This is the most orginal, revolutionary and effective book ever written on Jaimini Astrology, because:
K.N. Rao (Kotamraju Narayana Rao) retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts Service as Director General in November t 990. He is the second of the four sons of the famous journalist of the pre- independence era, K. Rama Rao, the founder editor of the National Herald and, editor of more than thirty journals in his long journalistic career. Rao was initiated into astrology by his late mother, K. Saraswani Devi, at the age of twelve in t 943. He regards her as the best astrologer he has known in two areas, marriage and children and prashna (horary).
Rao was a lecturer in English before joining the government service through an all-India competition in 1957. He joined the Indian Audit and Accounts Service from which he retired as Director General in November 1990. More interested in games and sports than in astrology in his youth, Rao won brilliancy prizes in chess competitions and two state championships in bridge competitions. He played ten other games which is why in his astrological writings also there are references to games often.
During his service career, he was the planner, organizer and teacher of three international courses on Audit of Receipts as a joint director once and director twice. His interactions with foreigners have been both on professional and astrological levels for more than two decades which is why he has, as an astrologer, a large international network of friends. He went on doing all his fundamental researches in astrology during his service career because of which he went on collecting horoscopes systematically in thousands. He has in his possession more than 50,000 horoscopes with ten important events of each individual noted with him. It is perhaps, the largest individual collection of horoscopes any astrologer in the world has.
The strain of doing astrology as a mission, not charging any fee, except on foreign tours almost made him give up astrology many times. But in December t 98 t he was forced out of his shell to participate in a three-day seminar on astrology in Delhi. After this ground breaking speech, there has been a persistent demand for his astrological articles. From then onwards he has been sharing with his readers his original researches for which he has won worldwide praise.
Between 1993 and 1995, Rao has visited the USA on five lecture tours. He was the Chief Guest at the Second Conference of the American Council of Vedic Astrology in 1993. He was requested to be present in the Third Conference also in 1994 on the opening day because of the crowds he would draw. His name was advertised till November 1995 also for the Fourth Conference though he had made it dear that he would not be available anymore for the American conferences.
Since June 1998 he has visited Moscow five times where he taught astrology through interpreters. It was a great success every time as reported by the Russian sponsors part of those reported is produced here.
As a result of his academic approach, he has now more than a thousand students in India and more than five hundred in the USA and Russia. He is the Director of Astrology Courses in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi. The teachers on the teaching faculty of the astrology course in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan have, like him, never charged any fees for teaching which they do in an honorary capacity. What impelled Rao to do it is well explained in his own horoscope where the lagna and the 10th lords get combined in the lagna, with an exalted Jupiter in the 10th house. All this was foreseen by his Jyotish Guru, Yogi Bhaskarananda of Gujarat whom Rao describes as the last of the Rishi astrologers in the purest classical mould, He had told him that he would have to visit many foreign countries to give to Hindu astrology the honour, recognition and dignity which it did not have till then. An American summed up the impact of the first ever foreign visit of Rao to the USA in 1993 as, "Vedic astrology before Reo and after Rao”.
What different yogis have said about astrology as a Vedanga which he must not give up has been quoted in his book, Yogis, Destiny and the Wheel of Time. Astrology is ill-reputed as a profession because of its mercenary and exploitative nature. Rao's desire never to turn into a professional astrologer, has won him thousands of admirers and also some enemies from the community of professional astrologers who felt threatened, when around him there grew up a fine team of more than two hundred academic astrologers like him, for whom astrology is not a source of living, but a super science to delve into the meaning and also purpose of human life, which is what astrology, as Vedanga, should and has to be.
Both his mantra guru, Swami Paramananda Saraswati, and his jyotish guru, Yogi Bhaskarananda taught him some secrets of spiritual astrology which are not given usually in any book of astrology. Rao has revealed some of these secrets in his book, Yogis, Destiny and the Wheel of Time. Among Rao's recent fundamental and most original researches are his two books Predicting through Jaimini's Chara Dasha and Predicting through Karakamsha and Mandook Dasha. It has been possible for him to produce such researches because he was told by his jyotish guru that what was in parampara (tradition) was much more than what was contained in books of astrology which are translated literally and are without illustrations generally. His own mother, who was his first jyotish guru, knew many such traditional secrets, parts of which Rao has revealed in his three books, Ups and Downs in Careers, Astrology; Destiny and the Wheel of Time and Planets and Children.
