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Jump into the chronicle of scientific achievements of India, a triumph for the world

India positions third among the most appealing technological investment places for innovation exchanges on the planet. Current India has had serious areas of strength in science and innovation, understanding that it is a vital component for financial development. India is among the highest nations on the planet in the field of logical examination, situated as one of the main five countries in the field of space investigation. The nation has consistently attempted space missions, including missions to the moon and the popular Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). India is probably going to play the main job in sending off satellites for the SAARC countries, creating income by offering its space offices for use to different nations. India currently positions 46 among 50 nations in the Global Innovation Index (GII).

The Government is widely advancing research park tech business incubators, which would advance the innovative thoughts till they become business ventures. Indian science and innovation started at Mehrgarh (presently in Pakistan) and went on all through the nation's history. Individuals created various frameworks of agribusiness, water system, channels, and water stockpiling frameworks, including artificial lakes. Cotton was developed too. The earliest dock on the planet, which could act as a berth for administration ships, was located at Lothal in Gujarat. Indian metallurgy was exceptionally best in class. Steel was made in India. The iron support point situated in Delhi is seven meters high and has never rusted. Even there were dental specialists in the Indus-Sarasvati district. 

  1. Family Planning in India: Family Planning in the nation depends on endeavours to a great extent supported by the Indian government. Preventative contraceptive utilization has dramatically multiplied and the fertility rate has grown lesser, yet the national fertility rate in outright numbers stays high, causing worry for long-haul populace development. India adds almost a million people to its populace like clockwork. Properly programmed family planning has turned into a need with an end goal to check the extended populace of two billion by the end of the 21st century.

  1. Space Technology in India: Space research exercises were started in India, while applications utilizing satellites were in trial sessions even in the United States. With the live transmission of the Tokyo Olympic Games across the Pacific by the American Satellite 'Syncom-3' exhibiting the force of correspondence satellites, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the principal architect of the Indian space program, immediately perceived the advantages of space innovations for India. Since the beginning, the Indian space program has been arranged well and had three specific components, for example, satellites for correspondence and remote detecting, the space transportation framework, and application programs. Two major functional frameworks have been laid out - the Indian National Satellite (INSAT) for media transmission, TV broadcasting, and meteorological administrations, and the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) for observing and managing the nation's natural resources and Disaster Management Support.

  1. Environmental Management in India: India's financial development throughout recent years has raised the possibility of discarding poverty in the nation. In any case, this development has been blurred by a debasing actual climate and the developing shortage of regular natural resources that are fundamental for supporting further development and discarding poverty. It is no fortuitous event that the least fortunate region of the nation is likewise the most ecologically focused locales, with disintegrated soils, dirtied streams, and corrupted forests. All the while, rapid development has released more prominent public mindfulness and an uncommon interest in the correct management of natural assets including air, water, forests, and biodiversity. Sustainability in environmental management has now become the policy focus of the nation.


Q1. Who is the most respected Indian scientist?

Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his spearheading work on dispersing light. He was the principal Asian and the first non-White to get any Nobel Prize in scientific disciplines.

Q2. What are some of the scientific innovations from India?

Some of them are-

  • The Zero

  • The Ayurveda

  • The USB (Universal Serial Bus)

  • Board games

  • Yoga

  • Buttons

  • Cataract surgery

  • Natural fibers

    Q3. Who wrote the history of science in India?


    The Sushruta Samhita, an Ayurvedic text, contains a description of 1120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants, and 121 preparations from different sources.


    Cataract surgeon, Sushruta (6th century BCE). Minting of metal currency before the 5th century BCE, iron smelting plant (13th century BCE), war rockets by Mysore prince, Hyder Ali, the establishment of The Post Office service in 1837, the railway network in 1871, Observing Solar eclipse of 18 August 1868 & discovering helium from Guntur are some of the major events in the history of Indian science. Scientists like Jagadish Chandra Bose (radio science), C. V. Raman (‘Raman effect’), and Satyendra Nath Bose (the Bose–Einstein theory), are the renowned immortal science writers of India.

    Q4. Who is the founder of Indian science?


    Jagadish Chandra Bose, physicist and biologist are known as the father of Indian Science. He was the founder of Bengali science fiction. Best known for his work with plant physiology and electrical conduction in plants. He invented the crescograph-a device that measures plant response to stimuli-and used it to prove that plants could feel pain and respond to external stimuli.


    He also pioneered research into wireless communication, which led him to contribute significantly to founding what would become wireless technology today (WiFi). Bose died at the age of 79, leaving behind a legacy that has inspired generations of scientists around the world.

    Q5. What is the origin of Indian science?


    On Makar Sankranti day, the sun transits into Capricorn and moves into the northern hemisphere. The knowledge of this astronomical feat is as old as the Indian civilization. Indian astronomy has a long history associated with the Vedas, dating back to 1,500 BCE. Varahamihira, Aryabhata, Bhaskara, and others were renowned ancient Indian astronomers.


    Indian science and technology began in Mehrgarh (now in Pakistan). Different systems of agriculture, irrigation, canals, and water storage were developed, including artificial lakes, by 3,000 BCE. Cotton was cultivated by 5,000–4,000 BCE. Farmed with animal-drawn plows in the Indus Civilisation in 2,500 BCE. The Indus-Sarasvati region used weights and measures.