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The Philosophy of Vedanta Embedded in the People of Maharashtra

The End of the Sacred Vedas, the Vedanta is one of the most significant systems of Indian philosophy. Vedanta is a philosophy that integrates various Vedic knowledge. Not much is known about when the Vedas were written. It is believed that the Vedas are the knowledge about the creation of the world, imparted by God himself to a few enlightened holy individuals who were engrossed in meditation. 

The Vedanta can refer to the following three texts-

  • The Upanishads and its school of Mimansa: The Upanishads present a dream of an interconnected universe with a solitary, binding guideline behind the evident variety in the universe, any verbalization of which is called brahman. Inside this specific circumstance, the Upanishads instruct that brahman lives in the atman, the constant core of the human being.

  • The Brahma-Sutras: Composed by Badrayana, the Brahma Sutras are a class apart as its author gave priority to knowledge over religious rituals. These sutras extensively detail all the spiritual teachings spoken about in the Vedanta.

  • The Bhagavad Gita: The sacred Bhagavad Gita is the mouthpiece of the beloved Lord Krishna. In the sacred text, Krishna talks about how you can kill a body, but never its soul. The soul is reborn once again, or if it belongs to someone who fully understood the ideals of the Absolute Reality, the soul escapes from the cycle of rebirth. 

 Vedanta introduces readers to the world of Maya or "illusion". According to the teachings of the Vedanta, the absolute reality, Brahman does not go through any real transformation. It is the work of the Maya that helps Brahman as the manifest world. Vedanta also introduces its readers to the various levels of Maya, the most significant being Atman. Brahman manifests as the Ishwara, creator God with the help of Maya; while Atman manifests as an individual soul because of obliviousness. 

Meditation and the ideal of non-attachment are extremely essential to find the key into the world of Vedanta. The writings of the Vedanta require awakened human consciousness to fully grasp. The expansion of our consciousness will help us in understanding the knowledge surrounding the reality of life. 

The primary goal of the Vedanta is helping a devotee reach higher levels of consciousness; after which we might be able to meet the Absolute Reality, the Brahman. Vedanta says that it isn’t the final key to the Brahman; all it can do is to eliminate the shield that conceals the Absolute Reality from us.

The Core Ideals of the Vedanta

  1. The absolute reality, Brahman does not have any beginning or end, past existence, name and avatar.

  2. Brahman appears through Maya as the multi-creation, consequently the universe is a deception continually evolving. Space starts when we make some body, memories start when we begin thinking, and causation starts when we apply impediments. The world vanishes when there is no thought like in profound rest and in supernatural awareness, so the world is in the psyche.

  3. Human beings are heavenly and their genuine nature is Atman — boundless, unadulterated, and everlasting. Shortcomings, good or awful, ethical or unethical are all in the psyche. This obliviousness vanishes in the radiance of unadulterated knowledge.

  4. To perceive our Divinity, we can choose to walk on either of the Four Paths of Yoga (Union), Karma (caring help), Gyana (information on the Self), Bhakti (love and commitment), and Raja (methods like contemplation).

  5. Truth is general and can't be restricted by race, religion, or individual decision. It very well might be communicated in various ways. All at last lead to the same truth.


Q1. According to Vedanta, what should be an individual’s aim in life?

True devotees should aim at fulfilling their Dharma and leaving no stones unturned to attain Moksha.

Q2. What does the Vedanta say about achieving Happiness?

According to Vedanta, a balanced temper and mind can help an individual attain bliss and happiness.