It was the mantra guru of Rao, Swami Paramananda Saraswati, who first asked Rao not to give up astrology as it had to be an integral part of his sadhana. Later a great yogi, Swami Moorkhanandji, prophesied in 1982 that he would be the architect of a great astrological renaissance. Whether that is already fulfilled or not can be gauged from the impressive list of his research published in his writings given here In a tabular form.
The glory and the rishi tradition of India will remain unparalleled in human history. If Indian Indologists were not slavish and imitative non- productive scholars, they would have proved by now, that the discovery credited to Copernicus, that the earth goes round the Sun, was made many centuries earlier by Aryabhatt; that poetics and aesthetics were developed in India by Bharat Muni and his predecessors long before other continents had even reached rudimetary development in their literary history; that whatever mischief was done by western scholars, particularly the imperialist scholars, was a normal paranoid reaction of the British rulers who found it difficult to accept that the subject Indians were culturally far superior to what the British could ever be in thousand years.' India's ancient history has big gaps caused by time, nature and barbarian invaders. Yet in the fragments of some traditions that exist, Jaimini astrology needs a much closer attention by intelligent scholars of astrology to make astrology the brilliant super-science that it is. It is not with any sense of chauvinism that the word super-science is being used by me here.
Astrology is a super-science. I have given enough proofs through tape-recorded astrological readings in USA to hundreds, while in India I have given similar proofs in my articles, books and to many, in fact thousands, verbally. It was done through the composite techniques of astrological prediction, which is actually the blending of the astrological techniques of two of the greatest geniuses of astrology in the history of the world, Maharshi Parashara and Maharshi Jaimini, a technique which is vaguely hinted at in the great classic, the Jatak Tattwa of Mahadeva. I have given many such examples in my book, Astrological Journey through History, Mystery and Horoscopes. Serious students of astrology have found this book most useful and technically innovative. Predicting through Jaimini's Chara Dasha
Jaimini Rishi
Who was this great jaimini rishi?
The simple answer is that we have heard of him, have read his great aphorisms called the Jaimini Sutres, translated by many scholars, without illustrating how actually they are to be used for astrological predictions. This is the greatest drawback with the books on astrology written by contemporary Indians. They seem to know what they are doing yet they know not what they are doing.
Three decades ago I had given up jaimini as hopeless but fruitful, illuminating but confusing. No one, who claimed to be predicting through jaimini astrology could give me a single correct instance or even show a replicable technique. I will not mention the names of people who wrote books on jaimini but could not even explain most ordinary jaimini techniques of predictions.
The Unknown Gurus
I have given in the introduction to the first edition how I discovered jaimini technique accidentally, through God's grace.' In a train, on a pilgrimage, I found two Andhra pandits discussing a horoscope through jaimini system in Telugu language which is my mother tongue. I never allowed them to know that I knew both astrology and a bit of jaimini. Better still, they did not know that I understood Telugu language. Their discussions gave me some clues to the interpreting jaimini which is not given in any book. It is to those unknown gurus that I dedicate this book. The train reached its destination and I, could get no further clues. My efforts to rediscover the jaimini tradition became very intense after that. I decided that I had to look at this great system in a different way. Aware as I am, the greatest secrets of Hindu astrology are still hidden in parampara (tradition) and are not available in books and are confined mostly to Andhra Pradesh.
