts of violent suicide. The act (for instance, a gun to the head) is easy to see in hindsight with Mars being the violence and Neptune being something done in secret. However, motives can could the picture. What killed them really, the gun or profound sadness and loss? People who murder others or those who die as a result of a car accident can also show Mars/Aries signatures. Mars in the 1st house is a dangerous placement for head wounds, but can also denote great athletisism and a courageous soul. Therefore, it is basically irrelevant is possible at any time. As with everything in life, this area of astrology need be taken with a "grain of salt". Remember: Balance is the keyword of all existence and faith can always heal us. That being said, hare are some helpful hints for yourself healthy.

Sun in the 1st house, in Aries, or Sun poorly aspected by Mars and an Aries Ascendant: look to health concerns associated with Aries/Mars and the 1st house, risk factors include heart attack, back problems, spinal cord injuries, spinal meningitis or difficulties concerning the right side of the body, which could indicate strokes. More Mars/Aries oriented problems point to traumatic brain injury, sinusitis, rhinoplasty (though bones in the nose are also connected to Saturn) , car accidents/ explosions, burn, and wounds caused by violence, like gunshot and stabbings. Mars/Aries rule the head, muscles, sex organs and adrenal glade too. The Sun in the 1st house can give a very strong constitution and the will to overcome obstacles, which mitigates some of the negatives.

A person with the Sun in the 2nd house, in Taurus, poorly aspected to Venus or an Ascendant in Taurus should look to the sign Taurus/Venus for possible health issues. These can include excesses, such as overeating or drinking, which cause weight problems, kindly disease, gall stones, and blood disorders including diabetes. This person may also not have good muscles tone and will not be motivated to exercise if not given proper incentive.

Sun in the 3rd house, in Gemini, aspected to Mercury, or an Ascendant in Gemini are prone to all Mercury/Gemini type ailments. Gemini rules anything we have two on our body, including shoulders, ankles, eyes, kidneys, ears, as well as the nervous system, which can also include issues of mental illness, bursitis, meniere"s Disease, and multiple sclerosis, are a few of the concerns for this placement.

Sun in the 4th House, in Cancer, Cancer on the Ascendant or a Sun/Moon polarity is associated with Cancer/Moon ailments. The beasts, stomach, digestive system, womb, fluids in the body, glands (lymphoma, mononucleosis), and bleeding or blood diseases (leukemia, excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle, ulcers, stomach cancer) and hormonal disorders are all potential risk areas.

With the sun in the 5th House, in Leo, or Leo on the Ascendant, there is the reverberation of problems concerning the back, spine and right side of the body and the heart. Don't discount the health implications of "heartbreak" with this placement. There is the potential for heart attacks, strokes, spinal cord injuries, or problems having that is primarily considered to be a Mars/Moon problem.

Sun in the 6th House, Sun in Virgo, on the Ascendant, or aspected to Mercury in this sing, or on the cusp of the 6th House, contributes health factors associated with Mercury/Virgo. Virgo has a sensitive nervous system, as well as respiratory system. Mercury also rules motor coordination and Virgo rules the bowels and intestinal tract. Diverticulitis, colon cancer (people with this placement need a daily dose of fiber), pneumonia (also a Gemini problem) are all ruled by Virgo and Mercury.

Sun in the 7th House, in Libra, a Libra Ascendant or the Sun in bad aspect to Venus should look at Venus/Libra riled health risks. These include the neck, throat, thyroid gland, kidneys, liver, ovaries, veins and equilibrium. Libra mainly rules the kidneys. Kidney stones, gall stones, varicose veins, sclerosis of all problems associated with Venus.

The Sun in the 8th House, in Scorpio, Ascendant in Scorpio or Sun poorly configured with Pluto can contribute health issues associated with Scorpio and. Pluto rules the excretory system and Scorpio rules the sex organs while the 8th house is associated with the muscular system, Testicular cancer, impotence, venereal disease, degenerative disease which attack the muscular system, like Muscular, can be found in this sector.

The Sun in 9th House, in Sagittarius, Ascendant in Sagittarius, or poorly aspected by Jupiter would cause health concern from Sagittarius and Jupiter. These include the blood, arteries, hips, things and liver. Jupiter is a planet that helps dean, the blood and move it around the body. Hardening of the arteries, or Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease would be found here especially if correlated with Sun or Leo. Obesity and high blood pressure, both caused by excesses are associated with Jupiter.

The Sun in the 10th House, in Capricorn or the Ascendant in Capricorn or the Sun poorly aspected by Saturn causes these health problems. Knees, bones, skin teeth, and joints are areas of concern. Problems would include arthritis or rheumatism, dental issue, including braces and bridges, chills, melanomas, bone disease including cancer of the bones and osteoporosis. Calcium should be added to anyone's diet that has a Saturn/Capricorn problem in the health sectors.

