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India, the Land of Yoga Staggered through unforgettable expressions

India has been the harbinger of hope for the West for a long time, as the legendary land of pious sages, the most exemplary spiritual leaders and healers of the soul. It is known for its gigantic cultural influence that has profoundly affected the world for millennia. The richness of India's way of life is manifested in many customs, dialects, beliefs, and ceremonies that lend it both riches and spiritual depth. Individuals of this worshipped land radiate a feeling of vitality and good energy that conveys life's essence. Although the West has projected its impact through colonial rule, individuals of India have held onto their rich culture and legacy.

Yoga, one of the most significant components of the Indian way of life, originated in the very soil of India from the minds of pious Indians. Adiyogi, the legendary man in the field of Yoga, propagated the  study of Yoga to the incredible Saptrishis or "seven sages." He gave to the world of Yoga the 112 ways mortal creatures can outperform their sicknesses and release their expressive potential. Adiyogi's contributions were conveyed to various regions of the planet by these seven enlightened sages. The term Yoga Sutra came to light after the legendary Maharishi Patanjali identified differentiated and complex Yogic. Accepted to be the manifestation of Anantha, the thousand-headed snake ruler, he was honoured with a profound comprehension of the human body, psyche, and cognizance. His brief Sanskrit lesson on the fundamental way of thinking and strategy of Yoga, frames the foundation of Yoga writing. 

Inside every human is a flash of imagination; call it the spirit, the existence force. This flash structures the premise of human cognizance. Each individual is remarkable since he delivers an extraordinary blend of powers rotating around a spiritual centre. Yoga assists us with associating this spiritual centre with the pervading cosmic source.

The Branches of Yoga

The general philosophy of yoga is tied with associating the brain, body, and soul. Yoga has six branches. Each branch addresses an alternate focus and set of qualities. The six branches are:

Hatha yoga: A physically-intensive variety of Yoga that helps nurture the vita; energy stored in our body and mind.

Raja yoga: The variety of Yoga that seeks peace, and contentment as mediums to connect to the Supreme Soul.

Karma yoga: The variety of yoga encourages an individual to shed negative values that are on the lines of self-centeredness to achieve self-liberation (Moksha). 

Bhakti yoga: The variety of Yoga encourages the dedicated worship of a personal deity.

Jnana yoga: This variety of Yoga seeks the truth, and wisdom through meditation and contemplation. 

Tantra yoga: This variety of Yoga opens the door in an individual’s body to experience their Kundalini energy. 

Yoga and its relation with Chakras

The human body is the storehouse of a turning wheel of various points of energy, sentiments, consideration and the energy involving the physical body; traditionally known as "Chakra". An imbalance in the Chara can trigger physical, mental, or emotional imbalances that manifest as tension, dormancy, or poor digestion. Chakras enable how human beings experience reality. In order to balance the chakra, Individuals practise yoga and use asana stances to free the energy and invigorate an imbalanced chakra.


Q1. What is the primary benefit of practising Yoga?

Yoga involves a lot of slow movements and deep breathing exercises that help in retaining the strength, flexibility and balance of the body.

Q2. What is the best yoga that beginners can practise?

Hatha Yoga is the best yoga to start off your yoga journey with.