Vemuri Rama Murthy Shastri
I first heard about a very proud Andhra astrologer, totally puritanical, uncompromising and never doing the Vimshottari Dasha for his predictions. He confined himself to the birth horoscope, the navamsha and used only jaimini dashas, not one but more than thirty, at least. He knew exactly which dasha was applicable to which horoscope depending on planetary patterns. His name Vemuri Rama Murthy Shastri and his Vaidiki background about which one of his admirers from Andhra Pradesh spoke aroused in me a keen desire to know about him. It gave me some idea of the man. His prodigious Sanskrit learning, rediscovery of lost jaimini techniques and the cut sharp and biting remarks had won him no friends. We, these days, do not live in a world where a teacher, however great, can afford to speak bitingly and still retain faithful students or disciples with him. The gun has to condescend to flatter the ego of the disciple. The disciple remembers more of his own academic background arrogantly and wants to be treated as an important person. Even in such an attitude there is no humility but the hidden tendencies of a smuggler. Similarly an astrologer who edits an astrological journal begins to be regarded all a good or even great astrologer like, the writer of books on astrology which may be nothing more than mere methodical rearrangement of all available material on the subject he is writing on. Vemuri Rama Murthy Shastri never tolerated such astrological upstarts was what my friend often told me. A well-known editor of an astrological journal offered him a job of Rs.500 in his office. Vemuri Rama Murthy Shastri looked a him contemptuously and, is said, to have asked him whether he could even predict properly through jaimini system since, he had written a book on jaimini already. And then Vemuri told him that he could earn that amount in half-an-hour in one reading in his village.
Three Remarkable Predictions
The question uppermost in my mind was how sound and accurate were the readings of Vemuri. I came to know first about three l Long Range Prediction - The first was when as early as 1952 or 1953 an anxious father had shown his son's horoscope to all well known astrologers who had only fatal predictions to give about the child. Total ruination of the family, loss of property and early death to the parents were the predictions by all. The anxious father then went to the village in East Godawari district in Andhra Pradesh where Vemuri lived. The predictions he gave were that the child would become a very prosperous commercial artist and would earn in millions; that he would be the only one to serve his parents as his other brothers and sister: would move out of India and finally till t 985, his parents would be hale and hearty. Thirty years later, in 1983 I had an occasion to verify this prediction. Every word of Vemuri came out correct. Vemuri gave all his predictions in writing, giving some astrological reason also often, which no one who did not know jaimini could have ever understood. I had an occasion to see the horoscope some years later. I found out the reason He seemed to ignore the friendship and enmity factors of Parashara astrology and the ill-effects of a combust planet, on both of which he had a different interpretation. I must say that after that great reading of his, the strong negativity factor we stress in pure Parashari astrology will have to be re-viewed, I felt strongly. I have benefitted by doing it. That was the first great lesson I learnt from Vemuri.
2. Short Rimge Prediction - A well-known politician of Andhra
Pradesh who later rose high in the central politics was a minister in the Congress cabinet of Andhra Pradesh sometime in the seventies. Unable to face intrigues, he felt that he would be dropped from the cabinet. Vemuri who then had made a short visit to Hyderabad visited the house of my friend where this politician went to meet him. My friend took the precaution of presenting before Vemuri a horoscope of that politician he had prepared according to the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha. Why did he insist on the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha I asked my friend. He told me that Vemuri gave predictions on the basis of horoscopes he prepared himself from a different panchanga (almanac) which gave him wrong navamsha. Most of the predictions Vemuri gave on wrong navamshas went wrong, he told me. In this case, he gave him a correct navamsha based on the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha.
Vemuri's prediction was that this politician had nothing to worry about it. Then he said thunderingly that exactly after fifteen days he would become the Chief Minister of the state. No one had believed him then. Fifteen days after when it happened exactly and that politician became Chief Minister, my friend asked him how he could predict it so exactly. Vemuri explained to him that a very special Jaimini dasha used upto three levels when combined with a method of interpreting transit of planets differently could always help one see the crucial week of an event. I learnt about this and tried it with some success. Yet, I feel that I have not understood this secret of a great parampara properly.
3. Extraordinary Use of Various Dashas - Since many people from Andha Pradesh came to consult me in Delhi, I asked them to give written predictions from Vemuri on the horoscopes I prepared on the basis of the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha, remembering my friend's warning that some of Vemuri's predictions went wrong because of wrong Karakas and wrong navamsha. Those people read some parts of some of the written predictions of Vemuri, avoiding some unpleasant ones which Vemuri never failed to point out. Invariably, in each of those horoscopes, Vemuri used different dashas. It amazed me how many dashas he knew and how correct he could be.
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