The Sun placed in the 11th, in Aquarius, or Aquarius on the Ascendant or the Sun in bad aspect to Uranus should look to Aquarius and Uranus for relevant health issues. Uranus rules the Electrolyte dysfunction can be a problem or carpel tunnel syndrome, because of Uranus' association with computers.

Uranus is indicative of sudden onset of health problems and can be a progenitor of accidents. People with Uranus in aspect to Mars or Mercury are prone to auto accidents.

The Sun in the 12th House, in Pisces Ascendant or Neptune in aspect to the Sun cause problems in health related to Pisces and Neptune. This includes problems with the feet, such as bunions and calluses. Neptune is far more ominous and can include ailments pertaining to drug use, drowning, and with Gemini pneumonia. Cancer as a disease is often associated with Neptune because it quietly and insidiously destroys cell tissues. If Neptune is prevalent in the chart, look at its sing placement and be cognizant of changes in the area of the body ruled by that sign. Early detection is often the greatest hope for people with cancer. Cancer, as a sign, and the Moon, when associated with Neptune are the rulers of communicable disease like tuberculosis, AIDS, Ebola and other scary transmutable.

About the Author
The Author, Dr. Shanker Adawal, is a management professional. He is presently working for one of the Fortune 500 Indian companies at a senior position. Did his MBA and PHD, and worked with Multinationals in India and abroad, before joining his present assignment. He has traveled extensively both in India abroad. He also has keen interest in Human Rights.

He got interested in astrology when he when he was young, did his Jyotishacharya, and has been doing his research in this field for over three decades. His desire and aspiration to share the findings of his research and the new dimensions which can be given to the science of astrology, prompted him to attempt to put the details in the form of a book so that the readers can take advantage of the same.

I have investigated the various positive and negative signs in the skeletal system. In this complex study of medical astrology there is the traditional zodiacal sign rulership along with the positive and negative signs. In this study I have tried to reduce the complexity and explain the various planets which affect our muscles respiratory, circulatory, digestive and genitor –urinary system. Along with this a very important role is played tired endocrine, organ special cell and the nervous system. In the book I have tried to relate the various astrological signs with the physiology, health and disease.

The study of Medical Astrology and correlating it with the planetary influence and aspects is a fascinating subject. The relationship between diseases and the planets has been a matter of study by various astrologers. I have tried to classify, arrange and straighten the material available.

This book, both the students and those pursuing astrology seriously will find it useful. Astrology as a tool for diagnosing could be an excellent tool and this is a small effort towards.

This is the ninth book of the author, the first being Bhrigu Samhita: Predictive Techniques Deciphered, second Know about Jupiter & Saturn, third, Know about Mars & Mercury, fourth, Your Profession: Ups & Downs with Remedial Measures, fifth, Relationship: Marriage, Love & Sex, sixth, Know about luminaries: The Sun & The Moon, seventh, know about Astrology: Complete Guide to Self Learning Course in Astrology and the eighth being, Know About Transit.


Chap. ContentsPage
1.Introduction of Medical Astrology1
- Elements; Zodiac Signs and Planets; Significator of Planets;
2Law of Correspondences of Medical Astrology20
-Signficator of Twelve Zodiac Signs; Pathogenic Effects of Planets.
3.Pathogenic Effects of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac; Signification of House, Significator Planets for House; Signficator for Constellations (Nakshatras).38
4.Body Parts & Their Rulers, Diseases & Conditions; Essential Dignities.
5.Astro-Diagnosis of Disease58
6.Know About Medical Astrology.66
7.Getting Started with Medical Astrology76
8.What Can Medical Astrology Do for You ?84
9.The Sixth House Influence.89
10.Preliminary Step in Diagnosing.91
11.Health and Healing.94
12.Hints and Helps for the Healer.99
Chap. ContentsPage
14.Diagnosing from the Hands and Finger Nails.107
15.Diagnosis from Horoscope.114
16.Health Problems shown by Moon.118
17.Importance of the Position of Sun & Moon in Astrology.124
18.Kala Purusha and Disease130
19.Lagna and Disease.139
20Pleasures and Diseases in Life.144
21.Astrology of Fertility.150
22.Astrology Significatiors of Health Problems.153
- Heart Disease and its cause; Combination for Cancer Disease' Breast Cancer; Combinations for Tuberculosis (TB); Astrology and Appendicitis; Kidney Troubles; Combination for Diabetes; Combination for Paralysis; Indication for "Epileptic Fits"; Blindness and Eye Disease; Dumbness and Deafness; Combination for Deafness; Astrology and Asthama
23.Case Studies of Disease Through Medical202
24.Astrology and Nutrition.298
25.Vitamins and Minerals for Planets.302
26.Astrology – Health & Diet.318
27.Astrology and Ayurveda.324
28.Astrology and Health Helping326
29.Disease : Causes and Remedies.347
Chap. ContentsPage
30.Remedies (Upayes) to Problems in Medical Astrology352
- Puja Yoga; Mantras; Yantras; Gem Stones; Austerities and Fasts; Donations.
31.important Remedies (Upaye) for All Planets406

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